(1) I feel that the best that I can do, in order to clarify this subject more completely, is to describe the sequence of events which happen at a death bed, reminding you that the points of final abstraction are three in number: the head, for disciples and initiates and also for advanced mental types; the heart, for aspirants, for men of goodwill, and for all those who have achieved a measure of personality integrity, and are attempting to fulfil, as far as in them lies, the law of love; and the solar plexus, for the undeveloped and emotionally polarised persons. All I can do is to tabulate the stages of the process, leaving you to accept them as an interesting and possible hypothesis awaiting verification; to believe them unquestioningly because you have confidence in my knowledge, or to reject them as fantastic, unverifiable, and of no moment anyway. I recommend the first of the three, for it will enable you to preserve your mental integrity, it will indicate an open mind, and at the same time it will protect you from gullibility, and from narrow-mindedness. These stages, therefore, are:
1. The soul sounds forth a “word of withdrawal” from its own plane, and immediately an interior process and reaction is evoked within the man upon the physical plane.
1. 灵魂从它自己的层面发出“撤回的话语”,即刻引发物质层面人内在的过程和回应。
a. Certain physiological events take place at the seat of the disease, in connection with the heart, and affecting also the three great systems which so potently condition the physical man: the blood stream, the nervous system in its various expressions, and the endocrine system . . .
a. 在疾病发生的部位会发生某些生理事件,与心脏有关,并且还影响到三个重要的系统,这些系统有效地调节人的物质身体:血液、遍布全身的神经系统和内分泌系统…
b. A vibration runs along the nadis. The nadis are, as you well know, the etheric counterpart of the entire nervous system, and they underlie every single nerve in the entire physical body. They are the agents par excellence, of the directing impulses of the soul, reacting to the vibratory activity which emanates from the etheric counterpart of the brain. They respond to the directing Word, react to the “pull” of the soul, and then organise themselves for abstraction. [Page 71]
b. 振动沿着经络运行。众所周知,经络是整个神经系统的以太对应体,它们是整个物质身体中每一根神经的根基。它们是传导灵魂脉冲的卓越代理,对大脑的以太对应体发出的振动活动做出回应。它们对来自灵魂指导性的话语做出回应,对灵魂的“拉回”作出反应,然后组织自己进行撤回。
c. The blood stream becomes affected in a peculiarly occult manner.
d. A psychic tremor is established, which has the effect of loosening or breaking the connection between the nadis and the nervous system; the etheric body is thereby detached from its dense physical sheath, though still interpenetrating every part of it.
d. 建立了一种精神震颤,它具有放松或者破坏经络和神经系统之间连接的效果;以太体因此从它稠密的物质外壳中脱离出来,尽管在每一部分仍然互相渗透着。
2. There is frequently a pause at this point, of a shorter or longer period of time. This is allowed in order to carry forward the loosening process as smoothly and as painlessly as possible. This loosening of the nadis starts in the eyes. This process of detachment, often shows itself in the relaxation and lack of fear which dying persons so often show; they evidence a condition of peace, and a willingness to go, plus an inability to make a mental effort. It is as if the dying person, still preserving his consciousness, gathers his resources together for the final extraction. . .
2. 此时通常会发生暂停,时间或长或短。这是被允许的,为的是尽可能让这个脱离过程以顺利和无痛苦的方式进行下去。经络的脱离始于双眼。这种脱离的过程,常常表现为临终者时常表现出的放松和无所畏惧;他们证明了一种平静的状态,一种愿意离开的态度,以及无法进行脑力活动的能力。就好像是临终之人,还保存着自己的意识,聚集着自己的资源,进行最终的脱离…
3. Next, the organised etheric body, loosened from all nervous relationship through the action of the nadis, begins to gather itself together for the final departure. It withdraws from the extremities towards the required “door of exit”, and focusses itself in the area around that door, for the final “pull” of the directing soul. … A dual attractive process is at this stage going on:
3. 接下来,组织化的以太体,通过脉络的行动,把自己从所有的神经系统的关联中脱离出来,开始为最终的离开而聚集在一起。它从四肢撤回至所需的“出口之门”,把自己集中在那个大门周围的区域,为处于指挥中的灵魂做最终的“拉回”…在这个阶段进行的是双重吸引过程:
a. The vital body is being prepared for exit.
a. 能量体正为退出做准备。
b. The physical body is responding to dissolution.
b. 物质身体对瓦解做出回应。
It might be added that a third activity is also present. It is that of the conscious man, withdrawing his consciousness, steadily and gradually, into the astral and mental vehicles, preparatory to the complete abstraction of the etheric body when the right time comes. The man is becoming less and less attached to the physical plane, and more withdrawn within himself. In the case of an advanced person, this process is consciously undertaken, and the man retains his vital interests and his awareness of relationships to others even whilst losing his grip on physical existence. In old age this detachment can be more easily noted than in death through disease, and frequently the soul or the living, interested, inner man, can be seen losing his grip on physical and, therefore, illusory reality.
4. Again a pause ensues. This is the point where the physical elemental can at times regain its hold upon the etheric body, if that is deemed desirable by the soul, if death is not part of the inner plan, or if the physical elemental is so powerful that it can prolong the process of dying. This elemental life will sometimes fight a battle lasting for days and weeks. When, however, death is inevitable, the pause at this point will be exceedingly brief, sometimes only for a matter of seconds. The physical elemental has lost its hold, [Page 72] and the etheric body awaits the final “tug” from the soul, acting under the Law of Attraction.
4. 停顿再次出现。如果灵魂认为这是可取的,如果死亡不是灵魂计划的一部分,如果物质层面的元素如此强大延长了死亡的过程,那么物质元素有的时候可以重新掌控以太体。这种元素生命有的时候会进行一场持续数天或者数周的战斗。然而,当死亡不可避免时,此时的停顿会非常短暂,有的时候只有几秒钟。物质元素失去了它的控制,以太体等待灵魂最后的“拉动”,在吸引力法则的作用下运作。
5. The etheric body emerges from the dense physical body in gradual stages, and at the chosen point of exit. When this emergence is complete, the vital body then assumes the vague outline of the form that it energised, and this under the influence of the thoughtform of himself, which the man has built up over the years. This thoughtform exists in the case of every human being, and must be destroyed before the second stage of elimination is finally complete. We will touch upon this later. Though freed from the prison of the physical body, the etheric body is not yet freed from its influence. There is still a slight rapport between the two, and this keeps the spiritual man still close to the body just vacated. That is why clairvoyants often claim to see the etheric body hovering around the death bed or the coffin. Still interpenetrating the etheric body, are the integrated energies, which we call the astral body, and the mental vehicle, and at the centre there is a point of light which indicates the presence of the soul.
5. 以太体逐渐地从稠密的肉身中脱离,到达既定的出口。当这种脱离完成,能量身体就会呈现出它能量形态的模糊轮廓,受制于这个人多年建立起来的思想形态的影响。这种思想形态在每个个体的状况中都存在,必须在第二阶段的消融最终完成前被摧毁。我们稍后会谈到这一点。虽然从物质身体的牢笼中解脱出来,但是以太体并没有完全摆脱它的影响。这两者之间还存在着一丝丝的关系,让灵性之人仍然靠近着刚刚腾空的身体。这就是为什么一些有灵性视力的人经常说可以在临终床或棺材的周围看到以太体的盘旋。仍然渗透进入以太体的,是整合的能量,我们称之为星光体和心智体载具,在其中央有一个光点,表明了灵魂的临在。
6. The etheric body is gradually dispersed as the energies of which it is composed, are reorganised and withdrawn, leaving only the pranic substance which is identified with the etheric vehicle of the planet itself. This process of dispersal is, as I have earlier said, greatly aided by cremation. In the case of the undeveloped person, the etheric body can linger for a long time in the neighbourhood of its outer disintegrating shell, because the pull of the soul is not potent, and the material aspect is. Where the person is advanced, and therefore detached in his thinking from the physical plane, the dissolution of the vital body can be exceedingly rapid. Once it is accomplished, the process of restitution is over; the man is freed, temporarily at least, from all reaction to the attractive pull of physical matter; he stands in his subtle bodies, ready for the great act to which I have given the name “The Art of Elimination”.
6. 以太体根据它自身的能量构成而逐渐瓦解、重组和撤回,只留下与地球自身以太体相同的普拉纳物质。正如我之前所说,这种瓦解的过程通过火葬得到了极大的协助。对于未进化的人来说,以太体可以在其外壳瓦解时在其附近逗留很长的时间,因为灵魂的拉力并不大,物质层面的拉力较大。如果一个人是进化的状态,他的思想脱离了物质层面,能量体的瓦解就会非常迅速。一旦完成,还原的过程就结束了;一个人至少暂时性地摆脱了对物质吸引力的所有回应;他站在他精微的身体中,准备好进行伟大的行动,我赋予这场行动的名字“消融的艺术”。
The Integrity of the Inner Man: One thought emerges as we conclude this inadequate consideration of the death of the physical body in its two aspects: that thought is the integrity of the inner man. He remains himself. He is untouched and untrammelled; he is a free agent as far as the physical plane is concerned, and is responsive now to only three predisposing factors:
1. The quality of his astral-emotional equipment.
1. 他星光-情感载具的品质
2. The mental condition in which he habitually lives.
2. 他通常的心智状态
3. The voice of the soul, often unfamiliar but sometimes well known and loved.
3. 灵魂的声音,通常是陌生的,但是有时候会很熟悉并受到喜爱。
Individuality is not lost; the same person is still present upon the planet. Only that has disappeared which was an integral part of the tangible appearance of our planet. That which has been loved or hated, which has been useful to humanity or a liability, which has served the race or been an ineffectual member of it, still persists, is still in touch with the qualitative and mental processes of existence, and will for ever remain – individual, qualified by ray type, part of the kingdom of souls, and a high initiate in his own right. (17 – 472/8).
(2) The process of death is occultly as follows:
a. The first stage is the withdrawal of the life force in the etheric vehicle, from the dense physical body, and the consequent “falling into corruption” and becoming “scattered to the elements”. Objective man fades out and is no more seen by the physical eye, though still in his etheric body. When etheric vision is developed, the thought of death will assume very different proportions. When a man can be seen functioning in his etheric physical body by a majority of the race, the dropping of the dense body will be considered just as a release.
a. 第一个阶段是以太载具中的生命力从稠密的肉身中撤回,随之而来的就是肉体“进入瓦解”并“散落到元素”之中。客体的人逐渐消失,不再被肉眼看到,尽管他仍然在他以太体中。当以太视觉得到发展时,死亡的想法将会呈现出不同的意义。当一个人可以被种族的大多数人看到他在自己的以太身体中运作时,稠密肉身的脱离会被看作一种解脱。
b. The second stage is the withdrawal of the life force from the etheric body, and its devitalisation . . .
b. 第二个阶段是生命力从以太体中撤回,以太体失去活力…
c. The third stage is the withdrawal of the life force from the astral or emotional form, so that it disintegrates in a similar manner, and the life is centralised elsewhere. It has gained an increase of vitality through physical plane existence, and added colour through emotional experience.
c. 第三个阶段是生命力从星光体或情绪体中撤回,让其以相似的方式瓦解,生命集中在别处。它通过物质层面的体验,获得了生命力的增长;通过情绪的体验增添了色彩。
d. The final stage for the human being, is its withdrawal from the mental vehicle. The life forces after this fourfold abstraction are centralized entirely in the soul. (17 – 414/5), (3 – 735/7).
d. 人类的最终阶段,是从心智体载具中撤回。通过这四重的抽离,生命力完全集中于灵魂。