(1) There is much misapprehension in people’s minds as to how a Master lets an accepted disciple become aware that he is accepted. An impression is abroad that he is told so, and that an interview is accorded wherein the Master accepts him and starts him to work. Such is not the case. The occult law holds good in discipleship as in initiation, and the man goes forward blindly. He hopes but he does not know; he expects that it may be so, but no tangible assurance is given; from a study of himself and of the requirements, he arrives at the conclusion that perhaps he has reached the status of accepted disciple. He therefore acts on that assumption, and with care he watches his acts, guards his words, and controls his thoughts so that no overt act, unnecessary word or unkind thought will break the rhythm which he believes has been set up. He proceeds with his work, but intensifies his meditation; he searches his motives; he seeks to equip his mental body; he sets before himself the ideal of service and seeks ever to serve; and then (when he is so engrossed in the work on hand that he has forgotten himself), suddenly one day he sees the One Who has for so long seen him.
This may come in two ways; in full waking consciousness, or by the registering of the interview on the physical brain as it has been participated in during the hours of sleep.
But accompanying this recognition of the event by the disciple, will come certain other recognitions:
1. The event is recognised as fact past all controversy. No doubt remains in the disciple’s mind.
1. 这件事被看作是不可争辩的事实。在弟子的心智中没有一丝怀疑。
2. There is recognised an inhibition on the disciple’s part to mention the happening to any one. Months or years may slip away before the disciple will mention it, and then only to those who are also recognised as disciples, or to some fellow worker, also under the same group influence, whose right it is to know and whose right is sanctioned by the Master of the group.
2. 可以观察到,弟子有一种抑制,不愿意对他人提及发生的事情。弟子可能会在数月或者数年之后才会提起它,并且仅仅是针对那些也被作为弟子接收的人、或者是在同一团体的影响下一同工作的人,他们拥有知道的权利,这个权利也被这个团体的上师所批准。
3. Certain factors, governing the Master’s relation to the disciple, are [Page 83] gradually recognised and begin increasingly to govern the disciple’s life.
3. 某些决定着上师与弟子之间关系的因素,逐渐被认识,并开始越来越多地主宰弟子的生活。
a. He recognises that his points of contact with his Master are governed by group emergency and need, and deal with his group service. It gradually dawns on him that his Master is only interested in him insofar as his ego can be used in service, through the personality on the physical plane. He begins to realise that his Master works with his soul and that it is his ego, therefore, which is en rapport with the Master and not the personal self. His problem, therefore, becomes increasingly clear, and this is the problem of all disciples. It is to keep the channel of communication open between the soul and the brain, via the mind, so that when the Master seeks to communicate, He can do so at once and easily. Sometimes a Master has to wait weeks before He can get His disciple’s ear, for the channel upward is closed and the soul is not en rapport with the brain. This is especially true of the early stages of discipleship.
a. 他意识到他与上师的连结点是受集体紧急状况和需要所主宰的,与他对团体的服务有关。他逐渐明白,他的上师对他感兴趣的原因,是因为他的灵魂可以通过在物质层面的人格进行服务。他开始意识到他的上师与他的灵魂一起工作,因此是他的灵魂与上师和谐共处,而非他的人格自我。因此,他的问题也开始变得越来越清晰,这也是所有弟子的问题。那就是让灵魂和大脑之间通过心智的沟通渠道畅通无阻,这样当上师寻求交流时,他就可以立即轻松地去做。有的时候,上师必须等待数周才能让他弟子的耳朵听到,因为向上的通道关闭,灵魂与大脑的关系不融洽。弟子的早期训练尤其如此。
b. He finds that one of the first things he has to do is to learn to discriminate between:
His own soul’s vibration.
The vibration of the group of disciples with whom he is associated.
The vibration of the Master.
All three are different and it is easy to confuse them, especially at first. It is a safe rule for aspirants to assume when they contact a high vibration and stimulus, that it is their own soul contacting them, the Master in the heart, and not run off with the idea (so flattering to their pride and personality) that the Master is endeavouring to reach them.
c. He finds also that it is not the habit of the Masters to flatter or to make promises to Their disciples. They are too busy and too wise, nor do They trouble Themselves to tell Their disciples that they are destined for high office, or that they are Their intermediaries and that the Hierarchy is depending on them. Ambition, love of power, and the self-sufficiency which characterises many mental types, test out the struggling aspirant, and he gets from his personality all he needs in that line. These qualities delude him and lead him astray, forcing him onto a pedestal from which eventually he must descend. The Masters say nothing to feed pride in Their disciples, nor do They speak words to them which could foster in Their chelas the spirit of separateness.
c. 他还发现,大师不会去奉承或者对他的弟子们许下承诺。他们太忙、太智慧,他们也懒得告诉弟子他们注定要担任高职,或者是他们是上师的中间人,灵性阶层依赖于他们。野心、对权利的热爱和自满,是很多心智类型的典型特征,考验着奋斗中的寻求者,他从他的人格中得到了他在这方面所需要的一切。这些特征欺骗了他,让他误入歧途,迫使他走上一个基座,而他最终必须要从基座上下来。上师们不会说滋养他弟子骄傲的话语,他们也不会说出滋养他的门徒分离特质的话语。
d. The disciple soon finds also that the Masters are not easily accessible. They are busy men, ill able to spare even a few moments in which to communicate with the disciple, and only in emergencies, in the case of [Page 84] a beginner on the Path of Discipleship, do the Masters expend the necessary energy with which to get en rapport. With old and tried disciples, the contacts are more frequent, being more easily achieved and bearing more rapid results. It should be remembered, however, that the newer the disciple the more he demands attention and considers he should have it. The old and more experienced servers seek to fulfil their obligations and carry forward their work with as little contact with the Masters as possible. They seek to save the Master’s time and frequently consider an interview with the Master as demonstrating failure on their part, and producing, therefore, regret that they have had to take the Master’s precious time, and force Him to use His energy in order to safeguard the work from error, and the disciple perhaps from harm. The aim of every high disciple is to carry out his work and be en rapport with the spiritual force centre which is his group, and thus in steady touch with the Master, without interviews and phenomenal contacts. Many only expect to contact their Master once a year, usually at the time of the full moon in May.
d. 弟子很快就发现,上师并不容易接近。他们是忙碌的人,甚至无法腾出片刻与弟子交流,只有在紧急情况下,在弟子之路上的初学者,大师们才会花费必要的精力与他建立融洽的关系。对备受磨练的弟子来说,接触越频繁,且更容易达成,见效更快。然而应该记住的是,弟子越是新,他就越需要关注,并认为他自己应该得到关注。年长且更有经验的服务者寻求在履行其义务的同时,在尽可能少地与扬升大师接触的情况下推进他们的工作。他们试图去节省上师的时间,常常认为与上师的面谈是他们做得失败的证明,因此后悔他们不得不占用上师宝贵的时间,强迫他使用他的能量来让工作免于错误,以及让弟子免于受到可能的伤害。每个高阶弟子的目标就是展开他的工作,并与他团体的灵性力量中心和谐共处,与上师保持稳定的连结,从而不需要面谈和实质性的接触。许多人只希望每年联系他们的上师一次,通常是在五月的满月之时。
e. He finds also that the relationship between Master and disciple is governed by law, and that there are definite stages of contact and grades in the desired rapport. (4 – 169/72).
e. 他也发现,上师和弟子的关系是由法则主宰的,想要融洽的关系,也一定有着明确的接触阶段和等级。
(2) Once he is an accepted disciple, and has definitely undertaken the work in preparation for initiation, there is for him no turning back. He could not if he would, and the Ashram protects him. (18 – 60).
(3) An accepted disciple is one who:
1. Has accepted the fact of the Hierarchy with the implications of loyalty and co-operation which that acceptance involves.
1. 接受了灵性阶层,以及接收所涉及的忠诚和合作的意义。
2. Has accepted the fact that all souls are one and who has, therefore, pledged himself to seek expression as a soul. The service to be rendered is the awakening and stimulation of all souls contacted.
2. 接受所有的灵魂都是合一的事实,他因此承诺让自己作为灵魂去表达。要提供的服务就是唤醒和激发所有接触到的灵魂。
3. Has accepted the occult technique of service. His service to humanity determines all his activities, and subordinates his personality to the need of the time. Note that phrase. Cultivate insight and a fluid response to the immediate need and not a sensitive reaction to a distant goal.
3. 他接受了服务的秘法技巧。他对人类的服务决定了他所有的活动,并让他的人格服从于时代的需要。请注意这句描述。培养对眼前需求的洞察力和流畅的回应,而不是对某个遥远目标的灵敏回应。
4. Has accepted the Plan, as indicated by the Teachers of the race. He seeks to understand the nature of that Plan and to facilitate its manifestation. (5 – 83).
4. 他接受了神圣计划,正如人类种族的导师所指。他寻求理解那个计划的本质,并促进其实现。
(4) When the fluctuations of contact are ended and the pupil is stabilised and becomes a “steadily approaching point of energy”, then he becomes an accepted disciple. (5 – 98).
(5) The first initiation ever precedes the stage of accepted discipleship. No Master accepts a disciple and takes him into His ashram, in whom the birth of Christ has not taken place. (5 – 717).
(6) The term, Accepted Disciple, covers the stages of the first and second initiations. (5 – 728).
(7) Initiated disciples have no interest in anything but the vision, the Plan, and its direction and materialising upon earth. Accepted disciples are learning this. (5 – 731).
(8) There are only about four hundred accepted disciples in the world at this time (1934) – that is men and women who really know they are disciples and know what their work is, and are doing it. There are nevertheless many hundreds (out of the present generation of young people) who stand on the verge of acceptance, and thousands are upon the probationary path. (4 – 164).
(8)当前(1934年),全世界大约只有四百名接收的弟子 —— 他们是知道自己是弟子、知道他们的工作是什么、并展开他们工作的男男女女。不过,还有数百人(在当代的年轻人中)站在被接收的边缘,数千人在预备阶段。
See also: “The six Stages of Discipleship”. (5 – 673/773).