《渊思寂虑》53 以太体(能量体)



(1) In the etheric body, which is an exact replica of its denser counterpart, we have the organ of active radiatory fire, and . . . the vehicle of prana. Its function is to store up the rays of radiatory light and heat which are secured from the sun, and to transmit them, via the spleen, to all parts of the physical body. . . . When the physical furnace burns brightly and when the fuel of the body (pranic rays) is adequately assimilated, the human frame will function as desired. (3 – 57).


(2) The etheric body is the mould of the physical body. . . . The etheric body is the archetype upon which the dense physical form is built, whether [Page 115]it is the form of a solar system, or of a human body in any one incarnation. . . . The etheric body is a web or network of fine interlacing channels, formed of matter of the four ethers, and built into a specific form. . . . These pranic emanations when focalised and received, react upon the dense matter which is built upon the etheric scaffolding and framework . . . This etheric web, during incarnation, forms a barrier between the physical and astral planes, which can only be transcended when consciousness is sufficiently developed to permit escape. . . . When a man has, through meditation and concentration, expanded his consciousness to a certain point, he is enabled to include the subtler planes, and to escape beyond the limits of the dividing web. (3 – 81/82).


(3) The etheric body is really a network of fine channels, which are the component parts of one interlacing fine cord . . . the silver cord. . . . The etheric web is composed of the intricate weaving of this vitalised cord. (3 – 98).


(4) Etheric congestion may lead to many forms of disease and of mental incompetence . . . one portion of the etheric body being congested may lead to the entire physical condition being upset, resulting in diverse complaints. (3 – 109).


(5) Remember always that in dealing with the etheric body we are dealing with physical matter. (3 – 111).


(6) The etheric body is the next aspect of the world substance to be studied by scientists and investigators. (4 – 76).

(6)以太体是科学家和研究人员要探索的下一个世界物质的面向。 (4 – 76)。

(7) The etheric body is composed of force currents, and in it are vital centres linked by lines of force with each other and with the nervous system of the physical man. Through these lines of force, it is connected also with the etheric body of the environing system . . .


The etheric body is vitalised and controlled by thought, and can (through thought) be brought into full functioning activity. This is done by right thinking and not by breathing exercises and holding the nose. When this is grasped, much dangerous practice will be avoided and people will come into a normal and safe control of that most potent instrument, the vital body. That this end may rapidly be consummated is my earnest wish. (4 – 77).


(8) It is through the etheric body that all the energies flow, whether emanating from the soul, or from the sun, or from a planet. (4 – 105).


(9) One of the principal objects of endeavour at the present time on the part of those whom you call the Elder Brothers of the race, is to stimulate, purify and co-ordinate the etheric body. This etheric body is not only the [Page 116] transmitter of prana, but is the medium for all the energies which we are considering. Its importance also lies in other directions:


a. Being of physical plane matter, literally, etheric consciousness is the next step ahead for the race. This will demonstrate at first as the ability to see etherically and to cognise etheric matter.

a. 以太作为物质层面的物质,基本上来说,发展以太意识是种族发展的下一步。这首先会表达为可以看到、识别出以太物质。

b. It is the field of exploration immediately ahead of the modern scientist. In ten years time, many medical practitioners will be recognizing it as a fact of nature.

b. 这是现代科学家马上要进行探索的领域。十年后,许多医学从业者将把它看作自然存在的事实。

c. Most of the diseases that the physical body suffers from at present, have their roots in the etheric body. There are few, if any, purely physical diseases. Disease has its source in astral and etheric conditions.

c. 当前肉身所患的大多疾病,其根源都在以太体。几乎没有纯粹的肉身疾病。疾病的根源在于星光和以太的状况。

d. The etheric emanations of people can be great contaminators. In the purification, therefore, of this body lies the secret of a sweeter and saner humanity.

d. 人们的以太散发可能成为巨大的污染源。因此,身体的净化中蕴藏着更美妙、更智慧的人性奥秘。

e. The secret of safe and sane clairvoyance and clairaudience depends upon the purification of the etheric vehicle. (4 – 372).

e. 安全且明智的以太视觉和听觉的奥秘在于以太载具的净化。

(10) When the man is on the Path of Discipleship and, therefore, upon the reversed wheel, leading to initiation, the etheric body becomes the transmitter of soul energy and not of personality force. (16 – 352).


(11) The etheric body is fundamentally the most important response apparatus which man possesses, producing not only the right functioning of the five senses, and consequently providing five major points of contact with the tangible world, but it also enables a man to register sensitively the subtler worlds, and, when energised and controlled by the soul, the spiritual realms stand wide open also.


The etheric body is a potent receiver of impressions, which are conveyed to the human consciousness through the medium of the awakened centres. There is, for instance, no true clairvoyance until either the solar plexus or the ajna centre is awakened. These transmitted impressions and information become the incentive whereby conscious activity is initiated. There are many words used to describe these forces and their actuating effects: such as impulses, incentives, influences, potencies, desires, aspirations, and many such terms which are only synonyms for force or energy, and thus convey the same general idea. All of these words refer to forms of activity of the etheric body, but only as the physical body registers them, and acts under their impression. The whole theme of motivating force is one of great interest.


The vastness of the subject is, however, so real that only little by little can humanity grasp the situation and come to the realisation that man is [Page 117] essentially (through his etheric body) an integral part of a great vibrant Whole; only in time will he learn that, through the processes of evolution, can he hope to register all the different areas of divine expression. Only when the etheric body is swept into activity under the influence and through the “impressed forces” of the soul, the mind, and temporarily, of the astral body, can man become aware of all the worlds, all phenomena, and all states of consciousness, and so achieve that omniscience which is the birthright of all the sons of God. (17 – 83/4).


(12) You are right in your belief that one can be perfectly healthy, but have little resistance to fatigue.


The principal factors in re-establishing or making a better etheric control are:


1. Sunshine.


2. Careful diet, with the emphasis upon the proteins and vitamins.


3. The avoidance of fatigue and worry.


Against all the above, at this time, climate, world conditions, environment, and our civilisation militate, and the individual has therefore to resign himself to a state of affairs which lies outside his individual control.


A normal, sane, regulated life is the best means for establishing a better measure of vitality. . . . You need to remember, however, that where there is a devitalised etheric body, and conditions are such that a re-establishment of a vital control seems difficult or impossible, there must be recognition of karmic limitations, and a willingness to submit to them and leave affairs to work themselves out. This particular life is not the only one there is. Frequently, therefore, in any particular incarnation, conditions cannot be changed, and are prolonged by inner rebellion and revolt. A disciple has to learn the lesson of going on, as the expression is, in spite of and not because of circumstances. (17 – 326/7).


(13) There are six major propositions which govern all consideration of the etheric body, and I would like to present them to students as a first step:


1. There is nothing in the manifested universe – solar, planetary or the various kingdoms in nature – which does not possess an energy form, subtle and intangible, yet substantial, which controls, governs and conditions the outer physical body. This is the etheric body.

1. 在显化的宇宙中 —— 太阳系、地球或者自然界的不同王国中 —— 没有任何一种是不拥有某种能量形态的,微妙的、无形的,确实实实在在存在的,这能量控制、支配并制约着外在的肉身。它就是以太体。

2. This energy form – underlying the solar system, the planets, and all forms within their specific rings-pass-not – is itself conditioned and governed by the dominant solar or planetary energy, which ceaselessly and without break in time, creates it, changes and qualifies it. The etheric body is subject to ceaseless change. This, being true of the Macrocosm, is equally [Page 118] true of man, the microcosm, and – through the agency of humanity – will eventually and mysteriously prove true of all the subhuman kingdoms in nature. Of this, the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom are already evidence.

2. 这种能量形态 —— 是太阳系、所有行星和在其特定范围内的所有拥有形态生命的基础 —— 它受到主宰的太阳或者行星能量的制约和支配,这些能量持续不间断地在时间中创造它、改变它,并赋予它特质。以太体处于不断变化中。这对于宏观世界来说是真实不虚的,对人类、微观世界也同样适用,并且 —— 通过人类作为媒介 —— 最终将神秘地证明自然界中所有的次人类王国都是真实存在的。就此而言,动物王国和植物王国已经是存在的证据了。

3. The etheric body is composed of interlocking and circulating lines of force, emanating from one or other, or from one or many, of the seven planes or areas of consciousness of our planetary Life.

3. 以太体由互相交错和循环的能量线构成,从我们行星生命的不同意识领域、或是七个层面中的一个或多个中心发射出。

4. These lines of energy, and this closely interlocking system of streams of force, are related to seven focal points or centres, to be found within the etheric body. These centres are related, each of them, to certain types of incoming energy. When the energy reaching the etheric body is not related to a particular centre, then that centre remains quiescent and unawakened; when it is related, and the centre is sensitive to its impact, then that centre becomes vibrant and receptive, and develops as a controlling factor in the life of the man on the physical plane.

4. 这些能量线,这种紧密交错的能量流系统,与七个能量聚焦点或中心有关,它们存在于以太体中。这些中心的每一个都与传输进来的某种特定类型的能量有关。当到达以太体的能量与那个特定的中心没有关联时,那个中心就会保持安静,处于未觉醒的状态;当与那个中心有关时,那个中心会对其影响很敏感,然后能量中心就会变得充满活力并接收能量,发展成为人在物质层面生命的一种控制因素。

5. The dense physical body, composed of atoms – each with its own individual life, light and activity – is held together by, and is expressive of the energies which compose the etheric body. These, as will be apparent, are of two natures:

5. 稠密的肉身是由原子构成的 —— 每个原子都有自己的生命、光和活动 —— 由构成以太体的能量结合在一起,并表达出组成以太体的能量。显然,这些能量有两种特性:

a. The energies which form (through interlocked “lines of forceful energy”) the underlying etheric body, as a whole and in relation to all physical forms. This form is qualified then by the general life and vitality of the plane on which the Dweller in the body functions, and therefore where his consciousness is normally focussed.

a. (通过互相交错的“强力能量线”)构成以太体的能量,是作为一个整体存在的,并与所有的物质形态相关。这种形态是由居住者在身体中运作所处层面的生命和活力状况限定的,正因如此他的意识也通常集中在这个层面。

b. The particularised or specialised energies by which the individual (at this particular point in evolution, through the circumstances of his daily life and his heredity) chooses to govern his daily activities.

b. 个体(在他进化的这个特定点,通过他日常生活的环境和遗传状况)选择某些特殊的或者专门的能量来主宰他日常活动。

6. The etheric body has many centres of force, responsive to the manifold energies of our planetary Life, but we shall consider only the seven major centres which respond to the inflowing energies of the seven rays. All lesser centres are conditioned by the seven major centres; this is a point which students are apt to forget. It is here that knowledge of the egoic and of the personality rays is of prime usefulness.

6. 以太体有很多能量中心,对我们行星生命的多种能量进行回应,但是我们会只考虑七道光的流入能量对七个主要能量中心的影响。所有较小的中心都受制于七个主要中心的制约;这是学生容易忘记的一点。也正是在这里,有关真正自我和人格所属光芒的知识变得最为有用。

It can be seen, therefore, how exceedingly important this subject of energy becomes, because it controls and makes the man what he is at any given moment, and likewise indicates the plane on which he should function, and the method whereby he should govern his environment, circumstances and relationships. . . . He will realise also that as his attitude, attainment and comprehension shift to ever higher levels, his etheric body [Page 119] will be constantly changing and responding to the newer energies. (11 – 142/4).

