We will now consider the activity of the inner spiritual man, who has discarded his physical and etheric bodies, and now stands within the shell of the subtle body – a body composed of astral or sentient substance and of mental substance. Owing to the strongly emotional and sentient polarisation of the average man, the idea has taken hold that man withdraws, after true death, first of all into his astral body, and then, later, into his mental vehicle. But this is not actually the case. A body constructed predominantly of astral matter is the basis of this idea. Few people are as yet so developed that the vehicle in which they find themselves after death is largely composed of mental substance. Only disciples and initiates who live mostly in their minds, find themselves, after death, immediately upon the mental plane. Most people discover themselves upon the astral plane, clothed in a shell of astral matter, and committed to a period of elimination within the illusory area of the astral plane.
我们现在考虑内在灵性人的活动,他已经抛弃了他的肉身和以太体,现在站在他精微的身体外壳中 —— 一具由星光、有感知的物质和心智物质构成的身体。由于普通人强烈的情感和情绪的极端化,人们普遍认为在真正死亡后,首先撤退回到他的星光体中,然后再进入他的心智载具。但是事实并非如此。这个观点的基础建立在一具身体主要是由星光物质构成。到目前为止,很少有人进化至在他们死后发现他们使用的载具主要是由心智物质构成。只有大部分时间居住在他们心智中的弟子和启蒙者,才发现自己死后会立即进入心智层。大多数人发现自己身处星光层,身披星光物质的外衣,并致力于在星光层的幻相区域进行一段消除期。
As I have earlier told you, the astral plane has no factual existence, but is an illusory creation of the human family. From now on, however, (through the defeat of the forces of evil and the disastrous setback suffered by the Black Lodge) the astral plane will slowly become a dying creation, and in the final period of human history (in the seventh rootrace) it will become non-existent. Today this is not the case. The sentient substance which constitutes the astral plane, is still being gathered into forms of illusion, and still forms a barrier in the path of the soul seeking liberation. It still “holds prisoner” the many people who die whilst their major reaction to life is that of desire, of wishful thinking, and of emotional sentiency. These are still the vast majority . . .
The art of elimination falls into three categories:
1. As practised by those people who are purely astral in quality and constitution. These we call “kamic” people.
1. 那些完全由星光特质构成的人践行的。我们称呼这些人为“欲望”人。
2. As practised by those balanced people who are integrated personalities, and who are called “kama-manasic” individuals.
2. 那些具有完整人格的、处于平衡之中的人践行的,他们被称为“欲望-心智”人。
3. As practised by advanced people and disciples of all grades, who are mainly mental in their “living focus”. These are called “manasic” subjects.
3. 那些进化的、不同等级的弟子践行的,他们“生命的焦点”主要在心智层。他们被称作“心智”人。
The same basic rules control them all, but the emphasis differs in each case. I would have you bear in mind that where there is no physical brain, and where the mind is undeveloped, that inner man finds himself practically [Page 106] smothered in an envelope of astral matter, and is for a long time immersed in what we call the astral plane. The kama-manasic person has what is called the “freedom of dual life”, and finds himself possessed of a dual form, which enables him to contact at will the higher levels of the astral plane, and the lower levels of the mental plane. I would again remind you that there is no physical brain to register these contacts. Awareness of contact is dependent upon the innate activity of the inner man, and his peculiar state of apprehension and of appreciation. The manasic person is possessed of a translucent mental vehicle, with a light density which is in proportion to his freedom from desire and emotion.
These three types of people all use an eliminative process of similar nature, but employ a different technique within the process. For the sake of clarity, it might be stated that:
1. The kamic person eliminates his astral body by means of attrition, and vacates it via the astral correspondence to the solar plexus centre. This attrition is brought about because all the innate desire and inherent emotion are, at this stage, related to the animal nature and the physical body – both of which are now non-existent.
1. 欲望人通过损耗来消除他的星光体,并通过太阳神形丛的星光对应中心来清理它。之所以会带来损耗,是因为在这个阶段,所有的与动物本性和物质身体相关的内在欲望和情绪,现在都不存在了。
2. The kama-manasic individual uses two techniques. This would naturally be so because he eliminates, first of all, his astral body, and then his mental vehicle.
2. 欲望–心智人使用两种技巧。这会自然而然发生,因为他首先消除了他的星光体,然后是他的心智载具。
a. He eliminates the astral body by means of his growing desire for mental life. He withdraws gradually and steadily into the mind body, and the astral body esoterically “drops away” and finally disappears. This takes place usually unconsciously, and may require quite a long time. Where, however, the man is above the average, and on the verge of becoming a manasic person, the disappearance is brought about suddenly and dynamically, and the man stands free in his mental body. This takes place consciously and rapidly.
a. 他通过对心智层面生活日益增长的渴望消除了星光体。他逐渐稳定地退回到心智体中,星光体就神秘地“脱落”,最终消失。这通常是在无意识中发生的,并且可能需要相当长的时间。然而,如果这个人高于平均,并处于成为一个心智人的边缘,那么消除就是突然且剧烈的,然后这个人就自由地站在他的心智体中。这是有意识且迅速发生的。
b. He shatters the mental body by an act of the human will, and also because the soul is beginning to be slowly aware of its shadow. The inner man is therefore attracted towards the soul, though still only in a somewhat feeble manner. This process is relatively quick, and is dependent upon the extent of the manasic influence.
b. 他通过人的意志做出行动来粉碎心智体,也因为灵魂开始缓慢地意识到它的影子。因此内在的人被灵魂所吸引,尽管只是以一种微弱的方式进行着。这个过程相对较快,并且取决于心智影响的程度。
3. The manasic man, focussed now in his mental body, has also two things to accomplish:
3. 心智人,专注于他的心智体,还有两件事情要完成:
a. To dissolve and rid himself of any astral sediment which may be discolouring his translucent mental body. The so-called astral body is now practically non-existent as a factor of expression. This he does by [Page 107] calling in increased light from the soul. It is soul light which, at this stage, dissolves the astral substance, just as it will be the combined light of the soul of humanity (as a whole) which will dissolve finally the astral plane – again so-called.
a. 瓦解、并让自己摆脱任何让他半透明的心智体黯然失色的星光体沉积物。所谓的星光体实际上已经不再作为表达的因素存在了。他通过从灵魂中召唤更多的光来做到这一点。在这个阶段,正是灵魂之光,瓦解了星光物质,就像它会是人类灵魂(作为一个整体)的结合之光,会最终瓦解所谓的星光层一样。
b. To destroy the mental body through the use of certain Words of Power. These Words are communicated to the disciple via the Ashram of his Master. They bring in soul power to a greatly enhanced extent, and produce consequently such an expansion of consciousness within the mental body, that it is broken up and no longer constitutes a barrier to the inner man. He can now stand, a free son of mind, within the Ashram of his Master, and “shall no more go out”. (17 – 486/90).
b. 通过使用特定力量真言来摧毁心智体。这些真言通过他上师的修道院传达给弟子。它们把灵魂的力量增强很大程度,从而在心智体中产生一种拓展的意识,心智体被打破,不再构成对内在人的障碍。他现在可以作为心智的自由之子,站在他上师修道院的行列之中,且“不会再出去”。