(1) This treatise is, therefore, somewhat abstruse, and quite symbolical. It may appear difficult to comprehend, and it may mean little to some and nothing at all to others. If the disciples of the world are truly struggling, and if they are applying practically the teaching given, as far as in them lies, they will find as time elapses, and their reason and intuition awakens, that such symbolic and abstruse statements become clearer and clearer, serving to convey the intended teaching. When this happens, the Angel of the Presence approaches ever closer, and lights the disciple on his way. The[Page 11]sense of separateness diminishes until, at last, light penetrates the darkness, and the Angel dominates the life. (15 – 48/9).
(2) “Ponder on this.” This is my frequent injunction, given because the activity of reflection is a potent means to revelation. (16 – 292).
(3) You might here ask, why I deal here with these abstractions? I would reply, that in your effort to understand and to grasp the truth which lies beyond your reason, (even when regarding it as a hypothesis hereto unproven), you are gradually developing an aspect of your mind which is much needed in the processes of realisation, and which must be called into effective service during initiation. Such an effort is needed, if true understanding is to occur; initiation is the demonstration of intuitive understanding put to practical expression. (16 – 391).
(4) Again, I have to repeat how vast is the subject with which we are dealing, and all these earlier instructions, and the answers which I give to the questions, only serve to show how abstruse the matter is. But if you will have patience and will be willing to learn by absorption more than by analysis, you will later discover that you know much – intuitively and discriminately. (17 – 308).
再次,我必须重复说明,我们正在处理的主题是多么地广泛,之前所有的指导、以及我所回答的问题,都只能表明这个问题是多么地深奥。如果你有耐心,愿意通过吸收而不是通过分析来进行学习,稍后你就会发现你知道很多 — 直觉上和辨别力上都是如此。
(5) Students should not be deceived by simplicity, and by the plain, direct statements. There is a tendency to regard esoteric teaching as necessarily abstruse and indirect, requiring always the use of the “esoteric sense” (whatever is meant by that) in order to arrive at understanding. Yet the more advanced the teaching, very frequently the more simply is it expressed. Abstruseness is related to the ignorance of the student – not to the mode of presentation of the teacher. (17 – 629).
学生们不要被简单明了的陈述所欺骗。有一种倾向认为秘法学的教导本应该是深奥和非直接的,为了达成理解,总是会要求人们使用“难解的方式”(不论这意味着什么)。然而,越是高阶的教导,它的表达往往越简单。深奥与否,与学生的无知有关 — 与老师的教导方式无关。
(6) Much of what I have said above, will seem meaningless to you . . . but as I have earlier told you, I write for those disciples and initiates who are now coming into incarnation, and who will be in the full flower of their consciousness and service, at the latter end of this century. But the effort you make to understand, will have its effect, even if the brain registers it not. (18 – 34).
(7) The true understanding is, I realise, not possible for you, but much can be gained by your effort to comprehend. (18 – 304).
(8) As you can see, we are venturing into realms far beyond your comprehension; but the effort to grasp the unattainable, and to exercise the mind along the line of abstract thought, is ever of value. (18 – 646).
(9) I am quite aware that what I am here communicating may seem to you the veriest nonsense, and there is, of course, no possible way in which I can prove to you the factual nature of this inter-communicating system, or [Page 12] in which you can check and confirm what I say; hut then, my brothers, you have no way as yet of ascertaining the factual existence of Sanat Kumara, and yet, from the very night of time, His existence has been proclaimed by the Hierarchy, and accepted by millions. Every human being believes a great deal more than he can ever prove, or the validity of which he can establish, (11 – 164).