Cobra | 2013年9月17日亚力珊卓拉新访谈

Cobra 2013年9月17日亚力珊卓拉新访谈

Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Transcription and Listener’s Q & A for September 17, 2013

If you feel that these interviews are providing you with an expanded perspective, more encouragement, and additional insights into our daily planetary and galactic walk, please consider donating to my website Thank you for your support! And thank you for coming by to peruse our online library of galactically oriented information and education.-A.M.


Alexandra: Good Afternoon everybody. Today is September 17, 2013. This is Alexandra Meadors of I have a very special call today because we will be reviewing all the questions that have been submitted for Cobra to give us his very eloquent perspective on things.

Hello Cobra, How are you doing today?

Alexandra: 大家下午好。今天是2013年9月17日。我是来自www.Galacticconnection.com的Alexandra Meadors。今天的电话很特别,我们将会回顾所有发给柯博拉的问题,谈谈他关于这些事情的独特观点。

COBRA: Hello. Hello.


Alexandra: I want everyone to understand how much work goes into these interviews on behalf of Cobra and myself. Please take the time to drop him an e-mail and just say thank-you even if you want to send it to me and I will pass it on. I know how much goes into this. I just want to thank you for all you do.

Alexandra: 我想让大家了解柯博拉和我为了这些采访而做的大量工作。我想说,请抽出时间发封邮件给他,哪怕只是说声谢谢。或者发给我也行,我会转交。我知道这代表着多大意义。我本人非常感谢你所做的一切。

COBRA: Thank you so much.


Alexandra: I have so much to review today. I’m not going to bring up anybody’s name. Don’t get your feelings hurt. The first question is: Are the resistance movement working on the other wide with people like Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy, John Lennon. Are those people considered part of the light resistance?

Alexandra: 那我们开始吧,今天回顾的内容非常多。大部分人让我不要说出名字,那我就不提任何人的名字了,不想让你们感到难受!第一个问题是:抵抗运动是否在另一边与马丁.路德.金,约翰.肯尼迪,罗伯特.肯尼迪,约翰.列侬等人合作。他们是不是光的抵抗运动的一部分?

COBRA: Many of those people that have died years ago have already been taken to other planets when they have joined the Galactic force of light.


Alexandra: So they are not considered part of this so called resistance movement.

Alexandra: 那他们不能算做抵抗运动的一部分?

COBRA: Many of them have chosen to travel onward. Some of them could stay. Many of them are not working from the Astral plane any longer.


Alexandra: OK. Hopefully that clears up that question. Onto the country of Mexico. I have quite a few people writing in from Mexico. What types of changes are you actually seeing that are positive way that is supporting this transition into a golden age.

Alexandra: 好的,希望这澄清了这个问题。来看看墨西哥,有很多来自墨西哥的朋友来信问,哪类转变是以积极的方式,说明我们过渡到黄金时代。

COBRA: There is a certain secret organization in whole central America which is similar to White Dragon in Asia. It is more deep undercover. They are working to trigger the change in Mexico and surrounding countries. The situation in Mexico is a little more complicated because the cabal is strong interest there because of the drug trade. Mexico will recover but it will not be very fast as some other countries.


Alexandra: I have noticed on some of the news headlines that some of the large drug cartel leaders have been arrested or brought to justice.

Alexandra: 我已经注意到新闻头条,一些毒品集团中的大毒枭已经被捕或被审判。

COBRA: Yes. There is a positive group working behind the scenes in Mexico and other countries working for the light and they have had some success.


Alexandra: Do you consider those factions working for the light. Is the light resistance an amalgamation of all these different groups or is that not the case?

Alexandra: 你认为那些派系是为光工作的吗?光的抵抗力量是所有这些不同群体的融合吗?或者并非如此?

COBRA: Which groups.


Alexandra: The ones in So. America.

Alexandra: 在美洲的那些。

COBRA: Yes, of course the light forces working on the physical plane.


Alexandra: The light resistance movement is an amalgamation of all the different groups and factions of light working behind the scenes working for an ultimate goal.

Alexandra: 光的抵抗运动是所有这些幕后为光服务的团体和派系的融合,共同为了一个终极目标?

COBRA: The resistance movement is working below the surface of the planet. It has some agents on the surface of the planet. There are other groups which have been created out of the surface of humanity that are working for the light.


Alexandra: OK. This is from Brazil. They just noticed that their Brazilian currency use to have “Central Bank of Brazil” now it has “Federal Republic of Brazil”.

Alexandra: 好的。这个是来自巴西的。他们注意到巴西货币从过去的“巴西中央银行”变成了现在的“巴西联邦共和国”。

COBRA: There is a lot of changes happening in the banking system and Brazil is part of BRICs. They are working at creating an Independent Central bank that is not part of IMF or Fed Reserve.


Alexandra: That does show that there is a change going on in the financial system, particularly with BRICS. (Exactly) Another question was they were talking about Atlantis and how this very deep, deep sadness in the core of their being when they bring up the fall of Atlantis. Can you give more clarity as to what you feel happened at the time of Atlantis.

Alexandra: 这的确显示了金融系统正发生的改变,尤其是金砖四国。(柯博拉:完全正确)另一个问题是人们在谈论亚特兰提斯,在提到它的坠落时,这让他们内心是如此深深地感到悲痛。你觉得当时的亚特兰提斯到底发生了什么,能否给个澄清?

COBRA: Atlantis was a great civilization which was destroyed by an act of the Cabal in the year 9564 BC. This sadness is an unprocessed experience of the deluge of Atlantis. We haven’t reached that stage yet, but we are slowly approaching the time of the new Atlantis. It will be a rebirth of the old Atlantan civilization but in much greater light and higher turn of the spiral.


Alexandra: Yes, but don’t you also feel that what we are going through is very indicative to what happened right before Atlantis fell. (Exactly)

Alexandra: 是的,但你没有同样感觉到我们所经历的与亚特兰提斯坠落前的情况很相似吗?(是的)

COBRA: But we will have ? ?


Alexandra: Yea. Here’s another good question. When do you see human beings free and able to travel anywhere in the world?

Alexandra: 很好。这里有另外一个好问题。你觉得人类什么时候可以自由旅行到世界的任何地方?

COBRA: It is not only free to travel in the world but free to travel in the universe – This will happen after the event.


Alexandra: I love it, I love it. Chemtrails – where I live in the last 2 weeks chemtrails have significantly stopped or declined. With that said, other people are experiencing similar symptoms – i.e.: abdominal bloating, pain, fever, severe head-aches, gastro intestinal disturbances. Maybe similar Morgellons disease. Can you comment on that. Has the chemtrails exposed us to nano technology.

Alexandra: 那太棒了!有人问到化学凝尾的问题,我不知道你是否注意到,反正在我住的地方,过去两周所喷洒的化学凝尾明显地减少或停止了。有人来信说,他们经历了一些相似的症状。比如腹胀,疼痛,发热,剧烈的头痛,肠胃失调。感觉类似于莫吉隆斯症。你能否评论一下?你觉得化学凝尾是否使用奈米技术来接触我们。

COBRA: 1. The number of chemtrails have been reduced drastically in the last few weeks. It has not stopped. The problem has not been solved and they might increase again in the next 2 weeks but there is a downward trend. Symptoms that people are experiencing are not of the physical nature. It’s the intensification of the clearing of implants on the etheric plane – in the head and abdomen. Those things are quite intensively clearing right now.

柯博拉:我来解释一下。化学凝尾的数量在过去几周大为减少。但这不代表已经停止。问题还没彻底解决,也许在未来两周又会增加,但呈现一个下降趋势。人们经历的那些症状不是物理性质的,这是以太层植入物理清理的加强反应 – 头部植入物会引起头痛,腹部植入物也会诱发身体问题。那些地方现在正在集中清理。

Alexandra: I can speak to testimony. I just had an implant removed from my back lower spine and abdominal area. It was excruciating. I have been processing that. My husband just had a massive implant removed from his head. We cant believe the changes that are going on in our bodies. (Yes, I would agree completely) It’s amazing. What this person is talking about with the Morgellon’s disease. I would suggest you look into: MMS, colloidal silver and tea tree oil. They are also asking if the chemtrails will cease after the event.

Alexandra: 我可以作证。我刚刚从背后脊柱下部和腹部地区移除植入物。这非常折磨人,很疼,我一直在清理。我丈夫也从头部移除了一个比较大的植入物。我们无法相信身体发生的变化。(是的,我完全同意)太奇妙了!这个提到莫吉隆斯症的听众,我强烈建议你研究一下:神奇矿物溶液, 胶态微粒银和茶树油,我建议你首先留意一下这些。他们也问到化学凝尾会不会在事件后立刻停止。

COBRA: Yes, the situation will be taken care of within 1-2 weeks after the event. We have to disintegrate all the pollution in the atmosphere.


Alexandra: With some galactic help?

Alexandra: 是在银河联盟的帮助下吗?

COBRA: Yes the pleiadians will take care of this. Not publicly. They will use their technology. They can completely clear the atmosphere after the Cabal is gone in 1 – 2 week time.


Alexandra: Cool. This one I’m going to read out this whole question. Has this reality or planet been wrongfully hijacked by the Archons to the extent that this is not what we bargained for at a soul level when we incarnated in this lifetime. Are we innocent, naive souls being manipulated by more advanced beings. Is this reality a total disfunctionality or what. It’s hard to understand why a loving creator would allow this extreme level of destruction.

Alexandra: 酷!我得念一下这个人所提出的整个问题,因为真的很有趣。他这样写道:这个星球是否已经错误地被执政官挟持到一定程度,以至于当我们今生转世至此,以至于在灵魂层面都无法指望什么?我们是无知的吗?天真的灵魂正被某种更高级的存有所操纵?这个现实世界是不是彻底紊乱了还是怎么了?很难理解为什么慈爱的造物主允许这种极端程度的破坏?这是问题的第一部分。

COBRA: This experiment has gone too far. It was never intended to go this far. Yes, we are innocent. Yes, we did not expect this to go this far. The Archon thing is an anomaly that has to stop. The creator never intended this to happen. The Archons were a reaction of the cosmic anomaly of chaos which has gone too far.


Alexandra: Interesting. Did we also incarnate knowing full well that we would be subjected to this nonsense but agreed to do it to pay back karma

Alexandra: 有趣,那我们转世来此是否已充分知晓我们将经受这一切?但我们仍然同意这么做,为了偿还业力?

COBRA: We have incarnated not to pay back karma but to transform that darkness and bring that planet into light. We did not have complete understanding of what this experience would be like because we didn’t have it before. We did not know consciously what we were getting into.


Alexandra: So basically, have we agreed to incarnate to raise the consciousness on planet earth and break the matrix and control system.

Alexandra: 因此基本上来说,我们已经同意转世,以提升地球意识,打破这个矩阵和控制系统。

COBRA: Yes, we have agreed to do this after we agreed to enter the planetary sphere but after we entered the planetary sphere we agreed to the conditions here.


Alexandra: OK. That would apply to however many lifetimes we’ve had here. (Yes) do you agree that the star seeds here have had less lifetimes than some of your newer, younger souls?

Alexandra: 明白,这将适用于我们在地球上的多次转世吗?(是的)你是否同意星际种子比起那些更新更年轻的转世灵魂有更少的转世次数?

COBRA: I would say the majority of people here have had hundreds and hundreds of life times. Some light workers/warriors have had less than 100.

柯博拉: 我要说的是,大多数人已经有过成百上千次的转世。一些光之工作者或光之战士则经历少于100次的转世。

Alexandra: OK. When you say the cosmic anomaly of chaos, I met a man who swears the universe is like a computer program.

Alexandra: 了解,当你说混沌宇宙异常的时候,我记得见过一个人,发誓说宇宙好像一个计算机程序。你是怎么看的?

COBRA: The universe is not a computer program but a technology The Archons created around the earth on the physical and non physical plane is a computer program that appears to be artificial. It’s an organic computing device which uses ? extrapolate and expect the free will decision of humanity. Most of the time it can. Most cases it can. There are some of us who are not part of the equation and we will disintegrate the matrix.


Alexandra: Interesting. This person is referring to a channeling by Sanat Kumara. It has stated that the event will happen by the Autumn equinox, Sept 22. Archangels say that there will be many events instead of one major event and not everyone will experience it in the same way. Some will not notice it at all.

Alexandra: 这个真有意思!这个人提到Sanat Kumara通灵信息。信息指出,“事件”将会在9月22日秋分左右发生。大天使说有很多事件而非一个重大事件,不是所有人都会以同样的方式经历,有些人会完全注意不到,你有什么看法?

COBRA: I will not agree with that. The event will be a physical and non physical objective event. It will be something that everyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear can experience. Of course there will be individual perceptions of the event but experience but the event will be the same..


Alexandra: There’s also talk about a shift to the 4th dimension happening Feb 2014- Feb. 2015

Alexandra: 有人说向4维的转变将发生在2014年2月到2015年2月之间。你同意这种说法吗?

COBRA: The 4th dimensional level is the etheric/astral planes. The connection between the physical and astral plane was done at the time of the Harmonic convergence in 1987 already. We are about to transform and transcend the actual and etheric plane and raise our consciousness beyond that. This will happen with first contact after the event.


Alexandra: You do agree that we are shifting into 5th dimension, not high 4th.

Alexandra: 你同意我们正在转变到第5维而不是第4维?

COBRA: We are shifting to the 5th and beyond.


Alexandra: Yes, I agree with that. There was a question about operation stardust? (Yes) Nano particles are distributed to the Cabal that will immobilize them when it is activated. What is the status of this. Couldn’t this be used to mitigate some of the damage at the time of the event.

Alexandra: 是的,我同意。我很高兴有人提出这个问题,是关于星尘计划的,你有没有听说过?(有的)奈米粒子已经被散发到阴谋集团成员身上,当启动的时候就,就会被固定住。现在情况如何?能不能在“事件”期间用来减轻一些损失?

COBRA: Yes, those particles were transported into the bodies of the members of the cabal. Some of it was happening last year, some of it before. This is about to be activated at the time of the event.


Alexandra: Right-on.

Alexandra: 完全正确!

COBRA: Not before. I will explain. The cabal has taken contra measures against this. Like if something happened to Kissinger at this moment many bad thing would happen on the physical plane. He has trigger mechanism – biological weapons, people going crazy, mind controlled people going crazy starting to shoot people. This is the only reason this person is still alive at this time. He has protected himself in this way. If stardust was activated in his body that would happen. At the time of this event we would take physical actions. The light forces will meet to stop the cabal and of course at that time the stardust will be activated.


Alexandra: God. Thank you for that. Has operation stardust been around a long time?


COBRA: The first Operation Stardust was activated a few years ago and it prevented a nuclear war I think 2002 or so and was then upgraded last year. There are talks to extend this further to decrease the number of potential causalities at the time of the event. (yes) Now the event might not go forcefully especially if it is forced to happen too soon. (OK) Simply the light forces on the planet are not cooperating enough and if the event happens before the non-physical Archons are removed there might be conflict within the light forces that could causes un-coordinated actions and mistakes and loss of lives.


Alexandra: OK. That makes a lot of sense. How does this experience for souls not currently incarnated on the earth, who have passed away, how will this impact their souls that have died after the event.


COBRA: After the event it will be pure paradise. The astral/etheric planes will be paradise. The souls who were on the astral planes since the 90’s have been taken away from the solar system. Many who have remained were not in a good position before the nonphysical Archons were removed.

柯博拉:“事件”之后将会是纯粹的天堂, 星光层/以太层将会成为天堂。那些在星光层的灵魂,自90年代以来,就已经被带离了太阳系。很多留下来的灵魂,在非物质执政官被移除之前,还没有适合的位置给它们。

Alexandra: OK, OK. This person would like to know what sort of activity is going on in No Korea at this time. Will it be dissolved. Was there some sort of experiment with No. Korea.


COBRA: This is a sad story. No. Korea is the most isolated country on the planet. They have their own form of the Cabal which was not very nice to their own population. There was even talks that N Korea willing to accept the Cabal after the event. Those negotiations failed and the plan is at the time of the event to liberate N. Korea. Especially those people who are living there in very very terrible conditions to give them food, freedom, abundance and healing they need.


Alexandra: Wow. Oh, so sad. Does it also have something to do with the way No. Korea is on the ley lines?


COBRA: This is just part of it . It is isolated enough, undeveloped enough that, cabal can control it and keep it contained. This would not happen in Europe or some other place.


Alexandra: Are there any other No. Korea that we don’t know about?


COBRA: Not to that extend. There are situations in Africa where there are countries that are not good conditions either.


Alexandra: Yes. Africa has been hit hard.


COBRA: Yes, that is why we need to push for the final victory.


Alexandra: Yes, it is time. This person quoted you from one of our prior interviews: “If the event happened right now we would have 100K casualties worldwide. . . . Monarch mind with the omega programming being triggered. That number is not easy to estimate. . . . That number is still too high to tolerate. . . “ My question is this – wouldn’t it be better to deal with these casualties in the short term rather than the people dying daily from poverty, starvation and wars?


COBRA: 1. This is not just the blind statistics. 2. This number could easily go much higher if something goes wrong. It could be 1 or 10 million. This could go higher if there were key persons controlled by the Archons. If the human beings who are supposed to be of the light, if they would behave like that, I would say go for the event. I have seen so many instances when so-called light workers or light warriors manifested behavior which would not be tolerated because it was really under the influence of the Archons. The resistance movement is not willing to risk that much at this moment because it could go wrong. (Good point). Too much can go wrong. You might remember the French Revolution. It started so well and you know how it ended.


Alexandra: We have to prove ourself and earn our stripes.


COBRA: It’s not about proving ourself. It’s about protecting human life. Not creating more damage than solving it. If there were an emergency situation on the planet – The resistance movement would move in. For example: If the Cabal in the US wanted to start Martial Law and start doing crazy things they would be prevented. The event would happen immediately. If they push too far with the war in Syria, of course things would happen . Things can change daily. It could shift tonight. There are many things happening behind the scene.


Alexandra: Is the cabal motivated to support this transition?


COBRA: No. No.


Alexandra: With more nefarious actions? They already have themselves set up. They can trigger all this chaos and revolutionary reaction from the people and they feed off that.


COBRA: It’s over for them. Most of the cabal doesn’t want this to end but they want to protect their lives. For those things to happen in a more moderate fashion. Negotiating their surrender. The Jesuit’s are trying to be super nice and friendly because they think they can negotiate their way out unscratched. Same with the Rothschild. The crazy faction of the Cabal like Kissinger Bush’s and similar idiots will not go down easy and will always try to create as much chaos as possible, as much suffering as possible. They will never negotiate. It’s not possible to negotiate with them.


Alexandra: It’s not possible to negotiate with a maniac. (yes) Just clarify where are we at with the Archon faction. They have already been removed. A lot of the minions have been taken off world. Where are we in that situation?


COBRA: Physical or non-physical ones?


Alexandra: Physical.


COBRA: There are a small group remaining.


Alexandra: Non-physical we’re pretty clean on?


COBRA: There is a small group remaining but they have very strong etheric technology. They do have some of their Reptilian minions. I will report on my post on my blog how they are being cleared. (Higher dimension level?) As soon as the etheric Archons are cleared we can handle the physical Cabal. We can handle the physical Cabal in a few days. It’s not resolved yet.


Alexandra: Cool. This is a hot potato and I sent you a video of this. It’s about this Oct 1 deadline. Combat forces, heater meals, water, peacekeeping troops, DHS agents, national guard units. Some sort of alert that things must be done or shipped by Oct 1 or thereabouts. What is your comment?


COBRA: Part of this is an old story which has been around at least 20 years. Millions of bullets, Trains with shekels, FEMA camps, etc. Part of this is the crazy faction of the cabal was preparing since early spring of this year a major false flag attack. Their master move. They are trying this through Syria and other ways and they are afraid of the event and they want to get ready.


Alexandra: They think troops will help them.


COBRA: Yes. They think some troops might help them.


Alexandra: That’s kind of funny when the event is a pulse of light.


COBRA: They are desperate and are trying to do anything they can.


Alexandra: What about space fence being shut down by Oct 1.


COBRA: That is an outdated technology. They have an advanced scalar space fence but it will not help them much.


Alexandra: It’s more about outdated technology. There has been some convincing info about Comet Ison – They’re showing how it’s not a comet but it may be 3 ships shaped like an arrowhead. It has not only changed course but it is somewhat erratic in the movement which it is taking. A comet would just keep moving forward. This was indicating that it was a ship of some sort. Thoughts?


COBRA: I will have to disappoint you. Disinformation. It is a comet, not a ship. The ships of the light forces have such advanced technology. They are coming from other star system. They don’t need weeks or 3 months to travel the solar system. It’s like if you would like to walk to the moon. (That’s a good point) These ships can travel through worm holes and through star gates. They need maybe 1 or 2 minutes. They don’t need months to travel the solar system. It’s a very backward technology in space travel terms. 2 or 3 months? That’s a terrible waste of time.


Alexandra: I would say so. Let’s talk about Obama. People just don’t get it. What does it mean to be a double agent working for the light and the dark. They can’t understand a man signing executive orders after executive order protecting Monsanto, wanting to go bomb Syria? etc. What would you say to that?

Alexandra:我也是这样认为。 让我们谈谈欧巴马。人们不明白,一个双重间谍,同时在为光的势力和黑暗势力服务是什么意思。他们无法理解他,一个不停签署总统行政命令,保护孟山都公司,还想去轰炸叙利亚的人等等。你是怎么评价的?

COBRA: He is doing things he has to obey.


Alexandra: He’s been under orders.


COBRA: Yes. Most people in his position would do the same.


Alexandra: OK. Why are nuclear weapons still an issue. If the galactics say they will never tolerate that. Why does it still come up. Why is there an insinuation that it’s even a possibility?


COBRA: It’s not an issue. It’s propaganda from the media. Huge nuclear weapons will not be tolerated. The Cabal was playing with the limits Israel deployed 4 small tactical nuclear weapons to Syria without many casualties. This was just about the border. They couldn’t go much further. 2. If they tried something bigger it would be disabled immediately. They can still use it in negotiation with Politicians. Politicians are not even aware of the Nuclear weapons being disabled by the Galactic Confederation and they are not even aware of the Galactic Confederation.


Alexandra: I started investigating that. I was shocked at how many reports of the arsenal nuclear weapons were “malfunctioning” – all over the world. (Yes, it’s true).


Alexandra: If we (the galactics) have the technology to disable nuclear weapons, why can’t we vaporize the Cabal.


COBRA: As I said before if things happened to the major players of the Cabal other things would be triggered – biological weapons deployed, nuclear power stations exploding, Monarch controlled witnesses going nuts and killing people. Many crazy things would happen. This has to be done carefully to prevent violence.


Alexandra: This person wrote from Kazistan. She has tried on many occasions to discuss the human society about the new banking system and talking to others. People seem so ignorant. What would you do? How can she reach people with no knowledge of the event.


COBRA: 1. there are some high government officials in Kazistan that know of things going on – banks and UFO. Maybe she can find them. 2.You can spread this over social media and internet. Those people that are interested will respond. Your close friends and family will be against this, but others will be interested.


Alexandra: Good point Social media. This person constantly feels exhausted and tired. Sleeping a ton Overwhelmed. Are the energetics on the planet and galaxy are causing this?


COBRA: Most likely she is experiencing a big purification of the astral/etheric plane, a big war on etheric plane. As those beings leave there are attacks. Part of this and also from the Central sun which can cause intense cellular transformation of the physical body as well.


Alexandra: Where are we at in our bodies going from carbon to silica. How far have we gone?


COBRA: Not far. More to go. Most can only happen in a positive environment.


Alexandra: OK. Once in that positive environment there will be exponential growth.


COBRA: Yes, exactly.


Alexandra: Several people are asking about his concern about the plan to go to the gold standard, asset backed. He feels this is dangerous. This puts the assets into the few hands instead of the many. And there could be a gross misuse of precious metals because of being a finite amount because of gold and silver? What is your opinion?


COBRA: Most likely that individual is speaking from his past experience. This transitional financial system will be nothing that has ever happened on this planet before and will be supervised by higher positive beings of light, otherwise it could turn that way. But because of the supervision of the light forces it will not be allowed to turn that way. Because it will be monitored and completely transparent.


Alexandra: Excellent. This council or supervising group – on or off planet?

Alexandra: 太棒了。这个监督小组委员是在地球上还是地球外?

COBRA: The resistance movement will be on the surface of the planet. After the first contact, the Pleiadians and other beings of light. As advanced technologies are introduced the need for money will be obsolete, gradually.


Alexandra: The ultimate goal is to be money-less.


COBRA: Exactly. The general population will not be able to transition immediately to the current abusive financial system to a completely cash-less society.

COBRA: 正是如此。人们需要一些时间过渡。大众无法立刻从当前的金融系统过渡到完全不用钱的社会。

Alexandra: Good point. He also talks about forced labor for currency upon which one is dependent upon one’s livelihood and cut back on consumption, polluting the air and water we drink and the easiest way to get rid of this is to get rid of business and jobs that do not serve any benefit to humanity. How do you think we will transfer out of that.


COBRA: This is what will happen. Most jobs and businesses that are useless they will be removed after the event. (Good) A lot of creative potential will be released and people will be channeling their energy into something much more productive than shuffling paper around.

COBRA: 这是将要发生的事情。很多职业和商业活动都会是无用的,“事件”之后它们将被移除(太好了)。许多创造性的潜能将被释放,人们将把自己的能量引导至更富成效的工作上,而不是整天处理文件材料。

Alexandra: I imagine there will be so many more job opportunities and because of all the projects that will be popping up to assist the planet and that are contributing (Exactly) On to this: What is the status of MK Ultra unfortunate survivors – are there more MK Ultra experiments still being done although the underground bases have been cleared?

Alexandra:我能想象将会有很多工作机遇,因为会有很多项目会突然出现,以协助这个星球(正是),然后你才能贡献一些有意义的东西。来看看这个问题:那些不幸的MK Ultra(大脑控制)幸存者现在的状况如何?是否尽管地下基地已被清理,却仍有更多的MK Ultra(大脑控制)实验在进行着?

COBRA: There are almost 0 of those experiments continuing but those people that have been subjected are not received healing yet. Mainly because of the denial of the masses. People are not believing this has even happened. This is one of the big misbalances on this planet. It makes it even harder for those people that were abused by this mind controlled program. They have no where to turn to. I think it’s a responsibility of the masses to become aware of this situation at least. (Absolutely) Also to be aware of the situation on the planet. It would not be taken so long. Not only the responsibility of the cabal but almost the masses who chose not to see the reality and chose not to see the truth and by doing that humanity gave permission for the cabal to keep doing what they were doing.


Alexandra: Yea, it always gets back to accountability. Doesn’t it? (Yes) Do you feel what happened at the navy yard shooting. There’s so much information. One person in particular said it was an actor that was laughing during the video taping coverage. What really did happen there. If it was legitimate is that representation of that sorts of people who are MK Ultra programmed?


COBRA: All the false flag attacks happen by triggering MK Ultra programed people. Those False flag attacks, regardless if they are created or if they are fake or real has the same purpose – is to divert attention. As those False Flag attacks that happen to distract people. As you have noticed it happens after Syria got better – The Cabal needs another distraction to keep the people in fear. This is what they need to maintain their system.


Alexandra: That is so true. It was such a high. When they made that decision to back off and not go to war – You could feel it across the planet. It was an amazing day. Then all this garbage came in about the shootings and then the flooding in Colorado. What is the torrential flooding in Colorado. Is that mother earth cleansing Colorado? There has been some really crappy things going on underground.


COBRA: It is a natural event, it was not staged. The cabal does not have the power any more to engineer weather to that scale.


Alexandra: Good. Good. That answers that questions for a lot of people. Currently millions of people, infants, children, teens and adults are being physically, mentally and spiritually oppressed under drugs – under the false premise that they are a disease. Will the sinister truth about this practices be released to the public after the event. Will it stop.


COBRA: It will absolutely be stopped. There is so much material about this already.


Alexandra: I posted a lot of this stuff. Pharmasuitical companies are just getting busted right left and center. All the suppressed test and journals that have been written have finally come forth.


COBRA: Evidence. Evidence with hard facts. You just need to find it.


Alexandra: If you dig, you will see positive things are happening – showing they are so corrupt. Question: We are aware of the vast amount of dis-info on the internet. How can we trust you and the information you provide?


COBRA: It’s not about trusting me, it’s about trusting you. If it feels right for you take it, otherwise focus somewhere else.


Alexandra: I agree. What other sources do you recommend we should we follow?


COBRA: If you are asking about internet, Benjamin Fulford – has some good intel sources. He simply does not recognize it and puts everything in the mix but some of his intel is very good. Also David Wilcox has some very good inspirational articles of information.

COBRA:如果你问询的是互联网上的信息,我会说本杰明·富尔福德的信息不错,他有一些很好的情报来源。但他并不知道如何分辨,只是把所有的东西混杂到一起,但他的某些情报确实非常好。David Wilcock也有一些非常好的文章,我很推荐。

Alexandra: How do you feel about David Icke?


COBRA: He has did a great job about awakening humanity about Illuminati and some good information on the Reptilians. I am not following his work lately. He released some good and basic information about the structure of the Cabal.


Alexandra: He did take on a most difficult job of informing the public that Reptilians walk the planet. That was brutal I’m sure.Drunvalo and Alex Jones?

Alexandra:他确实负担起了一个艰巨的工作,告诉大众有蜥蜴人行走在星球上。这真残酷。那么,Drunvalo和Alex Jones怎样?

COBRA: Not for my taste.

COBRA: 我不太能与之共鸣。

Alexandra: OK. This individual wrote in: I have formed a small group for prepare for change and It’s difficult to create a plan of action. How can we inform and educate others about the event when we don’t know enough information. We don’t know if our information is accurate. Our information may be redundant or mis-lead. Plus we don’t know for certain that are


COBRA: There is enough information out there about the event. There is not a 100% plan. We have a good plan and we have a good start.


Alexandra: I commend the groups that are popping up everywhere. I send you Love and Light. You are making a difference. In your corner of the world do not think it is not being noticed or felt. Is the new financial system becoming something spreading beyond BRICS countries. Is it going across the world? Will it be specific countries that will experience it first and others will follow suit?


COBRA: What the BRICS is doing is not a new financial system, they are just creating the leverage against the cabal that will accelerate the creating of a new financial system. The new Financial System will happen everywhere, simultaneously at the same time after the event.


Alexandra: Are you a member of the Galactic Federation of Planets?


COBRA: I am a member of the Galactic Confederation.


Alexandra: Galactic Confederation. What is your opinion of the Galactic Federation of Light.Pro’s and Con’s?


COBRA: There is just one organization out there – the Galactic Confederation. It’s a union of all the civilizations of light within this Galaxy. People choose to call it I don’t care. This is one living organism, living entity of light. You might encounter this dis-information over the internet from some well intentional and not so well intentional channels. The real information about the Galactic Confederation will come when the physical members will walk among us in their physical bodies and bring physical evidence of the Galactic races of light.


Alexandra: You brought up a thought and a friend said: what if . . . after the time of the event, those star seeds suddenly realize who they are and we are the ascended masters that we have been waiting for.


COBRA: We are about to remember who we are and step into our full Ascended master presence. Not yet. We are headed towards the completion of that process.


Alexandra: Yes, I agree with that. How long will it take for people know about the event before it happens


COBRA: Within 2 hours it will be all over the mass media around the planet.


Alexandra: What about Obama vs John Kerry. Distraction the media is using?




Alexandra: Pope stands for light or dark, Cobra said dark side. If the pope is for the dark, what does this call for peace prayer mean? Is it suddenly a good thing to have peace in Syria. What is driving the people to do this.


COBRA: I explained this in my last post about the planetary. The tactics of the Jesuits are similar to the tactics of the Muslim Brotherhood – They put on a friendly face. they are nice to people, they give a little bit of money to the poor, they organize peace meditations and then they infiltrate a system. this is their tactics for the last few hundred years. If you study the history of Jesuits, They infiltrated the world governments being super nice all over the world. they create central banks. the next thing you know the Rothchild’s are there. I don’t trust this pope. Even though Fulford is very happy with him.


Alexandra: Did you look at the divine province web-site – (Let me remember). Asking me what I think about it.

Alexandra:你有没有看过Divine Province网站?你有什么看法?很多人也去过,他们来信问怎么看待。我有发网址连结给你吗?(让我想想)

COBRA: There is some very good information in there if you know where to look.


Alexandra: That’s true. It’s like blogging. You have to shift through the garbage?


COBRA: 750 pages of the document. Inside there are some real gems.


Alexandra: Do you feel the pope stepped into the light?


COBRA: No, He is still a Jesuit and is doing what the Jesuits are supposed to do.(Puppet) I would be very careful about him. The Jesuits are negotiating their way into the surrender. They are not so crazy as the Rockafeller, Bush and Kissinger. The jesuits want to negotiate their way out when the Event happens. This is their strategy.


Alexandra: That’s a move in the right direction.

Alexandra: 这是几个月以来向正确的方向所走的一步。

COBRA: Yes, it is beneficial for the light if they play more nice. I like that but I don’t trust him


Alexandra: Big concern about Russian troops showing up going house to house in the Mid-west, asking about children, wanting proper ID, asking to drink their water and go to the bathroom.


COBRA: I do’t have confirmation of this. This is Rumors. I don’t have solid confirmation of this.


Alexandra: We have talked about this – why do you think fluoride and chlorine have been added to our water. It’s not that it has or hasn’t.


COBRA: To make humanity more stupid and compliant to their wishes.


Alexandra: Filters that work?


COBRA: Need to find a filter that keeps the essential minerals in the water.


Alexandra: Are you familiar with Poof and Zap – talking about a financial re-set happening. Financial re-set being talked about from good contacts.


COBRA: Poof died this year, May 22. he had some good intel. Those reports are not coming from him, and now they are coming from his staff and the quality has gone down. Same with Dinar happening tonight, tomorrow, Friday, next week, next hours, etc. etc. It will not happen like that.


Alexandra: OK. This person mentioned you saying there would be a 14% tax on all new goods and services – This feels like the same system packaged in a different box. People should be able to vote on this. Is this the goal of a money-free society when we have our technology up to where it should be and we have star trek like replicators and the drive for material objects will be over and money will be obsolete.


COBRA: transitional society. We can not transition from this society to star trek society in one minute. Somebody has to finance the bulldozer to build streets. It will go straight into the infrastructure not into the hands of the cabal. To pay for that infrastructure and keep it running.


Alexandra: Getting to end of hour. Prepare for change meeting in LA for Sept 29. 10:00 a.m. Go to and prepareforchange/losangeles. More details on that. I also wanted to thank all of you. This is a free public service. We don’t get paid for it. We would appreciate any donations that you would consider sending our way.


COBRA: Get prepare for change groups started as soon as possible. This is crucial to happen before the event.


Alexandra: I want to thank everyone for sending in their questions. I know we have more. I will interview Cobra on current events in a couple weeks. Keep the questions coming in. We will continue to try to address them. I want to thank everybody for supporting Cobra and


COBRA: OK. Thank you everybody for listening and supporting the light.
