(1) The life of the occult student is consciously lived in the world of energies. Those energies have always been present, for the whole of existence in all the kingdoms of nature, is manifested energy, but men are not aware of this. They are not conscious, for instance, when they succumb to irritation, and find themselves voicing that irritation in loud words or in angry thought that they are taking astral energy and using it. The use of this energy admits them with ease to a level of astral living which is not suitable for them; continual use of this energy brings about what the Master Morya has called “habits of residence which imperil the resident”. It is when the aspirant recognises that he himself is composed of energy units – held in coherent expression by a still stronger energy, that of integration – that he begins consciously to work in a world of forces similarly composed; he then begins to use energy of a certain kind, and selectively, and takes one of the initial steps towards becoming a true occultist. This world of energy in which he lives and moves, and has his being, is the living, organised vehicle of manifestation of the planetary Logos. Through it energies are circulating all the time, and are in constant movement, being directed and controlled by the head centre of the planetary Logos; they create great vortices of force, or major points of tension throughout His body of manifestation. The Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet is such a vortex; Humanity itself is another, and one which is today in a condition of almost violent activity, owing to its becoming a focus of divine attention. (18 – 549/50).
(1)秘法学生有意识地生活在能量的世界中。那些能量一直存在,因为自然界所有王国的存在都是显化的能量,而人没有意识到这一点。比如,当他们屈服于干扰,去大声说出这种干扰,或者在愤怒地思考时,他们其实是在吸收并使用这些星光层的干扰能量,可他们没有意识到这一点。使用这种能量可以让他们轻松地进入不适合他们的星光层的生活中,持续地使用这种能量可能会导致Morya上师所说的“危害居住者的居住习惯”。当求道者意识到他自己是由能量单位组成的 —— 被一种更强大能量维持在连贯表达中,他意识到那种整合 —— 他开始有意识地在一个由类似能量构成的世界中运作;然后他开始有选择地使用某种能量,并迈出了成为真正的神秘主义者的第一步。他在这个能量世界中生活、运作,并存在着,这个能量世界是行星逻各斯显化的活生生的有机载体。在行星逻各斯头部中心的引导和控制下,通过这个能量世界,能量一直在循环,并不停地运动着;行星逻各斯在他显化出的身体中制造了巨大的力量漩涡、主要的力量点。我们地球的灵性阶层就是这样一个漩涡,人类自身是另一个,因为它成为神圣关注的焦点,现在它处于接近暴力的活动状态。
(2) The work of the occultist and of the aspirant is to arrive at an understanding of these forces, and so learn their nature and their use, their potency [Page 108] and vibratory rate. He has also to learn to recognise their source and be able to differentiate between forces, energies and rays. For the beginner a clear distinction can be made between forces and energies by appreciating the fact that personalities affect us through the forces emanating from their form aspect, but that these same personalities, purified and aligned, can be transmitters of the energies of the soul. (4 – 291).
(3) Aspirants must learn that they are working with, and in, forces, and that right and wrong activity on the physical plane is due simply to a right or wrong direction of the force currents, and not to anything inherently wrong or right in the energies themselves. (4 – 297).
(4) All that is occurring is an evidence of energy and is expressive of force. That is the factor never to be forgotten. It is essential that you recognise them as existing. There is little that you, as individuals or groups, can do about them beyond seeing to it that there is nothing in you which could make you – unimportant as you may be – a focal point of hate, separation, fear, pride and other characteristics, which feed the fires which threaten to bring disaster to the world. Each of you can aid more than you can guess, through the regulation of thought and ideas, through the cultivation of a loving spirit, and through the general use of the Great Invocation, whereby these forces and energies – so sorely needed – can be invoked. (9 – 26).
(4)所有正在发生的一切都是能量的证明,也是能量的表达。这是永远不能忘记的因素。你必须认识到它们是存在的。作为个体或者集体,你对它们几乎无能为力,只能确保你身上没有任何东西可以让你 —— 尽管你可能并不重要 —— 成为仇恨、分离、恐惧、骄傲或者其他特性的焦点,这些助长了带给世界威胁的灾难之火。你们每一个人都可以提供比你想象到的多得多的帮助,通过思想和观念的调整,通过培养有爱的精神,通过对伟大祈请词的普遍应用,这些迫切需要的 —— 力量和能量是可以被调用的。
(5) The disciple learns eventually to know himself to be, above everything else (whilst in incarnation) the director of forces: these he directs from the altitude of the divine Observer, and through the attainment of detachment. . . . These truths are, for you, only the platitudes of occultism, and yet, if you could but grasp the full significance of detachment, and stand serene as the observing Director, there would be no more waste motion, no more mistaken moves, and no more false interpretations, no wandering down bypaths of daily living, no seeing others through distorted and prejudiced vision, and – above all – no more misuse of force.
Again and again, down the ages, the Masters have told Their disciples (as I have told you) that the occultist works in the world of forces. All human beings live and move and express themselves in and through that same world of ever-moving, ever-impacting, outgoing and incoming energies. The occultist, however, works there; he becomes a conscious directing agent; he creates upon the physical plane that which he desires, and that which he desires is the pattern of things, and the design laid down upon the trestle board of the spiritual consciousness by the great divine Architect. (10 – 243/4).
(6) Man moves . . . in a whirlpool of forces of all types and qualities. [Page 109] He is composed of energies in every part of his manifested and unmanifested expression; he is, therefore, related to all other energies. (10 – 246).
(7) Energies and forces are pouring upon our system and our planetary lives ceaselessly, potently, and cyclically. Yet they are only regarded today as existing when definite response is invoked. They come from all kinds of sources, extraneous to our system and planetary schemes, but until man responds and registers them, both scientists and astrologers, fail to recognise them, and they are as if they were not. This is a point to bear in mind as I continue to teach you, for I may indicate some sources of active energy, which may as yet be unknown to you as playing upon our system and its contents. The difficulty will not be because of my inaccuracies, but will be owing to the lack of sensitivity in the mechanism of response which mankind and disciples are at present utilising. (16 – 198).
(8) All diseases – except those due to accidents, wounds resulting in infections, and epidemics – can in the last analysis be traced to some condition of the centres, and therefore to energy running wild, to energy overactive and misdirected, or insufficient and lacking altogether, or retained instead of used and transmuted into a higher corresponding centre of energy. (17 – 240/1).
(8)所有的疾病 —— 除了那些因为事故、导致感染的伤口和流行病之外 —— 归根结底都可以追溯到能量中心的某些状况,因此归因于能量不受束缚的运作,过度活跃或者错误的引导,或者能量的匮乏和不足,或者是因为能量的保留,而不是使用并把它转化至对应的更高等能量中心。
(9) The energy and the forces constitute the sumtotal of all that is. This is another basic truism or platitude upon which the science of occultism is built, and which the healing art must recognise. There is, in manifestation, nothing else of any kind whatsoever. Disease itself is a form of active energy, demonstrating in forces which destroy or produce death. Therefore, if our basic premise is correct, disease is also a form of divine expression, for what we know to be evil is also the reverse side of that which we call good. Shall we belittle the subject or cause a false impression if we regard evil (at least as far as disease is concerned) as misplaced or maladjusted good? Will you misunderstand if I say that disease is energy which is not functioning as desired or according to plan? Inpouring energies are brought into relation with forces, and good health, strong and adequate forms and vital activity result; the same inpouring energies can, however, be brought into relation with the same forces, and a point of friction be set up, producing a diseased area, pain, suffering, and perhaps death. The energies and the forces remain of the same essentially divine nature, but the relationship established has produced the problem. If this sentence is studied it will be obvious that a definition such as that can be used to cover all forms of difficulty, and that the ultimate producer of the situation (either good or evil), is the relation-[Page 110] ship aspect. This statement is of major importance in all your thinking. (17 – 587/8).
(10) It must increasingly be borne in mind that there is nothing in the created world but energy in motion, and that every thought directs some aspects of that energy, though always within the sphere of influence of some greater thinking, directing energy. (17 – 631).
(11) We are on the verge of entering a new era in scientific unfoldment, owing to the discovery of how to release the energy of the atom. Not even the scientists responsible for the discovery have the faintest idea of the far-reaching effects of this momentous happening. From the angle of our subject and the theme of this volume, an entirely new language related to energy and force is already in the making; the use of the discovery in the handling of disease will, in almost the immediate future (from the occult angle) be regarded as little short of miraculous. (17 – 713).
(12) The effect of the impact of energy is dependent upon the nature of the vehicle of response. According to his equipment and the nature of his bodies, so will man react to the inflowing energies. (13 – 85).
(13) Due to the effort of countless thousands of men and women everywhere, energies hitherto unable to penetrate deeper in to substance than the hierarchical substance, and the levels of the higher mental plane can now, for the first time, be successfully anchored on dense physical levels, or at least upon etheric levels. This is a fact, and is far more important than you are perhaps able to appreciate. (13 – 659).
See also: “Esotericism”, and (6 – 132/3, 374/5).