
(1) The world today offers opportunity to all disciples to become world disciples, close to the Master’s heart, and to pass rapidly through the earlier stages of discipleship. It offers opportunity to world disciples to begin their approach to the Heart of the Hierarchy, to Christ. It is with this first possibility that you should be concerned, for – as you come closer to your group – you can begin to get that training which will develop in you world usefulness. Are the majority of you too old to achieve this? That is for you to say. The soul knows no age and can use its instrument if it makes itself into a suitable and available instrument. Are you too set and too pre-occupied with yourselves to achieve the detachment needed for world service? That is for you to find out and to prove to yourselves. (5 – 768).
当今世界为所有的弟子提供成为为全世界服务的弟子的机会,靠近大师的内心,并快速地通过弟子的早期阶段。它为弟子接近灵性阶层的核心,接近基督,提供了机会。你要去关心第一种的可能性,因为 —— 当你更加接近你的团体 —— 你就可以开始接受训练,从而增加你对世界的作用。你们中的人是否年龄太大从而无法达成?你要来回答这个问题。灵魂是没有年龄的概念的,如果它让自己的载具变成合适可用的,它就可以使用自己的载具。你是否太过僵硬,或者让别的事情占据了自己的注意力,从而无法到达足够超然的状态,进而为世界服务?你要去探究这一点,并证明自己。
(2) By the time a disciple reaches the age of forty-nine his pathway of life service should be clearly defined. (6 – 742).
(3) We who teach, watch and guide the esoteric development of man, know that unless a certain measure of fusion is established by the time fifty-six years of age is attained, it is seldom established later. After that age, a man may hold to the point achieved and foster his aspiration, but the dynamic submergence of the personality in the will and life of the soul is rare after that time. When reached prior to the age of fifty-six, then subsequent growth and unfoldment on the Path of Discipleship is surely possible. (5 – 596/7).
(5) The sixty-third year of your life, as in the life of all disciples, will be one of crisis and of supreme opportunity. (6 – 636).