(1) Devachan: A state intermediate between two earth lives into which the Ego enters after its separation from its lower aspects or sheaths. (Footnote 3 – 737).
(2) There has been a great deal of misunderstanding of this experience (devachan). The general idea has been that, after the process of ridding himself of the astral and mental bodies, the man enters into a sort of dream state wherein he re-experiences and reconsiders past events, in the light of the future, and undergoes a sort of rest period, a kind of digestive process, in preparation for the undertaking of renewed birth. This somewhat erroneous idea has arisen because the concept of time still governs theosophical presentations of truth. If, however, it is realised that time is not known apart from the physical plane experience, the entire concept of devachan clarifies. From the moment of complete separation from the dense physical and etheric bodies, and as the eliminative process is undertaken, the man is aware of past and present; when elimination is complete and the hour of soul contact eventuates and the manasic vehicle is in process of destruction, he becomes immediately aware of the future, for prediction is an asset of the soul consciousness, and in this the man temporarily shares. Therefore, past, present, and future are seen as one; the recognition of the Eternal Now is gradually developed from incarnation to incarnation, and during the continuous process of rebirth. This constitutes a state of consciousness (characteristic of the normal state of the advanced man) which can be called devachanic. (17 – 496/7). See also: (3 – 736/7).