(1) Exoteric science is slowly, yet steadily, finding out the nature of phenomena, and discovering for itself the character of electrical manifestation. In their slowness of discovery lies safety. It is not wise nor right yet for the true nature of these different forces and powers to be fully known. (3 – 641).
(2) In the manipulation of electricity lies hid much that concerns the vivification of the bodies, especially just now of the etheric. The principal use of the sun is electrical force adapted to the need of the great average majority, in all the kingdoms of nature. As progress is made, an intensification of this force will be possible in individual cases. Herein lies one of the secrets of initiation. (2 – 336).
(3) The electricity of the solar system is threefold: There is fire by friction, solar fire, and electric fire – fire of body, of soul, and of spirit. Fire by friction is coming to be somewhat understood by the scientists of [Page 103] the world, and we are harnessing to our needs the fire which heats, which gives light, and which produces motion. This is in the physical sense of the words. One of the imminent discoveries will be the integrating power of electricity, as it produces the cohesion within all forms, and sustains all form life during the cycle of manifested existence. It produces also the coming together of atoms, and of the organisms within forms, so constructing that which is needed to express the life principle. (14 – 373/4).
(3)太阳系的电是三重的:摩擦之火、太阳之火和电之火 —— 也就是身体之火、灵魂之火和灵性之火。世界上的科学家对摩擦之火开始有了一定的了解,我们正在利用火来满足我们的需要,火产生热,产生光,并产生运动。这是在物质感官层面的意思。即将到来的发现之一将会是电力的整合能量,因为它在所有的形态中产生凝聚力,并在显化存在的周期维系所有拥有形态的生命。它也带来原子和形态中有机体的凝聚,从而构建出表达生命法则所需。
(4) As yet the mystery of electricity, and the true nature of electrical phenomena (than which there is naught else) is at this time an unrevealed secret, even to the most advanced of the modern scientists. . . . That there is such a thing as electricity, that it probably accounts for all that can be seen, sensed and known, and that the entire universe is a manifestation of electrical power – all this may be stated and is, today, coming to be recognised. But when that has been said, the mystery remains, and will not be revealed, even in partial measure, until the middle of the next century. Then revelation may be possible, as there will be more initiates in the world, and inner vision and inner hearing will be more generally recognised and present. When man arrives at a better understanding of the etheric body and its seven force centres . . . then some further light can intelligibly be thrown upon the nature of the seven types of electrical phenomena, which we call the seven rays. (15 – 82/3).
(4)迄今为止,电的奥秘和电现象的本质(除此之外无他)仍然是一个尚未被解开的秘密,即便是对最进化的现代科学家来说也是如此…存在电这样的东西,它可能解释了所有可以看到、感觉到和被知晓的一切,整个宇宙都是电能的一种表达 —— 所有这些都可以说出来,并在现代逐渐被认识。但是当这句话说完后,奥秘仍然存在,现在不可能去进行部分揭示,直至下个世纪的中叶奥秘才会被揭开。那时才会成为可能,因为那时世界上会有更多的启蒙者,内在的视觉和听觉会被更广泛地认知并呈现出来。当人类对以太体和它七个力量中心有了更好的理解时…然后才会更清楚地了解其中电现象的本质,我们把这七种电现象称之为七道光。
(5) Electricity, in relation to human ills, is as yet an infant science, but it has in it the germs of the new techniques and methods of healing. (17 – 48).
(6) Towards the close of this century, and when the world situation has clarified, and the period of reconstruction is drawing to a close, discoveries will be made which will reveal some hitherto unrealised electrical potencies. I know not what other word to use for these electrical rays, which will make their presence felt, and lead to possibilities beyond the dreams of investigators today. The coming science of electricity will be as different next century, as the modern usages of electricity differ from the understanding of the Victorian scientist. (17 – 376).
(7) People frequently are so preoccupied with the tangible instrument on this side of the veil, that they neglect the factor of what must be contributed from the other side, by those who have passed over.
The work will be done from there, with the material aid which as yet has not been provided in the outer scientific field.
To bring this about, collaboration of a conscious medium (not a trance medium, but someone who is consciously clairvoyant and clairaudient) will [Page 104] be required. There are many such growing up among the children of today, and the next generation after them, will provide still more. The separating veil will disappear through the testimony of the thousands of those who can see phenomena, and hear sounds which lie outside the range of the tangible.
. . . Everything in Nature is electrical in nature; life itself is electricity, but all that we have contacted and used today, is that which is only physical, and related to and inherent in, the physical and etheric matter of all forms. (17 – 377)
(8) As regards the use of radio as a means of communication with the “spirit world”, the present electrical instruments are too slow in vibratory activity (if I may use such an unscientific term) to do the work; if astrally clothed “spirits” approach them, they are apt to have a shattering effect. Yet the first demonstration of existence after death, in such a way that it can be registered upon the physical plane, will come via the radio, because sound always precedes vision. Think on this. However, no radio now exists which is sufficiently sensitive to carry sound waves from the astral plane.
Future scientific discoveries, therefore, hold the secret. This is no evasion on my part, but a simple statement of fact. Electrical discovery is only in the initial stage, and all that we have is simply a prelude to the real discovery. The magic of the radio would be completely unbelievable to the man of the eighteenth century. The discoveries and developments lying ahead in the twenty-first century, will be equally unbelievable to the man of this century. . . . February 1944. (17 – 378).