(1) The Dweller on the Threshold is usually regarded as presenting the final test of man’s courage, and as being in the nature of a gigantic thoughtform or factor which has to be dissipated, prior to taking initiation. Just what this thoughtform is, few people know, but their definition includes the idea of a huge elemental form which bars the way to the sacred portal, or the idea of a fabricated form, constructed sometimes by the disciple’s Master to test his sincerity. Some regard it as the sumtotal of a man’s faults, his evil nature, which hinders his being recognised as fit to tread the Path of Holiness. None of these definitions, however, give a true idea of the reality. (10 – 21).
(2) The Dweller on the Threshold is illusion-glamour-maya, as realised by the physical brain and recognised as that which must be overcome. It is the bewildering thoughtform with which the disciple is confronted, when he seeks to pierce through the accumulated glamour of the ages, and find his true home in the place of light. (10 – 22).
(3) The Dweller on the Threshold, always present, swings however into activity only on the Path of Discipleship, when the aspirant becomes occultly aware of himself, of the conditions induced within him as a result of his interior illusion, his astral glamour, and the maya surrounding his entire life. Being now an integrated personality (and no one is disciple, my brother, unless he is mental as well as emotional, which is a point the devotee oft forgets) these three conditions (with the preponderance of the effect in one or other of the bodies) are seen as a whole, and to this whole the term “Dweller on the Threshold” is applied. It is in reality a vitalised thoughtform – embodying mental force, astral force and vital energy. (10 – 27).
(3)门槛上的居住者一直存在着,然而只有弟子走在修行之路上时才会活跃起来,当求道者开始在秘法层面觉知到他自己时,开始觉知到外在发生的状况是由于他内在环绕着他整个生命的内在幻相、他星光体的幻相还有魅惑造成的。他现在人格已经整合(除非一个人在心智和情绪层完成整合,否则,我的兄弟,这个人不能成为弟子,这一点是虔诚的人常常忘记的)这三个条件(其中一个或者另一个身体具有主导性的影响)被看作一个整体,适用于“门槛上的居住者”这个术语的描述。实际上它是一种充满生命力的思想形态 —— 表达出心智力量、情感力量和生命能量。
(4) The Dweller on the Threshold does not emerge out of the fog of illusion and glamour, until the disciple is nearing the Gates of Life. Only when he can catch dim glimpses of the Portal of Initiation and an occasional flash of light from the Angel of the Presence, Who stands waiting beside that door, can he come to grips with the principle of duality, which is embodied for him in the Dweller and the Angel. … As yet, my words embody for you symbolically a future condition and event. The day will surely come, [Page 96] however, when you will stand in full awareness between these symbols of the pairs of opposites, with the Angel on the right and the Dweller on the left. May strength then be given to you to drive straight forward between these two opponents, who have for long ages waged warfare in the field of your life, and so may you enter into the Presence where the two are seen as one, and naught is known but life and deity. (10 – 39/40).
(5) The Dweller on the Threshold is oft regarded as a disaster, as a horror to be avoided, and as a final and culminating evil. I would here remind you, nevertheless, that the Dweller is “one who stands before the gate of God”, who dwells in the shadow of the portal of initiation, and who faces the Angel of the Presence open-eyed, as the ancient Scriptures call it. The Dweller can be defined as the sum total of the forces of the lower nature, as expressed in the personality, prior to illumination, to inspiration, and to initiation. The personality per se, is, at this stage, exceedingly potent, and the Dweller embodies all the psychic and mental forces which, down the ages, have been unfolded in man, and nurtured with care. It can be looked upon as the potency of the threefold material form, prior to its conscious co-operation and dedication to the life of the soul, and to the service of the Hierarchy, of God, and of humanity.
The Dweller on the Threshold is all that man is, apart from the higher spiritual self; it is the third aspect of divinity, as expressed in and through the human mechanism. This third aspect must be eventually subordinated to the second aspect, the soul. (15 – 312).
(6) Memory . . . is not simply just a faculty of the mind, as is so often supposed, but it is essentially a creative power. It is basically an aspect of thought, and – coupled with imagination – is a creative agent, because thoughts are things, as well you know. From ancient recesses of the memory, from a deeply rooted past, which is definitely recalled, and from the racial and the individual subconscious (or founded and established thought reservoirs and desires, inherited and inherent) there emerges from individual past lives and experience, that which is the sumtotal of all instinctual tendencies, of all inherited glamours, and of all phases of wrong mental attitudes; to these, (as they constitute a blended whole) we give the name of the Dweller on the Threshold. This Dweller is the sumtotal of all the personality characteristics which have remained unconquered and unsubdued, and which must be finally overcome before initiation can be taken. Each life sees some progress made; some personality defects straightened out, and some real advance effected. But the unconquered residue, and the ancient liabilities are numerous, and excessively potent, and – when the soul contact [Page 97] is adequately established – there eventuates a life wherein the highly developed and powerful personality becomes, in itself, the Dweller on the Threshold. Then the Angel of the Presence and the Dweller stand face to face, and something must then be done. Eventually, the light of the personal self fades out and wanes in the blaze of glory which emanates from the Angel. Then the greater glory obliterates the lesser. This is, however, only possible when the personality eagerly enters into this relation with the Angel, recognises itself as the Dweller, and – as a disciple – begins the battle between the pairs of opposites, and enters into the tests of Scorpio. These tests and trials are ever self-initiated; the disciple puts himself into the positive or conditioning environment wherein the trials and the discipline are unavoidable and inevitable. When the mind has reached a relatively high stage of development, the memory aspect is evoked in a new and conscious manner, and then every latent predisposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation, and every controlling fault, rises to the surface of consciousness, and then – the fight is on. (16 – 207/8). See also: (6 – 47/8).
(6)记忆…不仅仅是通常认为的那样只是一种心智能力,本质上它是一种创造力。从根本上来说它是思想的一个面向,并且 —— 与想象力结合 —— 成为了一种创造媒介,因为思想就是事物,正如你所知。从古老的记忆深处,从根深蒂固的过去,这些肯定都会被回忆起,从种族和个人的潜意识中(或者是成立和建立起来的思想储存库,继承的和固有的),会浮现个人过去的生活和体验,它是所有本能性的倾向、所有传承下来的魅惑、以及错误心智态度的所有状态,这些的总和;对于这些,(因为它们构成了一个混合的整体)我们将其命名为门槛上的居住者。这个居住者是所有未被战胜和制服的人格特征的总和,必须在接受启蒙前被最终克服。每一次生命旅程中都看到了一些进步,有的旅程是人格缺陷得到纠正,有的得到了真正的进步。但是,未被战胜的残留和古老的债务数不胜数,而且过于强大,当 —— 灵魂接触得以充分建立时 —— 最终会出现一种生命,高度发展和强大的人格自身变成了门槛上的居住者。天使的临在和居住者面对面地站着,然后必须要做点什么。最终,个人自我的光芒在天使发出的荣耀之光中逐渐熄灭。然后,更大的荣光抹杀了较小的。然而,只有当人格积极地进入与天使的这种关系时,它才会发生,人格承认自己是居住者,同时 —— 作为弟子 —— 开始了对立双方的战斗,并进入了天蝎座的考验。这些考验和测试都是自我发起的,弟子把自己置身于积极或者特定的环境中,考验和训练就成为了不可避免和必然发生的事情。当心智发展到一个相对较高的成长阶段时,记忆面向就会以一种新的、有意识的方式被唤醒,然后每一种潜在的倾向、每一种种族和民族的本能、每一种未被战胜的状况、每一种控制性的错误,都会浮到意识表面,然后 —— 战争开始了。