(1) The basic approach for all who endeavour to grasp esotericism, or to teach esoteric students, is to lay the emphasis upon the world of energies and to recognise that behind all happenings in the world of phenomena (and by that I mean the three worlds of human evolution), exists the world of energies; these are of the greatest diversity and complexity, but all of them move and work under the Law of Cause and Effect . . .
The first task of the esotericist is to comprehend the nature of the energies which are seeking to condition him, and which work out into expression on the physical plane through the medium of his equipment, or his vehicle of manifestation. The esoteric student has, therefore, to grasp that:
(2) He is an aggregation of forces, inherited and conditioned by what he has been, plus a great antagonistic force which is not a principle, and which we call the physical body.
1. He is sensitive to and should be increasingly aware of certain energies, at present unknown and of no use to him; of these he must eventually become aware, if he is to move deeper into the world of hidden forces. They may be energies which, for him, would be evil were he to work with them, and these must be distinguished and discarded; there are others which he must learn to use, for they would prove beneficial and would increase his knowledge, and should therefore be regarded as good. Bear in mind, however, that energies per se are neither bad nor good. The Great White Lodge, our spiritual Hierarchy, and the Black Lodge employ the same universal energies, but with different motives and objectives; both groups are groups of trained esotericists.
1. 他对某些目前未知、对他尚无用的能量变得敏感,而且应该越来越对这些能量产生觉知;如果他要更深入地进入隐藏力量的世界,他必须最终意识到这些能量。对他来说,这些能量可能是邪恶的,若是他跟这些能量一同合作的话,他必须要去做出区分,并摒弃这些能量;还有一些他必须学习使用的,因为它们会对他有帮助,增加他的知识,因此这些能量被看作是好的。不过要记住,能量本身既不好也不坏。伟大的白色议会,我们的灵性阶层,以及黑色议会使用的是相同的宇宙能量,但是动机和目标不同;这两个团体都是训练有素的神秘主义者团体。
The esotericist in training has, therefore:
1. To become aware of the nature of the forces which constitute his personality equipment, and which he himself magnetically brought into expression in the three worlds . . .
1. 意识到构成他人格配置的能量本性,以及他在三个世界中通过磁性吸引带入表达的能量。
2. To become sensitive to the impelling energies of the soul, emanating from the higher mental levels. These seek to control the forces of the threefold man when a certain definite point in evolution is reached.
2. 对来自更高心智层的灵魂能量的推动变得敏感。当到达进化的某个特定点时,这些能量就会尝试去掌控人格的三重能量。
3. To recognise the conditioning energies in his environment, seeing them not as events or circumstances but as energy in action; by this means he learns [Page 114] to find his way behind the scene of outer happenings into the world of energies, seeking contact, and qualifying for the bringing about of certain activities. He thus acquires entrance into the world of meaning. Events, circumstances, happenings and physical phenomena of every kind, are simply symbols of what is occurring in the inner worlds, and it is into these worlds that the esotericist must enter as far as his perception permits; he will sequentially discover worlds which will call for his scientific penetration.
3. 去认清环境中的制约能量,不把它们看作事件或状况,而是运作中的能量;通过这种方式,他学会了在外在世界发生事情的幕后,找到进入能量世界的方式,寻求建立连结,为带来某些特定活动获得资格。因此,他进入了富有意义世界的入口。各种事情、环境、发生的事件和物质层面的现象,仅仅是内在世界正在发生的事情象征,神秘主义者必须在他感知允许的范围内进入这些世界;他将依次发现需要那些需要他进行科学渗透的世界。
4. For the majority of aspirants, the Hierarchy itself remains an esoteric realm which demands discovery, and which will accept penetration. I am choosing my words with care in an effort to evoke esoteric response.
4. 对于大多数求道者来说,灵性阶层自身就是一个需要探索的神秘领域,它会接受渗透。我小心翼翼地选择表达的词汇,以努力唤醒秘法层面的回应。
. . . The task is to train students in the recognition of energy and force; to discriminate between the various types of energy, both in relation to themselves and to world affairs, and to begin to relate that which is seen and experienced to that which is unseen, conditioning and determining. This is the esoteric task. (12 – 60/62).
Esotericism is the art of “bringing down to earth” those energies which emanate from the highest sources and there “grounding them” or anchoring them. (12 – 67).
(2) I would ask all esotericists to live redemptive lives, to unfold their innate mental sensitivity, and to work continuously with the meaning which is to be found behind all individual, community, national and world affairs. If this is done, then the light will suddenly and increasingly shine upon your ways. You can become light-bearers, knowing then that “in that light you will see Light” – and so will your fellowmen. (12 – 68).
(2)我会请求所有的神秘主义者过着救赎的生活,展开他们内在的心智敏感性,有意识地在有意义的世界中工作,它存在于所有个人、社区、国家和世界事务背后。如果这样做了,那么光就会突然间越来越多地照亮你的道路。你也会成为光之承载者,那时你就会知道“在那光中你会看到圣光” —— 你的同伴也将如此。