(1) The refining of the emotional body.
The emotional body is simply a great reflector. It takes colour and movement from its surroundings. It receives the impress of every passing desire. It contacts every whim and fancy in its environment; every current sets it in motion; every sound causes it to vibrate, unless the aspirant inhibits such a state of affairs, and trains it to receive and register only those impressions which come from the intuitional level via the Higher Self, and therefore via [Page 24] the atomic subplane. The aim of the aspirant should be to so train the emotional body that it will become still and clear as a mirror, so that it may reflect perfectly. . . . What words should describe the emotional body? The words: still, serene, unruffled, quiet, at rest, limpid and clear.… How should this be accomplished? In several ways, some at the direction of the aspirant, and some at the direction of the Master.
a. By the constant watching of all desires, motives and wishes, that cross the horizon daily, and by the subsequent emphasising of all those that are of a high order, and by inhibition of the lower.
b. By a constant daily attempt to contact the Higher Self, and to reflect His wishes in the life… .
c. By definite periods daily directed to the stilling of the emotional body. . . . Each aspirant must discover for himself wherein he yields most easily to violent vibrations, such as fear, worry, personality desire of any kind, personality love of anything or anyone, discouragement, over- sensitiveness to public opinion; then he must overcome that vibration, by imposing on it a new rhythm, definitely eliminating and constructing.
每天给自己固定的一段时间,引导情绪体保持在平静的状态… 每个寻求者要自己去发现,他最容易向哪些强烈的振动屈服,这些振动包括恐惧、担忧、人格拥有的欲望、带有个人色彩的对人或者事物的喜欢、失望、对大众看法的过度敏感;然后,他要去学习,不向这些振动屈服;寻求者可以在旧的频率上放置一个新的频率,用来消除和构建。
d. By work done on the emotional body at night, under the direction of more advanced egos, working under the guidance of a Master. (2 – 337/9).

(2) When illusion and glamour have both been overcome, the astral body fades out in the human consciousness. There is no desire left for the separated self. Kama-manas disappears, and man is then regarded as consisting essentially of soul – mind – brain, within the body nature. This is a great mystery, and its significance can only be understood when a man has controlled his personality, and eliminated all aspects of glamour and of illusion. This is accomplished by accomplishing. This mastery is achieved by mastering. This elimination of desire is brought about by conscious eliminating. Get therefore to work, my brothers, and clarificaton of the problem must inevitably ensue. (10 – 66).
See also: “Astral Plane”.