The Mantram of Unification

The sons of men are one and I am one with them. I seek to love, not hate; I seek to serve and not exact due service; I seek to heal, not hurt. Let pain bring due reward of light and love. Let the soul control the outer form, and life and all events And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the time. Let vision come and insight. Let the future stand revealed. Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone. Let love prevail. Let all men love. |
The Mantram of Unification declares two realities. First, that the user is one with all humanity and second, that humanity as a whole responds to the divine Plan. Five aspects of this Plan are dealt with:
- The reward of human suffering.
- The control of human life by the soul.
- Precipitation of the vision, revealing the future.
- The demonstration of the inner unity of all humanity.
- Humanity dominated by love.
- 对人类所遭受苦难的回报
- 灵魂对人类生命的掌控
- 沉淀愿景,揭示未来
- 全人类内在统一性的体现
- 全人类以爱为主宰
The Tibetan Master has made the following comment on the Mantram of Unification: “These words may seem inadequate, but said with power and an understanding of their significance and with the potency of the mind and heart behind them, they can prove unbelievably potent in the life of the one who says them. They will produce also an effect in his environment, and the accumulated effects in the world, as you spread the knowledge of the formula, will be great and effective. It will change attitudes, enlighten the vision and lead the aspirant to fuller service and to a wider cooperation based upon sacrifice. My brothers, you cannot evade the sacrifice in the long run, even if you have evaded it until now.” (p. 142, Externalization of the Hierarchy).
西藏扬升大师对团结祈请词做出了如下的评论:这些词语看起来似乎不够充分,但是,如果有力量的诵念,并且理解其重要性,并把我们思想和心灵的潜能结合在一起,这些词句就可以对诵念之人的生活,产生难以置信的影响。这些词句也可以对诵念之人所在的环境产生影响,当你去分享这套知识的公式时,它在世界上所产生的累积效应是巨大而且有效的。它会改变人们的态度,启发人们产生愿景,并引领有志向的人在奉献的基础上去进行更全面的服务和更广泛的合作。我的兄弟们,即便你迄今为止一直在逃避,从长远来看,奉献是必须的。(出处:p. 142, Externalization of the Hierarchy)