
It takes courage to make spiritual decisions and to abide by them; it takes courage to adjust your lives – daily and in all relations – to the need of the hour and to the service of mankind; it takes courage to demonstrate to those around you that the present world catastrophe is of more importance to you than the petty affairs of your individual lives and your humdrum contacts; it takes courage to discard the alibis which have prevented you from participating to date in the all-out effort which characterises today the activities of the Hierarchy; it takes courage to make sacrifices, to refuse time to non-essential activities, and to deal with the physical body as if it were free from all impediments; it takes courage to ignore frailties which may be present, the tiredness incident to a long life, the physical tendencies which handicap and limit your service, the sleeplessness which comes from world pressures or from a badly regulated life programme, and the nervousness and strain which are the common lot today; it takes courage to attack life on behalf of others, and to obliterate your own wishes in the emergency and need. (6 – 42).
做出灵性层面的决定,并遵照它们进行生活,这需要勇气。调整自己的生活 —— 日常生活和所有的关系 —— 以适应时代的需要、以适应为人类服务的需要,这需要勇气。向周围的人证明,现今世界所面临的灾难比你个人生活中的琐事和单调的人脉更重要,这需要勇气。摒弃那些一直以来阻碍你们不能对灵性阶层的目标进行全力以赴的借口,这需要勇气。做出牺牲需要勇气,拒绝不必要的活动、处理好物质身体让它没有任何障碍,这也需要勇气。无视可能存在的脆弱感、活得长久带来的疲惫感、那些阻碍和限制你服务的物质层面的阻碍、来自世界的压力或者不规律的生活导致的失眠、当今世界普遍存在的紧张和压力等,这些都需要勇气。代表其他存有对生命进行捍卫,在紧急和必要的时候牺牲自己个人的愿望,这还需要勇气。