(1) I might here touch upon the paralleling activity of the forces which are working to prevent the externalisation of the Hierarchy of Light, since such a happening as that would mean increased – because proven – power. As you know, on the astral and mental planes, centres exist which are called “dark centres”, because the emphasis of their activity is upon the material aspect of manifestation, and upon the activity of material substance; all energy is subordinated to purely selfish purpose. As I have stated before, the Forces of Light work with the soul, hidden in every form. They are concerned with group purposes, and with the founding of the Kingdom of God on earth. The dark forces work with the form side of expression, and with the founding of a centre of control which will be theirs entirely, and which will subdue all the living forms in all the kingdoms, to their peculiar behests. It is the old story, familiar in Biblical phraseology, of the kingdoms of the world and the kingdom of the Christ, of the power of the anti-Christ, and the power of Christ. This produced a great climax in Atlantean days, and though the Hierarchy of Light triumphed, it was only by the merest margin. The battle was fought out on the astral plane, though it had its correspondence upon the physical plane, in a great world conflict, of which the ancient legend tells us. It ended in the catastrophe of the Flood. The seeds of hate and of separation have been fostered ever since that time, and the three modes whereby the forces of darkness seek to control humanity, are hatred, aggression, and separativeness. The three great spiritual counterparts are love, selfless sharing, and synthesis.
(1)我或许要在这里讨论一下那些力量的平行活动,它们旨在阻止圣光灵性阶层的外在化,这件事情的发生意味着强化的 —— 已经证实的力量。如你所知,在星光层和心智层,存在着所谓的“黑暗中心”,因为他们活动的重点是显化的物质层面,以及物质的活动;所有的能量都受制于纯粹自私的目的。如我之前所说,光明力量与灵魂一同工作,灵魂隐藏在每一种形态之中。他们关心团体的目的,以及在地球上建立神之国度。黑暗力量与表达的形态面向一同工作,并要建立一个完全受控于他们的控制中心,让所有王国的所有生命形态受制于他们,满足他们特殊的要求。这是非常古老的故事,圣经中熟悉的典故,关于世界的王国和基督的王国,关于基督力量和反对基督的力量。它在亚特兰蒂斯时代到达一个大的高潮,尽管光之阶层取得了胜利,但也只是微弱的优势。这场战斗是在星光层进行的,尽管它在物质层面有其对应的发展,古老的传说告诉我们这是一场巨大的世界级别的冲突。它以大洪水灾难而告终。从此以后,仇恨和分离的种子就开始滋生,黑暗势力试图控制人类的三种模式分别是仇恨、侵略和分裂。对应的三种伟大的灵性特质是爱、无私的分享和整合。
However, the hold of the forces which are working against the living principle of love (as embodied in the Hierarchy), is not gaining ground at this time, for the response of humanity to that which is good and synthetic, is much more rapid and general, than it was a few hundred years ago. There is much reason to hope that there will be a steady waning of the undesired control. The dark forces are ruled on the physical plane by a group of six oriental leaders, and six occidental leaders; of these the oriental are the most powerful because they are the oldest racially, and therefore the most experienced. They work by the identification of glamour, and by the stimulation of the lower psychic powers. Their particular point of attack at this time, is the group of world disciples and initiates, for these latter are responsible for the fostering of love in the world, and for the binding of men together in the spirit of unity. If they cannot succeed with this task [Page 63] now, it should be possible to externalise the Hierarchy, and thereby greatly lessen the control of the so-called evil forces.
If these evil forces cannot induce the disciples everywhere, in group formation or individually, to succumb in some form to glamour, then they will endeavour to utilise group glamour to negative their efforts, and force those with whom the disciples work to believe evil, to impugn motives, and to produce such a convincing story, that the struggling disciple will be left to fight almost singlehanded. If this cannot be done, they may then attack the physical bodies of the workers and agents for the Hierarchy, and seek, through the distress of the physical body, to control the disciple’s output. This does not always prove successful, as the Master can, and often does, protect His disciple. The dark forces work also through the identification or stimulation of the psychic mechanism, so that the lower psychic powers become abnormally developed, and prematurely assume proportions which are almost uncontrollable. This happened on a large scale in Atlantean days, and led to the entire astral plane standing revealed, but not understood. Its undesirable potencies, were then let loose upon the physical plane, and this led to the war between the two great schools of the mysteries – the Light and the Dark – which culminated in the destruction of the then known world.
如果这些邪恶的力量不能引诱世界各地的弟子,不论是以集体还是个人的形式,让他们屈服于某种魅惑,那么他们就会努力利用团体幻相来抵消他们的努力,并强迫那些与弟子一同工作的人屈服于邪恶,污染其动机,从而编造出令人信服的故事,这样努力挣扎的弟子几乎是单枪匹马地战斗。如果他们无法成功,他们就可能会攻击灵性阶层工作者和代理人的物质身体,并试图通过给物质身体施加压力来控制弟子的产出。这并不总能成功,因为大师可以,而且常常保护他的弟子。黑暗力量也通过识别或刺激心理机制来运作,因此较低的心理力量得以异常发展,并过早地占据优势以至于几乎无法控制。这在亚特兰蒂斯时代大规模地发生,并导致整个星光层的地位显露出来,但是没有被理解。它不受欢迎的力量随后在物质层面上被释放出来,这导致了两大神秘学派 —— 光明和黑暗 —— 之间的战争,最终导致了当时已知世界的毁灭。
Today these potencies, light and dark, are again struggling for physical plane expression and supremacy, but this time the result is vastly different. The effort to produce soul contact, or to hinder it is working out in the form of nervous diseases and pathological conditions, and this is affecting potently the group activity of man. The effort by the dark forces to stimulate the lower psychic powers, seems able to reach no deeper into matter and form than the etheric vehicles, and from there to condition the physical body physiologically, in the form of diseases, lesions, nervous troubles, and brain afflictions, and the many other ways in which the human being is rendered helpless and unfitted to cope with daily living, and modern world conditions. But the mind nature has reached a stage of protective usefulness, and some of the great guarding barriers which are flung up around humanity at this time, are the spirit of scepticism, and the refusal to recognise the existence or the usefulness of the psychic powers. This is a point to remember. (15 – 576/9).
(2) The major weapon now being used by the combined Forces of Evil is chaos, disruption, lack of established security, and consequent fear. . . . The entire rhythm of international thinking has to be altered, and that constitutes a slow and arduous task; the evil personalities which, in every [Page 64] country, are responsible for the chaos and uncertainty, have eventually to be replaced by those who can work in co-operation with the rhythm of the seventh ray, and thus produce ordered beauty. (13 – 668).