The Science of the Antahkarana
This is the new and true science of the mind, which will utilize mental substance for the building of the bridge between personality and the soul, and then between the soul and the spiritual triad. This constitutes active work in substance subtler than the substance of the three worlds of ordinary human evolution. It concerns the substance of the three higher levels of the mental plane. These symbolic bridges, when constructed, will facilitate the stream of flow of consciousness and will produce that continuity of consciousness, or that sense of unimpeded awareness, which will finally end the fear of death, negate all sense of separateness, and make a man responsive in his brain consciousness, to impressions coming to him from the higher spiritual realms or from the Mind of God. Thus he will be more easily initiated into the purposes and plans of the Creator. (Education in the New Age by Alice A. Bailey, p. 95/6). Also see the Aart Jurriaanse article Bridge of Light and Quotes by the Tibetan on the Antahkarana.
Spirits of the elements are forces of nature. The creatures evolved in the four kingdoms, or elements earth (gnomes), air (sylphs), fire (salamanders) and water (undines). These sub-human entities also known as nature spirits are points of consciousness that indwell the elements. They are on the involutionary path or downward arc into matter. This contrasts with the angelic or devic kingdom which is on the evolutionary path evolving toward spirit. The Angelic (Devic) kingdom can control the elemental kingdom. Although humans can contact elementals on the emotional (astral) plane through rituals, ceremonies, and mantras, it is advised that they not contact them directly but work through the angelic kingdom who can safely control them. Some Shamans and ceremonial magicians do work with them directly but in order to do so safely, it helps to be able to see them and to know the words of power to control them.
Monad/Self ― Pure Spirit reflecting the triplicity of Deity: (1) divine Will or Power (the Father); (2) Love-Wisdom (the Son); (3) active Intelligence (the Holy Spirit). The spark of God resident in every human being.
单子/本我 — 纯粹的灵性火花,它反映了神性的三个面向,即灵性三位一体:
1. Divine Will or Power – The Father. 神圣意志或者力量 — 父神
2. Love-Wisdom – The Son 爱-智慧 神圣之子
3. Active Intelligence – The Holy Spirit. 行动 – 神圣的灵性
Permanent atoms
― These are 6 in number. Three relate to the spiritual triad, the mental, buddhic, and atmic permanent atoms. Three relate to the three atoms of the personality vehicle ― physical and astral permanent atoms, and the mental unit ― around which the bodies for a new incarnation are formed. They retain the vibratory rate of the individual at the moment of death, guaranteeing that the energetic evolutionary status thus far achieved will be carried over into successive lives.
Personality– The characteristics of an individual. The threefold lower man – mental, emotional, physical-etheric. The personality is the lower self, the reflection of the Soul, the conscious thinking identity, or Higher Self.