Cobra | 2013年10月29日亚力珊卓拉访谈

Cobra 2013年10月29日亚力珊卓拉访谈

Alexandra:  Good afternoon everybody.  Today is Tuesday, October 29, 2013.  I am going to be reviewing some very interesting things with Cobra.  One of the things will be “the Event”.  I did want to thank everybody for their support and for the questions that have been sent in.  Keep bringing them in because they definitely add depth to the interview.  Cobra, say Hello.

 Alexandra: 大家下午好,今天是2013年10月29日星期二。我会与Cobra回顾一些有趣的事情。其中一个事情是“事件”。我想感谢各位的支持,以及把问题发给我们。请继续发过来,因为这些问题增加了采访的深度。Cobra,跟大家打个招呼吧。

COBRA : Hello everybody.

COBRA : 大家好。

Alexandra:  Cobra, Tell me right now what you feel is the state of the White House, considering the shut down and these White House Congressman are no where to be found, they say. 

Alexandra: 告诉我你对白宫现在的情况有什么感想?他们说政府关门,国会议员也找不到。 

COBRA : That’s what they say, but they will emerge out of nowhere as if nothing has happened.

COBRA : 这是他们的说词。但如果没事发生,他们又会不知道从哪儿冒出来。 

Alexandra: (Laugh) According to Ben Fulford they were flown down to Florida last Thursday by the US Military and they’ve not returned and nobody has heard from them.

 Alexandra: 根据本杰明. 福尔福德说他们上周四被军方送到佛罗里达,而且没有回来,没有人听说他们的消息。

COBRA : There was a lot of info on the Florida excursion.  If there was no confirmation by Sunday, because that’s when Fulford pulled this article, It doesn’t mean anything.

COBRA : 关于那个佛罗里达旅行有很多信息, 如果到星期天都没有关于福尔福德那天发这篇文章的确认消息的话,就不代表有什么发生。

Alexandra: OH, that’s too bad, bummer.  I was hoping they were beamed up to another spaceship or something.  (They would like that) The hottest, biggest question right now is what is behind these 22 generals that have been dismissed.  Of course the number is rising.  What is the core reason behind that.  Were they actually fired by the Cabal or was it actual cleaning house by the positive military. 

 Alexandra: 哦,真失望。我还在期待他们被送到飞船上。现在最热门最大的事件是22个将军被开除,背后隐藏着什么?当然人数正在上升,这背后的核心理由是什么?他们是被阴谋集团开除,还是正义军的清理行为。

COBRA : I have contacted some positive military forces about this.  Unfortunately it is the cabal trying to get rid of the good guys.  This is the plan.  The light forces have a counter plan.  Whatever the cabal does with the military right now, it will not change anything or disrupt plans by doing this.

 COBRA : 我与一些正义军联系询问过这件事,不幸的这是阴谋集团尝试除掉这些好人,这是他们的计划,光的势力有一个反制计划,无论阴谋集团现在对军方动什么手脚,都不会改变任何事情或者打断(我们的)计划。

Alexandra: Good.  Another hot subject is NASA and since the government shutdown which really didn’t end up being a shut-down.  The main thing that went down was the surveillance and the space related projects.  What is the NASA department and government trying to hide form us.

Alexandra: 很好。另一个热门话题是NASA,自从政府关门,他们也没有停下来。现在主要问题是监控和太空相关项目,NASA和政府想隐瞒我们什么? 

COBRA : NASA was hiding things from the start because it was actually a military organization and they’ve got military factions and illuminati people were the ones behind the formation.  All information coming out of Nasa was heavily filtered from the start.  Nothing has actually changed.  It still remains the same.(OK)  Most speculation and conspiracy theories of NASA are wrong.  People don’t have the right information.  They just speculate.  Other people just re-post or re-blog those speculations without looking deeper inside. 

COBRA : NASA一开始就隐瞒着东西,因为它是军方组织,负面的军方派系光明会成员在这个机构背后,所有NASA公布出来的东西一开始就被层层过滤,没有什么改变,仍然是这样,大部分关于NASA的推测和阴谋论是错误的,人们根本没有正确的信息,他们只是猜测,其他人转发转载这些猜测,没有深刻思考。 

Alexandra: I remember you said there was some light infiltration with that program,  you still feel that way?

Alexandra: 我记得你说过一些光渗透到那些项目里,你仍然这么认为吗? 

COBRA : oh yes, yes

COBRA : 是的。

Alexandra: What about the big news of this 3 dimensional object.  Apparently these 3 dimensional objects , black and they have a huge force field and these objects disappeared and then they re-appeared and are hiding.  A dock on the dark side of the moon.  Positioned in a circular alignment.  Do you have any feedback?

 Alexandra: 关于那三个空间物体的消息,很明显这三个空间黑色物体,它们有强大的能量场,这些物体消失又重新出现,然后躲在月球黑暗面,呈环形排列,对此你有什么回馈?

COBRA : This is kind of news I can not support.  It goes against all understanding how higher civilizations use their technology.  No advanced civilization needs to hide their space ship behind the moon. 

COBRA : 我不太赞成这个消息,这违反(我们对)高等文明如何使用他们技术的理解,没有先进文明需要把他们的宇宙飞船藏到月球背后。 

Alexandra: Oh they can just cloak it.

Alexandra: 他们能遮盖它 ?

COBRA : Yea.  people that posts those things just don’t have the basic understanding of physics or the ships can manage their travel in space time continuum or how they can cloak themselves.  It’s the easiest thing to do.

COBRA : 是的,那些发布这些信息的人,他们对物理学和所有系统如何运作,怎样在空间时间连续体中旅行,或者飞船如何隐匿,这些方面缺乏基础理解,这是最容易的。 

Alexandra: That’s a really good point.  Are you familiar with James McCanney.  (maybe) He’s a physicist.  He’s been studying this for several decade.  This whole comet Ison.  He developed a model called the plasma discharge comet.  He’s been on his band-box to say thattThere is an impact that is going to occur with the comet and the sun in November of this year and will continue to run through 2014.  It will be so bright and so off scale there is no way that they could describe it.  There has been nothing like it.  The first thing that came to my mind is it sounded like the event.

Alexandra: 说的很对。你知不知道James McCanney? 我上次好像跟你说过。(Cobra: 你再说一遍,我不太记得)。他是个物理学家,他进行了数十年的研究,关于这个Ison彗星,他开发出一个模型叫等离子放电彗星,他坚定声称彗星与太阳有一次冲击将发生在今年11月,并持续至2014年,这撞击如此明亮和大规模,他们无法形容,目前没有类似事情发生过,我马上想到的是听起来像“事件”。

COBRA : It is totally un related thing.  This comet will get closest to the sun on Nov 28.  Most likely it will not get bright at all.  All speculation about this comet is complete disinformation.

COBRA : 完全没有关系。这个彗星会在11月20日最接近太阳,最初预测它会非常光亮,但似乎可能完全不亮。关于这个彗星的猜测大部分可能是虚假信息。

Alexandra: iIs this comet causing weather anomalies.

Alexandra: 这个彗星引发天气异常吗? 

COBRA : No I don’t agree with that.

COBRA  我不同意。 

Alexandra: There you go folks.  Ben Fulford just put something out.  He had some good tidbits.  Supposedly the Pope had refused to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu. What is your opinion?

Alexandra: 大家应该听到了吧?福尔福德刚写了一些东西,他有一些花边新闻,似乎教皇拒绝会见本杰明. 内塔尼亚胡,你有什么看法? 

COBRA : It’s a continuation of the Jesuit strategy.  Not just the Jesuit strategies  Many strong geo-political forces are starting to realize that the Illuminati faction will be removed from the planet. They are trying to adapt to the situation.  So suddenly everyone is against US and Israel catholics.  The same with the New Pope is just continuing the hundreds and hundreds of years of tradition Jesuit to adapt very swiftly and softly to the situation who try to appear as the good guys .  It’s just a survival tactic of the church and the Jesuits.

COBRA : 这是耶稣会策略的延续,不只是耶稣会的策略,很多强大的地缘政治势力开始意识到,光明会集团将会被移除,他们正尝试适应这种情况,所以突然地,每个人都起来反对美国和以色列,同意新教皇继续着数百年的传统,非常敏捷轻柔地适应这个局势,他们尝试扮成好人,这只是教会和耶稣会残存策略。

Alexandra: It’s almost like a new bully on the block. 

Alexandra: 就好像一个新出现的恶霸。

COBRA : In a way.  Yes.

COBRA : 某种程度上是的。 

Alexandra: What do you feel about Putin refusing to see Kissinger?

Alexandra: 对普丁拒绝会见基辛格你怎么看的? 

COBRA : Kissinger, Rothschild’s and all kinds of people have been going to Russia year after year, time after time.  In the last few years they have been rejected from Russia. Of course the Eastern Alliance is quite strong in Russia in certain levels.  They will always leave empty handed.  Not only that, it might happen that any of those people show up in Russia again and they might be arrested.

COBRA : 实际上基辛格,罗斯柴尔德,所有这些人年复一年的到俄罗斯,最近几年他们被俄罗斯拒绝,当然在一些层面上东盟在俄罗斯很强大,他们往往空手而归,不只这样,可能这些再出现在俄罗斯的话,他们会被逮捕。

Alexandra: That’s actually good. That’s a nice change.  He (Ben Fulford) also mentioned that the govt. of Saudi Arabia is reevaluation using the petrol dollars.  Is that a really good move because Saudi Arabia has always been a strong Ali of the US.

Alexandra: 很好,这是一个好转变。 福尔福德说沙特政府在重新评价石油美元的使用,这是一个进步吗?因为沙特阿拉伯一直是美国强大的盟友。

COBRA : Yes, they are beginning to realizing the Cabal is going to loose.  especially the Illuminati faction which is concentrated in Israel and US. Therefore the Saudi Regime is moving away from that faction and aligning with the Eastern alliance but not directly, not covertly, but behind the scenes.

COBRA :  是的,他们开始明白阴谋集团将要解散。尤其是集中在以色列和美国的光明会派系,因此沙特政权远离那个派系,与东盟非直接地,幕后偷偷地结盟。

Alexandra: What about Turkey.  Does the same thing applies to them?

Alexandra: 土耳其怎么样?同样的情况适用与他们吗?

COBRA : Yes, of course.  Almost every country on the planet except Israel and the US are beginning to realize that.

COBRA : 是的,当然。除了以色列和美国,这个星球上每个国家都意识到。

Alexandra: Good news.  At least they are aligning with the BRICS.  What did you think about his comment on Khomeini kind of disappearing. No one has seen him for 3 weeks. Ayatollah Khomeini.

Alexandra –好消息。至少他们与金砖国家站到一起, 关于福尔福德对哈梅内伊失踪的评价你怎么看?三个星期没人见过他哈梅内伊(伊朗宗教领袖)

COBRA : Yes, he’s loosing power.  There is an undercurrent in Iran which is quite more positive and has strong support from the Eastern Alliance.

COBRA : 他正在失去权力,伊朗有一股相当正面的暗流拥有东盟的强大支持。

Alexandra: That seems to be a real deal breaker for the changes that are going on between the mid-east vs. Israel.  (Yes) He seems to be a major king-pin. 

Alexandra: 从这些事情来看,似乎有个真正的肇事者改变着中东和以色列,你同意吗?他似乎是个轴心人物。

COBRA : iI’s a big reshuffling taking place right now.  It’s a preparation. It’s just a political reshuffling but also financial reshuffling.  People are beginning to realize that there are drastic changes coming and a good clue that the event is going to happen.  If most people in high political positions are making such  changes it can not mean anything else but the removal of the Illuminati faction of the Cabal.  Nothing else can trigger such big geo-political changes. 

COBRA : 实际上一次大改组正在发生,这是一次准备,这是政治改组也是金融改组,人们开始明白一些激烈变化正在到来,这是“事件”发生的最好证明,如果身处政治高位的大部分人改变,那无疑代表着阴谋集团光明会派系的移除,没有其它能引发如此大的地缘政治变化。 

Alexandra: OK.  What do you think about the whole so called schism between US and Europe because of NSA spying.

Alexandra: 在NSA监听事件上美国和欧洲分裂,你怎么看? 

COBRA :  It’s the same process but on different levels.  The negative part of the NSA was actually controlled by Illuminati faction which was in turn controlled by the Jesuits.

COBRA : 这是不同层面上的同一进程,NSA的负面部分实际上由光明会控制,现在又轮到耶稣会控制。

Alexandra: IllumanitI seem to be going down, they are loosing power and clout.  Only other, no only, but major bad boy on the block is the Jesuits.

Alexandra: 你是说光明会似乎在衰落,他们在失去权力,剩下的主要人物是耶稣会。

COBRA : Jesuits and Rothschild to a certain degree.  But the Rothschilds are loosing power so they are not as important as they were even a year ago.  I would agree with that: Jesuits and Illumaniti.

 COBRA : 某种程度上应该是耶稣会和罗斯柴尔德。但罗斯柴尔德正失去权力,他们甚至没有一年前那么重要。我同意主要坏人是耶稣会和光明会

Alexandra: I thought this was a big deal.  There was a comment made by Ben that the European Union Parliament last week suspended US from the swift financial data base.  How is that going to affect the financial system.  

Alexandra: 我觉得这是一件大事,想听听你的看法。福尔福德评论说欧洲会议上周禁止美国进入SWIFT(环球银行金融电讯协会)金融数据库。这如何影响到金融系统? 

COBRA : It will not affect it.  That suspension was  just theoretical.  It was just a protest.  It was not cemented to reality, not yet.  If it is implemented in reality.  If it is cemented in reality it will be another step in dismantling the financial system of the Cabal.

COBRA : 这不会影响。这个禁令只是理论形式,是一次抗议,还没有在现实上执行。 如果动真格的,那将会是另一次对阴谋集团金融系统的拆除。

Alexandra: Do you agree that the new and improved financial system has already been set.  Do you agree that it has already been set and is waiting to be implemented at the right time.  

 Alexandra: 这个将在新社会使用的经改进的新金融系统临时框架,你是否同意它已经被建立,正等待合适的时机实施?

COBRA : It was sent last year in July,  we are just waiting.

COBRA : 去年7月就建立了,我们正等待时机。

Alexandra: We are set to go financially but not till after the event (Yes, Exactly )   What do you feel about Israel approved a released 26 Palestinians prisoners. Normally Israel isn’t even going to the negotiation table.

Alexandra: 我们金融上准备好了,但是“事件”之后才实行。(Cobra是的)。以色列释放26个巴勒斯坦囚犯,你有什么看法?正常来说以色列不会到谈判桌上。 你怎么看背后的原因?

COBRA : Small negotiations. From time to time Israel was releasing prisoners.  Not large numbers.  There is some spots, points.  It’s just a negotiation tactic.  Nothing that would have a major impact.

COBRA : 只是小型谈判,以色列有时会释放囚犯,不会大量放人,只是一小部分囚犯。就好像圆点或一些斑点。 这只是谈判策略,现在没什么能造成重大影响。

Alexandra: This is just trying to make them look good in the eyes of the media. (yes) because they are really getting slammed. 

Alexandra: 他们想让自己在媒体眼里的形象好一些,因为他们一直被抨击。

COBRA :  Yes, they are a little bizurk.  Pope has made a shift towards Israel that this country needs to be cleared of Chemical weapons, nuclear weapons and also other things. 

COBRA : 以色列现在要注意一点,因为焦点很快转移到以色列。这个国家需要清理一下化武,核武和其它一些东西。 

Alexandra: Do you feel the Zionists have lost their stronghold.

Alexandra: 你觉得犹太复国者失去堡垒了吗?

COBRA : No yet,  not enough.

COBRA : 还没有。(一点都没有吗?)他们每天都失去权力,但是还不够。

Alexandra: What is the truth behind the nuclear weapon that exploded off the Atlantic ocean by Charleston.

Alexandra: 查尔斯顿那边的大西洋有核武器爆炸,你能不能给我们说一下?

COBRA : This was supposed to explode somewhere else.  This was prevented.  There was many layers of prevention.  People on the surface of the planet.  People in the military that could prevent this.  Was not allowed to be exploded on the surface among human population.  Nobody needs to worry about this.  It’s taken care of.

COBRA : 这次爆炸似乎应该在其他地方,被阻止了。有很多层预防措施,在地表层面军方的人可以阻止,银河联盟也可以阻止,但不允许在地表人口密集的地方爆炸。人们不需要担心,这些事情有人照看。 

Alexandra: People are concerned. To get that close to the US.  Do you agree it went off?

Alexandra: 人们非常关心,这爆炸离美国很久,你认为真的爆炸了?

COBRA : There were many nuclear tests in the last 50 years, hundreds if not thousands, and nobody was concerned then.

COBRA : 过去50年在美国有很多核试验,没有一千也有几百次,但这些都没有人关心。

Alexandra: True, not that I should be laughing.  Was this the triggering point as to what caused all the high levels of generals and military personnel being let go. 

Alexandra: 是这样,我不是笑这个,这不该笑。这件事是那些高层将军以及军方人员被开除的触发点吗? 

COBRA : This is one of those events.  These things were happening massively last November.  They are happening now again.  It’s just Che cabal trying to get rid of the good people inside the Military.  This will not influence the plans of the light forces, not even a tiny bit .

COBRA : 这只是其中一个事件,这些事情去年11月大量发生,现在它们又再次出现,阴谋集团尝试把好人从军中清除出去,这不会影响到光的势力的计划,一点都不会。 

Alexandra: Going back to one of your posts: “a very small group of main etheric archons which continue to exert control in  the reincarnation process. They are still triggering  Through their remote control scalar implant technology.”  You mentioned that they do this off world and they are still hoping to try to hack into the system.  Has there been any feedback, any progress with that.

Alexandra: 说说你其中一篇文章:“一小群以太执政官继续控制着转世轮回过程,他们透过远程控制标量植入技术触发人类的弱点”。你提到他们(抵抗运动)从外面进入,他们希望入侵这个系统,现在有什么成果和进展? 

COBRA : There has been some progress but not enough.  The resistance movement has been working constantly on that.  It’s quite a complex technology.  It will take some time to dismantle completely.

COBRA : 已经有一些进展但还不够。抵抗运动一直在努力, 这是相当复杂的技术,需要花一段时间完全拆除。

Alexandra: Yes.  You were talking about these implants.  Pam and I stumbled upon: this  – the implant removal process.  We’ve seen dramatic shifts in people when they have this done.  You mentioned it has a small etheric black holes that rotate in a scalar electro magnetic field.  Can you explain more.

Alexandra: 你说过这些植入物,Pam和我经常发现这个植入物清理过程,当完成清理后,我们看到人们的巨大变化。你提到有一个小型以太黑洞在电磁场层级上旋转着,你能否再解释一下? 

COBRA : I think that everybody knows what a black hole is.  You can also make a black hole out physical matter and out of etheric matter.  If you put that etheric black hole in a rotating electromagnetic field that black hole begins to behave in a different manner.   That black hole begins to behave in a different manner, it begins to distort the reality around you.  That distortion couples with a e;ectrpmagnetic field and that distortion coupled with that magnetic field creates a disharmony electromagnetic field and that begins to influence your consciousness.  That affects every single individual on the surface of the planet.  Everybody’s been half crazy with this .  This is why people have been deceived. That’s why it takes people so long to awaken.  This is the reason why the Cabal was able to control the people.  Otherwise they would say “no”.  No one would agree to this craziness without those implants.

COBRA : 我想大家都知道黑洞是什么,你也可以用物理物质和以太物质制造一个黑洞。如果你把这个以太黑洞放到一个旋转的电磁场里,黑洞就开始有不同的表现,它开始影响你周围的量子状态,它开始扭曲你周围的现实。这个扭曲与电磁场结合制造出一个不和谐的电磁场,它开始影响你的意识。这影响到星球表面的每一个人,每个人因此陷入半疯狂。这就是为何人们一直受欺骗,为何需要花这么长时间觉醒,这也是阴谋集团能够控制人们的原因,否则人们会说“不”,没有这些植入物的话没有人会同意这种狂热。 

Alexandra: The way you just described it was helpful.  That electro magnetic field, how far is that reaching.

 Alexandra: 你的解释非常有用。那个电磁场范围有多大?

COBRA: You have so many black holes not just in the implant, but the space around us – the whole surface of the planet is covered. 

 COBRA: 不只在植入物里,在我们周围的空间里也有很多黑洞。整个星球表面都被覆盖。

Alexandra: They are penetrating us through other dimensions and through these black holes.  Are they communicating the black holes in our bodies that have been created by the implants?

Alexandra: 那么,他们是从其它维度透过这些黑洞进入我们身体。他们在我们身体里透过植入物制造的黑暗黑洞?

COBRA: This was happening before but this has been resolved.  This communication has stopped and is much more difficult.  We are now getting closer to the removal of this.  It’s quite a complex task. When this is done, victory is ours. 

 COBRA: 以前是这样,但现在一定程度上已解决。现在这些通信更加艰难。我们正接近移除它们。这是非常复杂的任务。一旦完成,胜利就是我们的。

Alexandra: I had a lady who wrote right in about one of your posts and she was confused because you put a chart out about  Nov 23, 2013 star tetrahedron.  She ran one and was not able to come up with the star tetrahedron.  What astrology did you base that on. 


COBRA:This was a heliocentric chart and not a geocentric chart.  Most astrologers use geocentric charts and they show the positions of the planets relating to planet earth.  The chart that I use is for the whole solar system, not just this planet.  It’s a heliocentric charts and it shows this 6 pointed star formation, if you were looking from the sun you would see that formation in the sky on Nov 23rd, but not from the earth.  This portal isn’t just affecting our planet, but the whole solar system.  Which is a much more greater scope and much more powerful energy. 


Alexandra: Yea, absolutely.  Wow.  Too bad we can’t see it. If you were in the solar system, where would you be able to see it? 


COBRA: If you were looking from the sun,  you would be able to see 6 planets at approximately. 60 degrees apart. You will be able to feel the energy on that day.

 COBRA: 如果从太阳上看天空,你能看到6个行星大约互相相距60度。你在那天将能感受到那股能量。

Alexandra: What do you think it will feel like?


COBRA: Let’s wait and see. 


Alexandra: You’re so funny.  Back to a serious question about the Catholic church.  I have asked you many times about Pope Francis moving towards the light.  What is your feeling about Document released on July 9th, laying down a new set of laws.  Do you see that as a positive? because a lot of people do, or are you seeing it as Kevin Arnett says, is they are only accountable to only cannon law.

Alexandra:让我们来谈谈一个关于天主教的严肃问题。我曾问你很多次有关教皇方济是否走向光明一边。关于7月9日公开的那份档,主张一套新的法律——你认为这是正面的事吗?因为很多人说这是正面的。或者就像Kevin Arnett所说,他们只对教会法有解释义务?

COBRA:  The problem with the document is It can be interpreted in many ways.  you can interpret pos and neg.  It was intentionally written that way so it gives room for manipulation and as you know, Jesuits are master manipulators.  I would be a little bit skeptical about that document.  I would not see it so positive.  The Jesuits do not have the highest interest of humanity as their goal.


Alexandra: Yes. From a not so great stand-point, if one of the priest happened to be honest and stepped forward and leaked information, they could receive criminal offense.

Alexandra: 是的。从一个不那么伟大的角度,如果其中一个教士碰巧是诚实的,站出来泄露这个信息,他们很可能被消灭。

COBRA: Yes, this is one possible interpretation. 


Alexandra: Back to James McCanney – He was putting out a video and audio and how Comet Ison had passed by Mars.  What they saw was an electrical charge once it passed by Mar’s field.  The comet itself turned to a neon green from carbon monoxide and that sort of thing.  But it also put around a green auric field around the planet.  Can you comment on that and what will this comet do as if affects our planet.

Alexandra:说回到James McCanney,刚才提到的物理学家,他拿出一个视频和音频,显示Ison彗星如何经过火星。他们看见当彗星经过火星场域时发生一次充电,这个彗星从一氧化碳变为氖绿色的东西,但它又把金绿色的场域散播到星球周围。你是否能评论一下,如果这个彗星经过地球,它会如何影响我们?

COBRA: Actually this dramatic discharge happens all the time.  I think the earth will be too far away from the comet for us to experience the same affect.  We experience this from our own sun.  Every time the sun gets more active you can see the Dancing lights in the sky very high up north.  This dramatic discharge is a common phenomena.  This is not dangerous or sensational.  It looks beautiful and that’s about it.

COBRA: 实际上,这种巨大的放电过程在宇宙中一直都很常见,没什么特别。我认为地球距离这个彗星太远,我们体验不到相同的情况。事实上,我们从太阳那里经历到类似的影响。每次太阳活动愈趋激烈,你就能看到北方天空上舞动的光彩。这种惊人的放电是一个正常现象。它看起来很美,仅此而已。

Alexandra :It looks beautiful but that’s it.  There’s such a big deal being made of it. 


COBRA: Yes, it’s a media hype to increase sales.  This information put it out of context and out of proportion to get better ratings.  Same with alternative media.  Same phenomena.


Alexandra: OK.  Let’s talk about Fukushima.  I know you said it could be way worse and it could have a way higher rating than it does.  Information keeps pouring out daily.  Not great at all.  “This is the worst industrial accident ever to occur but it’s not over.  Fukushima power plants are crumbling and should another earthquake strike the area one building could collapse and release massive amounts of radiation in the atmosphere”.  What do you feel?  Is there anything we can do to stave this off? Or is this an obvious act of prevention for the Galactics?


COBRA: If this Fukushima situation gets too far out of control, the Galactics will help. The Cabal is misusing this Fukushima event to put more industrial radioactive waste in that area to further their own goals and to use this as a negotiation tool in Japan. 


Alexandra: I know that living in California, they are really hyping it up. We’re getting a lot of information that the radiation rates hitting the west coast is at an all time high.


COBRA: There are also other sources of radiation besides Fukushima.


Alexandra: True.  True.  Let’s talk about the Orion System.  The matrix was starting to implode.  One of the signs was the governmental shut-down. It wasn’t just a stage performance.  What you thought about that? 


COBRA:what is the connection between Orion and the shut down.

COBRA: 猎户座和政府关门有什么关系?

Alexandra: I don’t know, because of the fact that Washing DC was the center of power for the Orion system. 


COBRA: It is one of the centers of power.  The Rothschild come from the Orion system.  They are connected to this. There are many reasons why the so called government shut down happened and one of them is the insanity of the Illuminati faction. They wanted to push their agenda with complete disregard of consequences.  When they go too far they just back off.  This cycle has repeated in the last 50 years countless times.


Alexandra: What was the ultimate goal of the shut down. 


COBRA: The ultimate goal of the shut down was to trigger the start martial law. Of course that can not happen.  When they realize this won’t happen.  They come up with their ‘solution’.  It’s not a solution.  It’s just a matter of political consent.

COBRA: 最终目标是触发戒严,当然这不能发生。当他们知道这不会发生后,他们带着“解决方案”走出来。这不是解决方案,只是最低限度的政治妥协。

Alexandra: At least we got a little victory there.  (yes) No martial law.   (That will now be allowed to happen)  Good.  right on.  What is your opinion of dimensional levels within the dimension.  You will come across several articles referring to  The 12th level of the 4th dimension.  Do you agree.  Are there multiple dimensions within the dimensions?


COBRA: I would say there are sub-dimension.  Little differences from One octave to another.  There are various ways to describe it. On certain levels that’s true but People don’t have enough understanding to correctly describe what they are seeing or getting.  I would say this is correct. 

COBRA: 我会说,存在次维度(sub-dimension),从一个八度音阶到另一个,有一些不同。有几个方法来描述,我不会说得太详细,但在某些层面上这是对的。但人们没有足够的理解来正确描述他们所见。我觉得这个说法也是正确的。

Alexandra: Do you agree there were some full blown galactic conflicts going on in the higher 4th sub-levels- this last summer.


COBRA: Actually there were conflicts  in the higher 4th dimension in the last 25,000 years on this planet and they are getting finished. 

COBRA: 实际上,在第4维度曾经有一些冲突,发生在25000年前,这个星球上。但这些冲突今年夏天结束了。

Alexandra: We did come to a close in that area.


COBRA: Yes, if I use this terminology the higher 4th dimension is now clear of the dark forces.  They are gone.


Alexandra: OMG.  That’s awesome.  That’s great news.  “You have to know that this cosmic break in this space/time structure during the preparation for ascension is known to be used to liberate the people who have decided differently from their demons.   90% of humanity is possessed by foreign energies and demons.  This is one of the reasons why we can no longer bear human crowds because so many people are so fully possessed.”  What do you think about that? 


COBRA: Well.  I was speaking many times about this.  There are so many entities around everybody tied to the implants.  For every human being there were entities on the etheric plane which are not of the light.  This is being cleared but has not been cleared yet.


Alexandra: The reason I brought this up is that there isn’t a light worker, star seed, light warrior that hasn’t had this conversation that they don’t want to come out of their cave.  We tend to stay in our homes or in small group of people because we don’t really want to get out there.  (Yes, it’s understandable).


Alexandra : This just nailed it on the head.  I wanted to see what you thought.


COBRA: It’s a good response to avoid etheric contamination.


Alexandra: What do yo think about that there are some arrests of politicians in the last several days.  I don’t have names. 


COBRA: I heard rumors but no confirmations. 


Alexandra: That’s just a rumor at this point.  Can you give us an update about Syria and Israel’s impact on that as well. 


COBRA: The situation in Syria has not been resolved et.  The danger of foreign invasion has been removed.  The situation has not yet been resolved.


Alexandra: Are there still like, on my blog 2 weeks ago.  The Syrian rebel army has had some major victories.  Are they fighting for the Syrian Government.  Are they fighting for the Cabalists, Are they fighting for the positive military? 


COBRA: The rebel forces again the tyrannical regime but then the Rothschilds have misused it and .  Now there are many mercenaries that have taken over the rebel forces.   Now the forces are compromised and now they are worse than governments.


Alexandra: What a mess.  I don’t know if you saw the latest.  Audio and Video of the actual war.  Did you see that ?  (No)  Live footage of the war in Syria.  Don’t know if it’s legitimate.  They are saying, like you had mentioned, they see a huge turning point in world affairs with Israel especially because Syria being willing to open up to Chemical weapons.  Did that back fire on Israel.  They are paying attention to Israel stockpile now?  (Yes, exactly)  Where do you see that going?   Isn’t that going to become that every government is going to have to step up to the plate and show their stockpiles? 


COBRA: Yes, not in the immediate, but after sometime, yes.


Alexandra: To have world peace that’s where we’re going to have to go.


COBRA: When the event happens we will not need chemical weapons.  It’s completely not necessary. 


Alexandra: You put out a posting by Anonymous.  They wanted to see how quickly the network could communicate across the world as rapidly as possible.  Anonymous has become more a mouthpiece of the positive military or the resistance movement.  Is that fair to say? 


COBRA: I can not comment on this at the moment. (OK) It’s very sensitive.


Alexandra: When you look at the world affairs right now.  For example:  UK refused to go to war in Syria.  Russia has made  some amazing bold statements about not going into Syria and even made some threats to the US and other countries.  Are we just down to US, France, Israel and a few others as far as the Illuminati goes.


COBRA: We are down to US and Israel against the whole world. 


Alexandra: Wow.  That’s huge.  That’s amazing


COBRA: Yes, it’s huge progress.  I’m not speaking about the countries them self, it’s the factions. It’s not a war between one country against another.  It’s more of a harmonized intent to bring down the cabal that is mostly situated in the US and Israel.  Of course people belong to the same cabal in other countries.  They are losing power I would say they have lost more than 50% of their power everywhere. 


Alexandra: That’s great news.  Questions about GMO food.  Do you feel the BRICS nation, are they behind this big move because Mexico just suspended the planting of GMO crops which was pretty big considering it was in North America.  South America just had a big victory about GMO.  I feel very strongly about GMO and Monsanto.  You can’t get a worse way of contaminating and killing the people of the world.  What do you see is the progress of the GMO movement?  Will this continue through the Jesuits.  Are they behind the scenes basically putting money in their coffins to keep them going or because of the huge uprising we will succeed with ceasing this GMO.


COBRA: This GMO project belongs to the Illuminati.  This project will be removed from the planet, maybe even before the event is a possibility.  Anti-GMO has been getting stronger and stronger.  There are many victories lately around the world.  I am assuming that the world is uniting against this GMO and Monsanto knows this.


Alexandra: Something I was watching something the other day, I couldn’t even handle it.  They are getting so much upheaval in the first world countries and really hammering the 3rd world countries and insisting on selling the seeds.  Live stock are dying at an unprecedented rate.  Spreading contamination to the people.  People are writing in asking Why aren’t the galactics aren’t stepping in because it’s so bad.


COBRA : It’s very delicate balance.  If the Galactic forces intervene on the surface of the planet, the Cabal would go crazy.  It’s like having a crazy dog at the gate.  You have to give him some food to calm him down so you can go inside and rescue the people.

COBRA: 这是非常微妙的平衡。如果银河联盟势力介入地球表面,阴谋集团将会变得疯狂。就像一直守在门口的疯狗。所以,你必须给们他一些食物,以使得他们安静下来,然后你才可以进入去拯救民众。

Alexandra: It’s difficult because you have to think like maniac.

Alexander: 这很困难,你要像一个疯子那样思考。

COBRA : You don’t have to think like a maniac, you have to know how to calm down the maniac to rescue the people.  Its difficult, and takes so much time especially if the surface population is not cooperating.

COBRA: 你不必像个疯子一样去思考。你必须懂得如何能让那个疯子安静下来,然后去救人。这并不容易,会花费很多时间,尤其是如果地表人类不合作的话。

Alexandra: Yes, and not awake.

Alexander: 是的,还没觉醒。

COBRA : Of course if people are awake they would cooperate with the light.

COBRA: 当然,如果人们觉醒了,他们会与光进行合作。 

Alexandra: On to the financial world.  There seems to have some big plusses.  JP Morgan settled with the US dept. of Justice for 13Billion dollars. That’s probably the highest I’ve seen.  Can you comment on that.  There was also some major hiccups with Wells and Chase as far as 50K minimum access to money.

Alexander:在金融领域,好像有一些大事。JP摩根和美国司法部达成协议,以支付破记录的130 亿的罚款。这可能是我看到的最高的罚款数额,你能给些评论吗?据我所知,目前大通银行遇到一些麻烦,他们规定最低额度为5万美元的存取款。

COBRA : Those fines don’t mean much to those banks. They handle trillions.  A few billion for them is a little bit painful but not enough.  It’s not enough.  The cabal is trying to steal the money in the bank.  I still suggest for people to move their money out of their banks ASAP.  Before the event happens the Cabal they may seize the accounts or steal the money from the accounts.

COBRA:  这些罚款对这些银行来说算不了什么,因为他们手上有上万亿美元。几十亿美元对他们来说只是有点心疼,这还完全不够。阴谋集团尝试在银行里偷钱。我仍然建议人们将钱尽快从银行中取出来。在事件发生之前,阴谋集团可以占有账户并从中偷取资金。

Alexandra:  You’ve been real consistent on that.  Get your money out of the bank except what you can loose.

Alexander: 你一直都要求坚持那样做,所以各位,请把大部分钱从银行中取出来,除非你想有所损失。

COBRA : Don’t leave any money in there.  Just enough to maintain your accounts.  It’s one of the least safest places. 

 COBRA: 实际上不需要将所有的钱都取出来,可以留一点钱来维持账户,否则就全部取出来。银行其实是最不安全的地方。放在其它地方都要比银行安全。

Alexandra: Under your mattress is better. (YES)  I’m sure you read about Ireland that an activist organization filed lawsuit against the bank of Ireland. Iit’s pretty cool.  Wouldn’t it be huge if they could set a president across the world.  Have you read up on that?  What you thought?  Is that affecting the final world the Rothschild and how they are doing business. 

Alexander: 放在床垫下会更好吧(是的)。我确信你读过关于爱尔兰的一些事情,一个激进组织控告爱尔兰银行。真得非常棒!如果他们能在全球招一个主席就真是大事。你是否看到这个消息呢?你有什么想法吗?这会不会影响到金融世界,以及罗斯柴尔德家族的生意。

COBRA : Iit’’s not affecting directly but more the but the consciousness of human beings.  There are countries like Iceland, Hungary, ireland, other countries are trying to break free and this is a good sign.

COBRA: 这不会有直接影响,主要是影响人类意识。有一些国家像冰岛,匈牙利,爱尔兰,等其它国家,都在尝试挣脱束缚,这是一个好迹象。 

Alexandra: Yes, a really good sign.  People are anding together and are stand up and fight for their rights.  What do you think about the shut-down in China because of the radical smog.  Where did that come from?  I know they’ve had smog issues. 

Alexander: 是的,这是一个好的迹象。因为人们站起来,并团结一起为他们的权力而斗争。目前中国的雾霾非常严重,中国的交通有些已经关闭,你是怎么看这个问题的?这些雾霾是从哪里来的?我知道他们有一些这样的问题了。但原因是这样的吗,或还有其它原因呢?

COBRA : China has, especially the larger cities where they have a lot of Industry has a very low quality of air.  It’s been a problem in China and Russia too in the last few decades.  The standards are much better than China.  It can be horrible  It’s mostly  Industrial pollution. Same as Russia in the most Industrial areas.

COBRA: 实际上,在中国,特别是大的城市都有很多工业,那里空气的质量非常低。这一直是过去几十年中国和俄罗斯所面临的问题,情况变得越来越严重。西方世界的空气标准要比中国的高。中国可能会变得很恐怖,大部分是工业污染。俄罗斯的大部分工业区也是一样的。

Alexandra: So this is mother nature’s wake-up call.

Alexandra: 因此说这是大自然所敲响的警钟。

COBRA : It is simply that humanity puts too much stress on mother nature. 

COBRA: 简单的说,人类有时候给大自然母亲太多的压力。

Alexandra: They’ll have to make a choice – stand up or accept it. 

Alexandra: 所以他们必须做出选择,要么站起来,要么忍受它。

COBRA : Actually, its not them that will make a choice.  When the event happens all those industries will be restructured .  No need to use fossil fuels. With clean and free energy there is no need for air pollution. 

COBRA: 实际上,他们不需要做出选择。“事件”发生之后,所有那些重工业都将被重组。不需要使用化石燃料。采用环保的自由能源后,就不会有污染了。

Alexandra: I can not wait.  Apparently the US is panicky because of a chem-trail plane was brought down over India.  

Alexandra: 我快等不及了。有消息说,美国明显感到了恐慌,因为一架散布化学凝结尾的飞机在印度被击落。

COBRA : I think this article was 4 years old.

COBRA: 我想这篇文章是4年前的。

Alexandra: You’re kidding.  Too bad.  I was hoping they had gotten their hands on it to help the light.  What do you think was the upshot of the US veterans march on Washington DC?

Alexandra: 是吗,很可惜。我还希望他们着手开始帮助光的势力。你对华盛顿地区的美国退伍军人的游行结果是怎么看的呢?

COBRA : I would say finally there is a certain degree of awakening in US.  Not as big as I’d hoped.  Good start.

 COBRA: 我会说美国终于有一定程度的觉醒了。不像我希望的那么大,是一个好的开始。

Alexandra: Truckers too.  Of course they blacked them out on Facebook and twitter.  Unfortunately.  A lot of us were blogging them so they got a lot of coverage. 

Alexandra: 卡车司机罢工也是一个例子。当然,他们在Facebook和Twitter上都被拉黑了,很不幸。 但是我们很多人都还在博客中关注他们,以便他们仍然能被广泛报导。

COBRA : That was good

COBRA: 很好。

Alexandra: What is your take on Snowden.  Is he going to stay in Russia.  Is he going to continue to be a mouth piece for leaked documents. 

Alexandra: 你对斯诺登的看法是怎样的呢?他会继续留在俄罗斯吗?他会继续谈论泄密的档吗? 他会怎样?

COBRA : He is awakening the human masses as to what NSA was doing for ages, for decades.  Everyone is beginning to realize what that means, People need to process those facts then there will be a next layer of revelations.  Most likely not coming from him.  There is a certain project of someone else to step up with a new set of documents that is even more interesting. 

COBRA: 他正在唤醒人类大众,告诉人们NSA这些年所做的事情。每个人开始明白到这代表着什么,人们需要处理那些事实后,才会有另一层次的启示。可能不是他,而是其他人。有一个新计划,其他人会站出来,让更有趣的另一套档泄露出来。

Alexandra: I look forward to that.  Did you hear about the NSA super center in utah NSA. They had over 10 electrical melt downs over power surge.   Is that a little help from friends upstairs.

Alexandra: 我很期待。你有没有听说过NSA在美国犹他州的超级中心。他们有过10次因为电力超载而导致关闭的事件。这是来自“上面”朋友的帮助吗?

COBRA : A little help from friends upstairs, downstairs and horizontal friends.

 COBRA: “上层”,“下层”以及“邻居”的朋友都提供了一些帮助。

Alexandra: (laugh)  I love it.  What is going on between the Dutch, Russians and Green peace activist thing.  There were a bunch of them imprisoned and thrown in jail.  At the same time there were some diplomat in Russia that was busted for Pedafilia.  They were totally outraged.  There was a Dutch diplomat assassinated.

Alexandra: 非常开心。这是一个好问题,在荷兰人,俄罗斯人,以及绿色和平激进分子之间发生了什么事?他们中很多人被拘捕并丢进监狱。但同时,一些俄罗斯外交官因为恋童案被开除。他们非常愤怒,又有一些荷兰外交官被暗杀。这是怎么样的情况?

COBRA : Russia is still not a democratic country as any country on the planet is.   There are still a few things that are not right.

COBRA: 俄罗斯和其它一些国家一样,仍然还不是民主国家。仍然有一些不正确的事情发生。

Alexandra: Can you comment on it.

Alexandra: 你能评论一下吗?

COBRA : Those activists are a victim of the system.

COBRA: 我只能说这么多,那些激进分子实际是这个系统的受害者。

Alexandra: At the wrong place at the wrong time?  Poking their nose in a place that was too sensitive.

Alexandra: 感觉像是在错误的时间,错误的地点发生了?把鼻子伸到有敏感的地方去嗅了一下。

COBRA : Everyone in that is in that kind of activist is – exposing himself to a certain risk.

COBRA: 我会说,每个参与的激进分子都会冒一定的风险。

Alexandra: Russia was busted for seizing 7.6 billion dollars in savings from private pension funds this month – so another reason to get your money out of the bank.  Cobra – this whole thing with Washington DC police killing an unarmed mother with her baby. Was that just another side tracking us and getting us distracted. 

Alexandra: 回应一下Cobra几分钟所谈到的,我先读下这条消息。这个月,俄罗斯政府从私人养老基金中取走76亿美元的计划流产了,这也是另一个理由,那就是为什么需要把钱从银行里面取出来。好的,Cobra, 这里有件事情,是关于华盛顿警察枪杀带着婴儿的手无寸铁的母亲。那是又一次转移我们注意力的行动吗?

COBRA : I would say that it was an overreaction of the police forces which was triggered by the Archons.

COBRA: 我会说,这是来自执政官触发的警察力量的过度反应。 

Alexandra: On the good side It’s also bringing light to the over usage to prescription drugs.

Alexandra: 从好的方面来说,这也揭露出处方药的滥用。

COBRA : Serves as another awakening call for people to become aware.

COBRA: 这有助于让人们了解情况,是一个觉醒的召唤,让人们开始了解并意识到当前的情况。

Alexandra: Bit coins – dropped and FBI shut down the web-site.  Do you have any information on that?

Alexandra: 我们先前已经谈到很多次关于比特币,它们的价值在下跌,并且FBI关闭了网站。你有任何关于这方面的消息吗? 

COBRA : Forces of light working on this to get this re-activated again.

COBRA: 光的势力正在努力重新启动它。

Alexandra: CooB.  before the end of the year?

Alexandra: 很棒。在今年年底之前吗?

COBRA : Even sooner if possible.

COBRA: 如果可能,会更早些。

Alexandra: Hope so.  So much going on.  How about this Iran Cyber war fare commander was assassinated.  Israel leader’s Netanyahu has been dismissive of Iran’s diplomatic efforts to avoid war.  They are trying to create support for the attack.  He was implicated in the assassination of 5 Iranian Nuclear scientists and weapons specialists.  Is that to do with the WMD.  Does it have to do with Chemtrails and the nasty stuff being sprayed in the sky?  Or is it something different.

Alexandra: 但愿如此。很多事在发生,伊朗的网络战指挥官被暗杀是怎么回事?以色列领导人内塔利亚胡一直都在轻视伊朗的避免战争的外交努力。他们尝试对这次攻击进行支持。他被牵涉到五位伊朗核科学家和武器专家的遇害。你能否给些评论,这些都和大规模杀伤性武器有关吗?这与在天空播撒化学凝结尾有关吗?或其它一些不同事情。

COBRA : Israel Cabal was trying to remove the scientists that were working on advanced projects.  They didn’t want certain countries to get access to nuclear technology and other technology.  This has been going on for years actually old news.

COBRA: 以色列阴谋集团正试图将从事先进项目研究的科学家给除掉。他们不想让有些国家获得核技术或其它技术。这些行动进行了很多年,不是什么新的新闻了。

Alexandra:  You’ve also heard about the Oath keepers.  They have organized over 30,000 members.  Look into them.  They have a good agenda.  They are based on local level Providing community with security and support in times of chaos.  Check them out.  They have memberships and are open to everybody.  Cobra we talked about the dimensions.  One of the questions that came in: The matrix exists in this dimension.  I also know it exists in the 5th dimension.  WE can’t reach full consciousness until we reach the 6th dimension.  Please comment. 

Alexandra: 你可能也听说过Oath Keepers组织吧。他们已经有3万名成员。每个人都在关注这个组织,他们有一个很好的议程。他们立足于基层,在混乱时期向小区提供安全和支持。大家可以去看看。他们有会员制度,对所有人开放。Cobra,我们谈了一些关于维度的话题,有一个听众的问题:矩阵存在于这个维度,我也知道它也存在于第五维度,而且直到我们达到第六维度,我们才有可能恢复全意识。请对此评论下。

COBRA : Those descriptions and names of the dimensions are just names they just mean different things to people.  Until there is enough consensus of what that means,  I can not comment on it.

COBRA: 这些对维度的描述和所起的名字可能对不同的人来说是不同的。直到人们对“维度是什么意思”达成共识之前,我都无法给出评论。

Alexandra:  Right.  It’s a little complicated for us to wrap our brains around. 

Alexandra: 对的。这对我们来说有点复杂,我们大脑难以理解。 

COBRA : People have enough consensus.  Language is a tricky thing.  This sentence might mean something different for other people.

COBRA: 实际上这很简单,但人们需要达成足够的一致。因为语言是一个狡猾的东西。如果我说一句话,这句话对不同的人会有不同的意思。

Alexandra:  Getting back to the original thing – “the event”.  ”There will not be one living soul or animal or insect or creature or plant.  Anything that is alive that will not be affected by it.  They will not sleep through it.  They will not carry on watching the Television.  It will affect us all.”  How do you Cobra perceive the day of the event.  How do you see it unfolding?

Alexandra: 让我们回到最初的事情,就是“事件”。我想念一下这段话:“任何人,任何动物,任何昆虫,任何植物,只要是活着的,都不会不受到其影响。”他们不会睡过去,他们不会只看电视。这件事会影响到我们所有人。”你是怎么理解“事件”发生当天的情况呢?你是怎么看事情展开的呢?

COBRA : There will definitely be a spiritual aspect. People will perceive that at their own vibrational frequency.  Physical aspect will be undeniable.  There will be announcements in the Mass Media.  The Financial system will be shut down.  This will be a big thing for human beings.  There will be a leaks of information over the mass media  starting from day 1 to educate the masses. This is very important..  People will begin to awaken drastically.

COBRA: 肯定在灵性层面上有反应。人们将根据自身的振动频率来觉察它。物理层面的事情将是无法否认的。因为在大众媒体上将有公告。旧的金融系统将会被关闭。这对人类来说是件大事情。从第一天开始,就有信息从大众媒体泄露出来并教育民众。这会是非常重要,人们将会迅速觉醒。

Alexandra: It feels so close.  There’s been a lot of good victories by the light. (yes).  The Keish foundation. Do you feel they are making some progress.   I had someone from Spain write in that the Keish is working on Plasma technology.  What do you think about that? That allows us to space travel and have unlimited  electricity and transportation.  They also gave this technology to Iran and other countries.  What do you think about that?  The Agarthans released this technology to the surface quite a while ago. 

Alexandra: 感觉很近了。我知道你不能说太多,但是感觉有好多事情发生了。光的势力已经取得了很多胜利了,是吧?(是的)看来有很多进展了。现在谈谈凯史基金,你是否觉得他们已经取得了一些进展。我听一位西班牙朋友说,凯史正在研究电浆技术,可以让我们进行宇宙旅行,有无限的电力供给和运输能力。他也把这项技术给了伊朗和其它国家。你是怎么看待的呢?他还说,地心阿加森文明已经释放这项技术给地面有相当一段时间了。

COBRA : I have seen many different technologies that have been developed but none of those technologies have reached a point yet to the mass distribution.  That’s always what is important.  There are many groups working on this.  We are close to the breakthrough. 

COBRA: 我见过开发出来的许多不同技术,没有一项技术能够达到大规模应用的程度。这总是非常重要的一点。我们很接近了,有很多团队正致力于这个方面的研究,我们很快接近突破了。

Alexandra: Do you feel scientists and entrepreneurs, people making head-ways.  Are they in a safer place to get them patented, to get them out there and not have the back lash from the MIB’s.

Alexandra: 你是否感觉到科学家和企业家在这类技术推广上有所进展呢? 他们是不是在一个更安全的位置上让技术获得专利,把技术公开出来,而不会被黑衣人从后面来一枪。

COBRA : It’s not a good thing to patent the technology.   The best place is to open source it, get it to go viral.  And then to mass produce it. If you by-pass the patent process.   If you make it viral the Cabal can’t control it.  The Cabal controls the patent process.  It will begin to revolutionize.  When it’s out there and everybody can copy it.  IN the old way this would not happen.  There is a human aspect of greed and the inability to cooperate.

COBRA: 将技术专利化并不好。最好是将技术公开,让它广泛传播,然后大规模生产。那是一种策略,因为阴谋集团控制了专利化的领域。如果你绕过专利,那么你就有很大机会成功,如果能将技术传播出去,阴谋集团无法控制每个信息的出口。到时每个人都能复制,将对这个星球上的每件事物进行变革,这就是开始,如果用旧的方法的话就不会发生,其中有人类贪婪的一面以及合作上的无能。这是我们没有自由能源的一个主因。

Alexandra: Thank you for that.  Were getting to the end of the hours.  I want to thank you for all your hard work and diligence.  I want to thank all you out there for your support for the  Continue to support Cobra and I.  We do work lots and lots of hours.  I’m really mellow today.  I just got out of an amazing technology meeting.  I’ll tell you later.  We are feeling good.  We are doing our bit to help the planet.  I ask all of you to do the same.   If we unit and not give up, we are on the way to victory.  Do you have any last minute comments to share with everybody.

Alexandra: 谢谢提供这些讯息。我们快要结束了。再一次感谢你所有的努力,辛劳和承诺。感谢所有支持Glacticconnection.com的人。继续支持COBRA和我。我们工作了很长时间。我知道今天我很圆滑。但我刚刚得到了一项惊人的技术,哇哦,我随后告诉你。我感觉还不错,这个周末我们做了一些工作,我们尽了自己的努力在帮助这个星球,我希望大家也一样去做。如果我们团结起来,不放弃,我们就走在通往胜利的道路上。COBRA,你最后还有什么话要说的吗?

COBRA : We are getting closer to the activation of the “I AM” portal on  Nov 23.  I would ask as many as possible to participate at their own location  or even better Join us in Florence Italy. 

COBRA: 实际上我们正在接近11月23日的AION门户开启的日子,我呼吁大家在他们自己的区域参与进来,我已经给出了冥想指导,或者最好来到意大利的佛罗伦萨来加入我们。 

Alexandra: How long will that be?

Alexandra: 要花多长时间?

COBRA: One day event.

COBRA : 11月23日,就一天。

Alexandra: Everybody – thank you for stopping by our radio program.  Next month will be exciting.  We’ll be talking about the astrological implications.  I wish everybody well.  Please consider donations for our service.  Thank you cobra.

Alexandra: 各位,感谢你们收听我们的节目,下个月将会非常令人兴废。我们将讨论占星方面的启示。我希望各位一切顺利,请大家考虑给我们进行捐款。感谢COBRA!

COBRA : Thank you everybody for listening and we hope the  changes happen soon.  (BYE) 

COBRA: 感谢大家收听,我们希望改变能早点发生。