Cobra | 2013年12月3日亚力珊卓拉新访谈

Cobra 2013年12月3日亚力珊卓拉新访谈

Cobra and Alexandra Meadors for December 3, 2013

Alexandra: Good afternoon, everybody.Today is December 3, 2013, and you are listening to Alexandra Meadors of, and I have with me today Cobra, who is our regularly scheduled guest each month to review all of the things that are going on around the world, in the month of November.So, Cobra, thank you for coming on to my show today, I appreciate it, how are you doin’?

Alexandra: 大家下午好,今天是2013年12月3号,你正在收听的是来自GalacticConnection.com的Alexandra Meadors。今天我们每月的定期嘉宾Cobra与我在一起,回顾一下11月的世界大事。Cobra,谢谢你来到我的节目,你好吗?

COBRA;I am doing fine, thank you.


Alexandra: Good.Now there are so many things going on, I really kind of wanted to start it off with, you just released a blog posting, about the new window of opportunity, and the.. time of going back to our innocence, did you want to elaborate a little bit about that? And the .. and the.. period of time that we’re in? I think that’d be great.

Alexandra: 现在有很多事在发生,我想以这个话题开始。你刚写了一篇文章,关于新的机会之窗,以及回归内在纯真的时机,你能否详细说明一下?我们现在所处于的时期是怎样的。我想那会很精彩。

COBRA:It’s not actually the new window of opportunity, it’s a completion of the window of opportunity that we have since October, it’s going to close on December 25, and right at the end of this window of opportunity we have a very interesting portal opening on December 21. And the name of that portal is Return To Innocence. So, the purpose of this activation would be for us to go deeper into our true nature. Which is beyond all the programming of the cabal, into our true innocence. And, if we get a critical mass of people doing that, we will actually start.. disintegrating the whole structure of the matrix in its core. So, this is a very important activation, and we will have our main vortex in Glastonbury, England, it’s a very special place, and the perfect place to anchor such high vibrational energies. And I would like to invite everybody to participate, or, either in person, in Glastonbury, or in any other location, they would like to gather, and to spread the news around as much as possible, to make this viral.


Alexandra:Well that sounds really exciting, so do you feel that, this window of opportunity is particularly potent compared to the others that we’ve had coming, you know, throughout the year?


COBRA:Actually, this is the only window of opportunity we have, in this year.


Alexandra: Ah.


COBRA: So it’s actually the first real chance to make a breakthrough, this year.


Alexandra: And I did, I did read that the next one is around the time of Easter, do you agree with that?


COBRA: The next one is in spring, next year, yes.


Alexandra: Okay. Great. Well I kind of wanted to start off with asking you about, there have been maybe three or four, UFO videos that have been flying around the internet, and they are showing these unidentified objects coming into a very close proximity for us to really, literally see the underbelly of the, you know the actual ship, and I know I sent one of them over to you, I was wondering what you thought about that, because they, they almost appear.. governmental. What do you, what do you think?


COBRA: It is wrong, it’s a remotely operated levitating device.


Alexandra: Interesting. Okay. Cos there was another one in Germany, I think, and, some of them have been gigantic, have you seen those?


COBRA: Yes.I would need to see those videos to give you an, elaboration of, about those. I haven’t seen them yet, so.. I cannot comment on that.

Cobra: 是的,我需要看完那些影片才能给你解释,我还没有看,所以无法评论。 

Alexandra: So do you feel that, one of the things they’re doing is they’re using this to, kind of, you know masquerade what they’re doing with the drone technology?


COBRA:You see, there is a lot of, I would say fake UFO videos around, and very rarely you can see a good quality video or a picture of real UFO, because if people would connect with those, they would get a real connection with our, our star brothers and sisters and that’s where they follow through (?)So, therefore the Jesuits release a lot of, fake videos through CIA plants around the planet, and they get pretty much circulated around, and the same with most of the disinfo that we read or hear or see anywhere. It’s the same process.


Alexandra:Okay, well, and I do know that there’s been a lot of heat about, the way that NASA’s been messing with the images, you know, regarding ISON and that sort of thing. Who do you actually think is processing the images for NASA?


COBRA: Okay this is one part of the disinformation campaign, NASA did not tamper with the ISON images. NASA did tamper with the images of many past space missions, but not this one.


Alexandra: Wow. So- did you see the huge object that came out on November 28th, on Thanksgiving Day, and it was captured, some people are suggesting that it’s Wormwood.


COBRAa:This is exactly the type of disinformation I’m speaking about. ISON is just a comet, it’s not a spaceship, it’s not accompanied with spaceships, it’s not, you read all kinds of things out there, but they’re not true. And the purpose of this is to direct, attention.. to false ideas, because if people would really understand what’s going on in this universe they would have much greater chance to make a real contact, with our space brothers and sisters. So, there is a lot of hype about ISON comet. But, actually this comet disintegrated.


Alexandra: Oh, you actually believe that it DID disintegrate?



Cobra: 是的。 

Alexandra: Whoa! Okay, and with-

Alexandra: 噢。 

COBRA: It’s not a belief, you see I do not believe, I know.


Alexandra: Okay, and was this done with any outside help, or was it just a natural..


COBRA: No, it was just a natural process, because this comet came quite close to the sun, and of course the temperature there is quite high, and it’s a natural process for a comet, that gets that close to the sun to disintegrate, so it was not known from the start, whether the comet will survive this close encounter or not and apparently it didn’t. And it’s nothing strange or supernatural or, there is no conspiracy behind that. It’s a natural process, which happens every day, there are comets, usually much smaller ones that get close to the sun every day.


Alexandra: How do you explain some of the, people that are out in our, you know, UFO and spiritual community who gets pretty accurate data and information that continue to ascribe to the fact that ISON is some sort of hollowed-out asteroid, or spaceship or something like that. Why are people getting that.. information?


COBRA:I would need to see, that accurate information because information I read was completely inaccurate from, it was not having.. it was not true. And.. basically there are two factors here, or even more, the first factor is the channels receive much disinformation from the archons and the, the physical contact, some of them just get misinformed but the others are actually CIA agents, so as I said this is one, classical example of disinformation campaign.


Alexandra: And that leads me to.. another thing I wanted to ask you, you had mentioned that about 70 percent of the postings and information that is accessible to bloggers is either disinformation or, or inaccurate. How does someone like myself, and all the others that really have good intentions, how do we decipher between that which is so-called real, and not real?


COBRA: You combine your intuition, I am speaking about training intuition, your own contact with your own in your higher self, and your rational mind. And the rational mind, I mean the mental body, which is being trained by educating itself. So, when you combine those two, you can get pretty sharp. You can of course not always discern, 100 percent, but you can get much more accurate than any other, any external information source. And you will begin to see patterns, energy signatures, you will begin to see that disinfo comes in a certain way, it has a certain structure, and you will be able to get better and better with practice.


Alexandra: OKay. Well and I agree with that. I think, I think, you know when you use your intuition, you usually get a pretty good feeling about the legitimacy of the posting. So… Cobra, tell us a little bit about these energies that are being so talked about, in the month of December, there’s been a lot of discussion about the Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter T-square, can you talk to us a little bit about how that is possibly going to impact the political and financial systems around the world?


COBRA: Okay, this ongoing Uranus-Pluto square, is going to continue not just, through this month but through the next few months to a certain degree, and this will continue to put, very strong pressure on the financial system, and the pressure will be on exposing the suppressed truths about it. So those, I would say the cabal who tries to hide what’s going on, behind the scenes in the financial system, will be under constant pressure, there will be more and more revelations, there will be more and more awareness, among the general population about the true nature of the financial system, and it will result in the tension which is already felt for quite some time, and this tension will sooner or later resolve in the breakthrough.Which culminates in the event.


Alexandra: Great! Now, do you feel that the majority of the governmental officials such as our Congress, etcetera, do you feel that they are.. more aware or are they still just part of the same old story, you know the cabal and they want to maintain their power, glory.


COBRA:I would say most of the congressmen are bribed. The cabal gives them certain amount of money each year to comply with the agenda. And, of course they are aware to a certain degree of what’s going on, but they come quietly because of their, I would say financial safety.


Alexandra: Though, then, this is true, this is one of their key ways of, strong-arming everybody, isn’t it. Through their safety. So do you also believe that, Obama will be impeached, because of his lies and scandals that have been going around a lot.


COBRA:I would say that’s a possibility. There are many groups and forces, and interests that are trying to, get this done, but I would not.. give any guarantee that this will happen before the event.


Alexandra: That kind of is in contrary to Obama being situated as the bridge between, you know, the old Earth and the new Earth. Do you, do you still agree that at some point, at some juncture, he will.. kind of turn on, to a, a lighter mission, so to speak?


COBRA:I would say, that.. Obama situation is very delicate. I would not comment on what is he doing right now, but I would say that, his actions in the past has led to the point where it will not be easy for him to play that role because, in the eyes of many people he is not, a very positive person. And for somebody to make this transition, for somebody to lead us to this transition, there needs to be a person without that is a little bit more neutral, in the eyes of the people.


Alexandra: Now, how bout, let’s go back a little bit to.. August 22nd, of this year.. this was supposedly Independence Day, when, the world was actually freed, from all of the dark entities and I shouldn’t say all, but a great deal of them had been removed from the planet, do you agree with that, and if not, where are we now as far as (inaudible)


COBRA: August 22nd or August 25th?

Cobra:8月22 还是8月25? 

Alexandra: I have August 22nd, but if it’s the 25th, clarify.


COBRA: Well, nothing happened on August 22nd that would be of a great importance, but on August 25th we had, the opening of the Peace Portal, which has resulted in, drastic improvement of the situation in Syria. With regards to the dark forces being removed, it didn’t, that didn’t happen yet, obviously, because we’re not liberated yet.


Alexandra: So- But at this point, we are seeing a substantial decline in the number, the population of, these sorts of entities on the planet?


COBRA:Yes that’s true. It’s an ongoing process of liberation and there is a great progress being made.


Alexandra: Now- what is your feeling about, there has been a statement made, by press, this came from our team, that Snowden has said that HAARP will be re-instated because they have the funds to do so. You’ve also stated that, the Galactics would not allow something like this possibly to go down. Where do you think we are sitting in that situation right now?


COBRA:I don’t think that he stated something like that, so I would need to check the source of this information, but I would say the physical aspect of HAARP has been removed some time ago, the etheric aspect of HAARP is quite strong and still are operational at this moment.


Alexandra: And.. do you also feel that the collapse of Obamacare and the healthcare system, you know involved in that, do you feel that that’s possibly one of the key, indicators for bringing the event forward?


COBRA: I would say there are many, groups or, interests that try to misuse that issue for their agendas, and it might appear to be one of the key issues but it’s not. Because it’s just, I would say, very candid tool for certain groups to get what they want. And it’s not actually the key element in the event itself.


Alexandra: Okay- Cos I mean, I actually in some way saw it as a positive, because it forced the masses to, kind of take a little bit more of a, of an active role in their own bodies’ health.


COBRA: You can look at it at that way, but, the original intention was not like that, and there are much better ways for people to be awakened into the reality of taking responsibility for their own health.


Alexandra: Yes, of course. I, totally agree with you on that. Now.. how about.. Kevin Annett, tell me what are you hearing as far of the kind of dent that he’s making on, the common law court in Brussels, you know, defeating the cabal, affecting the Jesuits, and also the charges that have been brought forward to the Pope, and Elizabeth Winton.

Alexandra:我完全同意。现在谈一下Kevin Annett,关于他现在做的事,你听说到什么?在布鲁塞尔的普通法院,你知道他在那里挫败阴谋集团,影响了耶稣会士,还有向教皇和伊丽莎白(英女王)提出的指控。 

COBRA:Okay, I would say, I would put it this way- there is a certain, light force, on the surface of this planet that has a certain plan or I would say certain, yeah a certain plan to, bring down the Jesuits. And there are many people who are knowingly or unknowingly part of that plan, and he belongs to that, in there I would say.


Alexandra: Excellent. And it seems like he’s very protected because he hasn’t disappeared yet!


COBRA: He is quite protected- he was not absolutely protected but his protection has been improved, in the last month or so.


Alexandra: Good. I hope you hear that, Kevin, because we’re all rooting for ya. He, he is quite, quite a courageous man.


COBRA: Yes, that’s true.


Alexandra: So, now, talk to us a little bit about, there’s been some discussion about this, so-called time-line, that there is a, window of time in which the, souls can be so-called harvested, for the ascension process, and in some of the reports its reading anywhere from 2016 to the end of 2017. Can you comment on that.


COBRA: Okay I would make no comments on the timelines or, or the dates. But I would say the souls, the, the idea of harvesting is not the best expression. I would say the souls will be uplifted, when the time is right.


Alexandra: Yeah, and you know harvesting came from the Law of One book,-


COBRA: Yes, I know, I know, but I think that expression is not the best, way to put it.


Alexandra: Now you’re familiar with Billy Meier, right?

Alexandra:你知道Billy Meier这个人,是吗? 


Cobra: 是的。

Alexandra: Okay. I’ve had several people write in to me and ask me,- what, what is your opinion of him, how do you feel that he has affected, the realizations of the UFO community, and how do you feel that, his work is affecting us now, you know what role is he playing in the event process do you think?

Alexandra:一些听众写信问你对他有什么看法, 你对于他影响UFO团体,他的工作正在影响我们,你怎么看?他在“事件”里扮演什么角色?

COBRA: Okay, I will not answer this question.


Alexandra: Okay. Interesting, okay.


COBRA: Because there is something behind here and, I’m not in the liberty to expose this right now.


Alexandra: Okay, and that is totally fair. Okay, and there- here’s another question, a lot of people talk about the akashic records, and.. I was wondering if you could talk to us a little bit about the library of Porto Logos.

Alexandra:好的,这非常正常。这儿有一个问题,很多人谈到阿卡西记录,我想知道你能否给我们说一下Porto Logos图书馆?

COBRA: Yes, this idea comes from a certain book that, speaks a little bit about the underground, kingdom of light, the Agarthans, and yes its true there are many cities, below the surface of the Earth, and yes there are actually libraries, which are not on the physical libraries, but they are actually records of all the past events.. But what’s happening recently is that, the light forces on a very high level have decreed most of those records to be erased, because they no longer serve a purpose, we are actually completing.. the old cycle, and most of our experiences in this, duality-based reality will have no meaning after we reach a certain point.


Alexandra: Interesting. Wow. That- thank you for that.

Alexandra: 很有趣。谢谢你的解释说明。

COBRA: So we’re going beyond that, yes, we’re going beyond that.

COBRA: 因此我们正在超越这个二元性,是的,正在超越。

Alexandra: That’s very interesting. Now is that typical for all of the planetary systems, one they’ve evolved and shifted out of another age?

Alexandra: 非常有趣。对所有行星系统来说,这是典型的方式吗?就是当它们演化并转入另一个纪元文明的时候。

COBRA: Yes, its, quite a typical occurrence throughout the galaxy.

COBRA: 是的,从整个银河系来看都是非常典型的。

Alexandra: Now you mentioned in one of your prior blog postings that, said quote, “It’s just a matter of humanity having the right consciousness and understanding to accept and perceive the technology.” And its talking about the Galactics removing radiation and various poisonous substances from, many of the nuclear power plants. Can you talk a little bit about, what do you consider that right consciousness and understanding to be, are you talking, more about, the ground crew, or are we talking more about the masses.

Alexandra: 你在先前的部落格中曾经提到过,这里引用一下:“这仅仅在于人类需要透过正确的意识和认知来接受并理解那些技术”。这篇文章谈到银河联盟从许多原子能发电站中移除各种有害物质并清除核辐射。你能否稍微说一下,所谓的“正确意识和认知”是什么?你指的是那些地面工作人员吗?还是普通大众?

COBRA: I am talking about the masses, so your average person on the street needs to be open and welcome to receiving that assistance, on a planetary scale and only then that will happen.


Alexandra: And so, you also mentioned something about the purification process, being an active participant. How do you see that being amongst the masses?

Alexandra: 你同时也提到关于净化过程,成为一名积极的参与者。对于如何在大众中实现,你是怎么看待的呢?

COBRA: The purification process starts now, among the most advanced souls on the planet, and after the event, the purification process will go, will actually spread throughout humanity because, every human being on this planet has some toxic emotions, toxic mind, toxic ideas and toxic bodies, and all this needs to be healed, for us to receive the light that’s coming from the Galactic Central Sun, and even for us as a species to survive the coming changes. So everybody on the planet will go through that process one way or the other. The cabal will have to be removed, on the (?) Central Sun, or drastically change their ways. And, the rest of the population will also need to go through a purification process, to be ready to accept the higher vibrational frequency that will be made from the Galactic Central Sun, quite soon.

COBRA: 净化过程现在已经开始了,就在那些最高等进化的灵魂中,在“事件”之后,净化过程将会继续,扩散到全人类,因为这个星球上的每个人都有一些毒害的情绪,一些毒害的思维或想法,还有毒害的身体。所有这些都需要得到疗愈,这样我们才能接受来自银河中央太阳的光,乃至成为正在到来转变中存活的物种。所以星球上的每个人都会透过不同方式来经历这个过程。阴谋集团将会被移除,并带到银河中央太阳,或者经过巨大转变而弃暗投明。其余的人类也将要透过这个净化过程,准备接受来自银河中央太阳的更高振动频率。

Alexandra: Excellent. God, it’s so exciting. Now, you had talked a little bit about, um, the removal of the cabal needs to happen first before, this event takes place.. correct?

Alexandra: 太好了!真让人激动!你曾经说过,阴谋集团首先要被移除,然后“事件”才会发生,对吗?

COBRA: Yes, actually the removal of the cabal happens at the event.

COBRA: 是的,实际上是在“事件”发生的时候移除阴谋集团。

Alexandra: At the time of the event.

Alexandra: 在“事件”发生的时候完成?



Alexandra: So- so can you, clarify for all of us, what major accomplishments were made for the Light in the month of November?


COBRA:Number one, it was the activation of the Aion Portal, it was a huge success. Actually on the energetic planes, it was a statement of the Light. It was the first activation that actually, brought, advantage to the Light to the point that we are now leading the game, at least on the energy planes. We are the ones making the moves right now, and the other teddies (?) are coming. Not the other way around.


Alexandra: Wow..


COBRA:And of course this will, precipitate on the physical plane quite, quite fast as I understand it.. and, it will also change the geo-political situation on the planet, because everything that happens on the physical plane, was once an idea on higher planes. So if we are now making that much progress on the higher planes that will soon manifest on the physical plane. And there’s also ongoing progress of the Eastern Alliance, I might write about this quite soon if, that will be the right thing to do, so, there is, there are no spectacular news on the physical plane, but there is steady and stable progress being made, which is very good.

COBRA: 当然,这将会向下影响到现实层面,并且从我的理解将会是非常非常快。这将会改变地球上的地缘政治形式,因为在现实层面上所发生的一切都曾经是更高层面上的想法。因此如果我们在更高层面上获得了这么多进展,那么它就会在现实层面上显化。在东盟也有一个持续的进程,如果那是一件正确的事情,我可能很快就此写一篇文章。在现实层面不会有惊人的消息出现,但稳定的进展正在达成,效果非常好。

Alexandra: So basically, you’re saying too, then rather than being on the defensive, we’re more on the offensive?

Alexandra: 因此基本上如你所说,我们已经更多处于主动进攻状态,而不是被动防御状态。

COBRA: Yes. At least on the higher plane level.

COBRA: 是的,至少在更高的层面是这样的。

Alexandra: That is fantastic news. Thank you for that Cobra, that’s great. Wow. So if you were to ask, say a Pleiadian, or a Sirian, or an Andromedan, you know, how they perceive the human race, to be, how would they describe us?

Alexandra: 这是非常棒的消息。非常感谢你,COBRA,真得很棒!如果你要问一个昴宿星人,或一个天狼星人,或一个仙女座人,让他们谈谈如何看待人类的,他们是怎样描述我们的?

COBRA: You mean at this moment?

COBRA: 你指的是现在吗?

Alexandra: At this moment.

Alexandra: 就是现在。

COBRA: At this moment, you see most of the races, see the surface of this planet as hell. They, in a way most of those races don’t want to get involved and the only reason why they’re getting involved, is because of their compassion for humanity. To help us get out of this situation.
COBRA: 现在,大部分种族都把这个星球的地表看成为地狱。他们中的大多数都不想介入,唯一他们想介入的原因是,他们对地球人类的怜悯,想帮助我们脱离这种状况。    

Alexandra: This- that’s pretty profound, (laughs) to think that they’re seeing, what we live in as hell, I mean and I’m not disputing that there’s a lot hellacious stuff going on in this planet, but it really does say a lot for all of us that have made it this far, doesn’t it?

Alexandra: 这真得让人印象深刻,想想看,他们一直把我们所住的环境看成地狱。我的意思是,我不想去争论这个星球上有多么可怕的事情正在发生。但程度如此之深,对我们来说确实意味着很多东西,不是吗?  

COBRA: Actually, they live in such a.. positive existence, such a paradise state, that compared to what they’re experiencing, if they look down here, it looks like hell to them.

COBRA: 实际上,这些外星种族生活在一个非常好的环境里,像天堂一般。但当他们向下看,并与他们的体验相比后,这里对他们来说就像是地狱。

Alexandra: Yes.. wow. And so, how, how would you describe, how the human race, is significantly different from any other race in the galaxy?

Alexandra: 是的,那么你怎么描述人类,和银河系其他种族相比,又有什么非常大的不同点呢?

COBRA: On one fundamental level there is not much difference because we all come from the same source, and the other thing is that, human beings are not coming, from just one race, it’s actually a mixture of different races, but the experience that we have on this planet, gave us a unique signature that sets up, us apart from most of the galaxy, people on this planet have gone much deeper into the world (?), they’re much, deeper into their mind programming, than, the rest of the galaxy.. And when we manage to get liberated from this, it is quite a unique set of experiences and will bring us a quite a unique, unique set of skills that will actually help the galaxy to.. evolve, even deeper and even further.


Alexandra: Fantastic. Now, the reason I asked that Cobra was, I get the impression just from all that I read, that.. we are a lot more individualistic, meaning.. we tend to not think about what we do, and for the greater cause of humanity, so to speak.

Alexandra: 太好了。我要问你这个问题的原因是,我从所了解到的信息中获得了这样的印象,就是我们更倾向个人主义,也就是说,我们倾向于不去思考我们所做的,可以说不为人类去思考。

COBRA: Actually.. individualistic tendencies don’t contradict the unity consciousness when you reach the higher state of awareness. They’re just two sides of the same coin. What has happened is actually the, blockage of flow of energies which.. makes, an artificial split between various aspects of the One. And this is the main thing that distinguishes this planet from other planets in the universe.


Alexandra: Now you also talked, a little bit about, many portals that need to be activated, and I know you’ve been very, very, key.. in motivating people to do these portal activations. Can you clarify the difference between, what is a portal, and what is a stargate?


COBRA: Okay, what we are activating are actually portals in space and time, these are moments, when the light can come through, human conduits, and when-if it reach a critical mass, that light gets spread throughout the planetary light grid, and, this planetary light grid actually changes the situation on the etheric plane and removes a great percentage of the archon network, every time we activate a portal, a great percentage of that network is being removed forever. And we will just keep on doing this until all of them are gone.

COBRA: 好的。我们启动的实际上是时空中的门户,在启动这一时刻,光会到来,并以人体为通道来传输。并且当人数达到临界数量的时候,光会传播到整个地球的光网格中。这个星球的光网格实际上改变了以太层的状况,移除了大量的执政官网格。每一次我们启动了一个门户,大量的执政官网格都会被永久的移除。我们会继续这样做,直到所有的执政官网格都消失。


Alexandra: 哇!

COBRA: The stargate, is actually an entry point, from higher dimensions into this dimension, it’s a, a certain, it’s a certain, I would say.. a tunnel, which connects this dimension into another dimension.

COBRA: 星门实际上是一个入口,可以从高维度进入这里的低维度。这是一个确定的通道,可以连接不同的维度。 

Alexandra:So, now do you agree that there are just countless black holes throughout our solar system and galaxy that were, artificially created by the dark?

Alexandra: 那你会赞同在我们太阳系和银河系有数不清的黑洞吗?由黑暗势力人为制造出来的黑洞?

COBRA: There were many black holes, but those have been cleared.

COBRA: 过去有很多黑洞,但现在都被清理了。

Alexandra: Okay.

Alexandra: 明白。

COBRA: The only, black hole structure on the quantum level, remains around the surface of this planet, and this is called the Veil. Actually one aspect of the Veil.

COBRA: 仅仅在量子层面上还有黑洞结构,并残留在地球表面上,这被叫做“帷幕”,实际上是“帷幕”的一个方面。

Alexandra: Okay, so, now.. Let’s talk a little bit about the government figures.. you know, they keep talking a great deal about the soulless ones, walking the planet, and that, you know once the event occurs, we’re gonna see that, there’s gonna be a huge, chunk of the population that’s, kind of, you know walking around as zombies.. Do you feel that that’s true and  do you feel that the government officials, things like that- people like that, are they.. who make up that soulless group of people?

Alexandra: 了解,那么我们现在谈下政府人物。你也知道,很多人一直都在谈论“无灵魂”的人,他们行走在地球上。一旦“事件”发生,我们会看到大量这样的人群,像“僵尸”一样走来走去。你认为那会是真得吗?并且你认为那些政府官员会是那样的人吗?这些“无灵魂”的人是由哪些人组成的呢?

COBRA: Actually, the cabal are the soulless ones, because they lost their connection with their soul and with the Source. And there are not that many of them.

COBRA: 实际上,阴谋集团里的人就是“无灵魂”的人,因为他们和自己的灵魂失去了连接,与源头失去了连接。这样的人没有那么多。

Alexandra: Well, and I know they- they were a very small percentage before, so they’ve got to be even smaller now, right?

Alexandra: 是的,我知道以前他们只占很少的比例,现在应该会更少了吧?

COBRA: Little bit smaller, yes.

COBRA: 没错,比原先又减少了。

Alexandra: (Laughs) Little bit smaller. Okay, now the global operation has been discussed, through many articles, as far as like, the financial system’s ready, its online.. everything’s ready to roll, do you agree that that is ready to go?

Alexandra: 呵呵,又减少了一点。好的,现在有很多文章都在谈论到全球行动,就像是新金融系统已经准备好上线,所有一切事情都准备在铺开,你赞同事情准备好实施了吗?

COBRA:I would say the infrastructure for the, reset is ready. But the conditions for the reset are not.

COBRA: 我要说的是,金融重置的基础架构已经准备好了。但是启动重置的条件还没成熟。 

Alexandra: Okay. But the actual mechanical side of it, so to speak, is ready to roll.

Alexandra: 明白。可以这样说,实际操作面都已经准备好了。

COBRA: Yes. That’s true.

COBRA: 是的,没错。

Alexandra: And, there’s been discussion about the rainbow currency. Can you talk to me a little about, have you, have you been exposed to that, have you seen it, and do you agree that that is the new currency coming about?

Alexandra: 有人一直在讨论彩虹货币。你可以给我们讲一下吗?你有遇到过或看到过吗?你认为那是即将到来的新货币吗?

COBRA: Okay I didn’t see it physically, I have read about it, but this is not the plan that has been approved. It was just one possibility, and the plan that will be approved, that has been approved, speaks about a certain basket of currencies that will clear the new planetary system and existing currencies will still be operational for some time. Because it needs to be a gradual transition.

COBRA: 我没有看到过实际样子。我阅读过一些相关数据,但不是被批准认可的计划。曾经是一种可能性,那些已经被批准的计划有涉及到一篮子货币计划,这些货币将清洗行星金融系统,并且现存的货币仍旧会继续使用一段时间。因为需要一个逐渐的过渡期。

Alexandra: True.

Alexandra: 是的。

COBRA: So what will be taken out of the system first will be this, inequality and untransparency. This is the first thing to go. And certain institutions that did not much goods (?) in the past.

COBRA: 首先要移除出这个系统的是不平等和不透明。这是首先要进行的。并且过去一些并不好或并不适合的制度或机构都会被移除。

Alexandra: Well, let me ask you this, too Cobra, there’s been a ton, of articles, flying around about China finally making their move against the US dollar, and, one of the big things that has happened is, apparently their credit rating downgraded the US debt to A-..  you know, they’ve, and they’ve really been doing a lot of currency swapping, completely isolating the US dollar from that that experience.. And, they’ve signed a lot of dollars completely excluding the US dollar as well, even with the United Kingdom. So I was gonna ask you, how do you see that affecting the overall, you know maybe push, behind closed doors so to speak, to help the event come forward, do you think that this is a key component?

Alexandra: 了解。我现在想问另一个问题,现在有很多文章谈到中国终于向美元发起了抵抗行动。目前发生的最大的一件事,明显是他们将美债的信用评级调低到A-。你知道,他们已经在进行大量的货币交换,完全孤立了美元。他们还签署了很多其它档(贸易协议),并且完全将美元排挤在外,甚至跟英国签署的也一样。因此我想问你,你是怎么看待这些事的?是如何影响全局的?也许会说是暗中推动,帮助“事件”向前推进,你认为这是其中的关键部分吗?

COBRA:Yes, but they are two layers of the same story. Actually there are two different groups, in China, and that are actually pushing the same agenda, and one of them is the Chinese government, which wants to strengthen the China, and they don’t have the best agenda.., and the other group is the, Eastern Alliance, the positive group that wants to put pressure on the cabal in the United States. So both groups are actually part of the same process but their motivations are different.


Alexandra: Interesting.

Alexandra: 很有趣。

COBRA: And of course the light forces are, overseeing this process so it will happen the best possible way. But you see we have all different, interest groups, at play in each moment, in China, in United States and (?), it’s quite a complex situation.

COBRA: 当然,光的势力一直在监视着整个过程,以便事情能以最好的方式发生。但你看到了,在每一个时刻,我们有不同的利益集团参与,包括中国,美国等。这是一个非常复杂的情况。

Alexandra: Very. It sounds like it. Do you think that, China, you know, supposedly they sent some, bombers up into the, sky over the so-called island dispute, and they were pretty irritated because the US sent some, fighters into their so-called, territory. What do you think that’s all about, is that just really more of an offensive play on their part, to show the United States, hey, stay out of our backyard?

Alexandra: 是的,非常复杂。另外据推测,中国可能已经派出过轰炸机到所谓岛屿争端的地方进行飞行,他们被激怒是因为美国派出了战斗机进入了所谓领空区域,你是怎么看的呢?这更多的是一种攻击姿势吗?让美国人知道:喂,请离开我们的后院。

COBRA: Actually, the, Rockefeller faction of the cabal, wants to start another war, but they will not be successful, it is just like a child’s play. They failed with their, Syria project, they failed with their Iran project and they couldn’t start a war there and they’re now trying with China, in desperation. Of course this will not work.

COBRA: 实际上,阴谋集团中的洛克菲勒派系想发动一场战争,但他们不会成功,这仅仅像一个孩子的游戏。他们在叙利亚发动战争失败了,他们在伊朗的计划失败了,他们再不能发动战争了。现在,他们又在试图挑起中国,拼死想发动战争。当然,这也是不会成功的。

Alexandra: Now you brought up the Eastern Alliance, and I did want to talk to you a little bit about that, can you give us.. an idea, of some of the inroads, you know, or accomplishments that they’ve made, in the last thirty days.

Alexandra: 你提到了东盟,你能不能跟我们说一下,在过去30天里,他们都取得了什么样的进展?

COBRA:As I said before, there is no big news but they are making steady progress all the time, getting closer and closer to the moment when the final move can, can take place.

COBRA: 正如我先前所说的,没有什么大消息,但是他们一直都在稳步前进,越来越接近最后采取行动的时刻。

Alexandra: I do. And, I have to say Cobra, I do notice that, there are, you know, countries, popping up all over the place that are, putting their foot down to the GMO…

Alexandra: 我知道了。并且我必须要给你说一下,我注意到,各地有很多国家已经采取行动抵制基因改造食物。

COBRA: Yes, that’s an, an ongoing process as well.

COBRA: 是的,那也是一个持续进行的过程。

Alexandra: Yeah.


COBRA: You see, we have a lot of progress on the financial front, we have progress here with GMOs, and.. there are actually ongoing projects and some of them are of, decades old, and they are finally, bringing results now. So this is a very good, development.


Alexandra: Good. And do you also feel that, the Pope, the current Pope, is still, fully, full-blown, controlled by the Jesuit.., you know, the Jesuit, intentions.

Alexandra: 不错。那么你认为现在的教皇也是完全在耶稣会士的控制之下吗?在耶稣会士的意图之中。

COBRA: He is not only controlled by the Jesuits, he is a Jesuit. There was a certain possibility that he would, he would start doing good things but that did not happen. So what is he, what he is doing now is just, a quite clever manipulation from the side of the Jesuits, and the sad thing here that many of people in the liberation movement are falling for that manipulation.


Alexandra: I noticed that because ever since you’ve brought up how cunning, and also Kevin Annett’s been, outstanding voice for this.., showing how cunning they are, the way that they present themselves.. and the type of, you know, documents that they’re bringing forth it really does appear that they’re trying to do some great to, so-called, you know, free us, when in fact, its, it’s kind of a, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, huh?

Alexandra: 我已经注意到了。因为自从你揭露他们有多狡猾,并且凯文.安妮塔也站出来疾呼,揭露他们的狡诈,揭露他们如何用狡猾的方式来表现自己。他们带出来的文件好像真得显示出他们想做一些伟大的事情,来为我们进行所谓的解放。但实际上,他们是披着羊皮的狼。 

COBRA:Exactly, because if, the Pope would really want to do something good, first he could expose the real, financial situation of the Church, for example, only the land the Church owns in Brazil is worth more than 1 trillion dollars. And that money alone, would end poverty on this planet, if he wants. That’s just for the start. So if he, if he really wants to walk his talk, it’s a very simple solution I give him(?) right now. Just sell the land you have in Brazil and its, basically you remove poverty from this planet immediately.


Alexandra: So, now, gold has been in the news headlines a great deal, and one of the things that I was kind of shocked about and wanted to run it by you, was, Goldman-Sachs, is, actually offering Venezuela, a deal.. and, loaning them some money at 8 percent interest, of course it’s, based on, the nation’s gold reserves. Do you think that Venezuela is, is just fully on-board with the cabal, and, and not understanding what they’re putting themselves, in, you know, what kind of conditions they’re putting themselves in.

Alexandra:现在,黄金总是大量的上新闻头条。 有一件令我很震惊的事情,并且想和你讨论下,就是高盛实际上借贷给委内瑞拉一笔8%利率的贷款,当然这是以国家黄金储备作为抵押的。你认为委内瑞拉是不是和阴谋集团站在同一条船上,不理解他们把自己放置于什么样的环境下。

COBRA:There are also few things here, they are actually, again two factions in Venezuela, one of them is very, a radical positive faction, and the other one is quite- there are also interests of, .. companies from other countries which are quite strong in presence in Venezuela, and there is an internal struggle happening right now, which faction will prevail, and they are 50-50 right now, so… we’ll wait and see what happens with that deal.


Alexandra: Now, you did bring up some.. information about the positive Templars.. and that they’re supporting a powerful alliance with others, groups across the United States, and that they’re really able to,

Alexandra: 你有提到关于正面圣殿骑士的信息,他们与遍布美国的组织一起,在支持一个强大的联盟,他们真得能够….

COBRA:Not only United States, around the world.


Alexandra: Around the world, okay. And, so, do you feel, I mean, when you say the positive Templars, are these actual, reincarnated Templars, or are they, you know, bloodlines of Templars, or, I mean, explain that to me, I’ve always wondered about that.

Alexandra: 全世界,明白。你认为,那些正面的圣殿骑士,实际上是转世的,还是说带有圣殿骑士的血统?我的意思是能否给我们解释下,我很想知道这个。

COBRA: It’s actually both, there is a certain group that has, unbroken tradition, through the, not only bloodlines but I would say, transmission of a certain chakra from family of (?) Templars, and also there are beings who have been in that group and keep reincarnating to the same, association of souls.. so it’s actually both.


Alexandra: Another question that has come forth, in my inbox, is.. the difference between an implant, and someone who is infested with entities, can you clarify those two please.

Alexandra: 另一个发到我邮箱的问题是,植入物和被寄生的“实体”之间有什么样的不同,你能不能解释说明下?

COBRA:Okay, implant is a certain, I would say device, technology which has been inserted, inserted in our energy bodies with very strong electromagnetic forces. It can be a crystal, or a certain alien, implant, a certain object, on the higher planes which actually blocks the flow of energy. Entity is a being which has been inserted into our energy structure also by strong forces that is a living thing, it’s a living being.

COBRA: 植入物是一种装置,并使用非常强大的电磁力来将其嵌入进我们的能量体中。它可以是一种水晶,或是一个异形植入物,一种物体,放置于能量层,并阻碍能量的流动。实体则是一种存有,透过使用强大的力量将其插入到我们的能量结构中,它是一种活的生命体,是活的存有。

Alexandra: Now do you feel that, these beings are with-IN, our bodies?

Alexandra: 现在你认为这些生物正在我们身体里吗?

COBRA:Yes, they are within the body, on the, in our energy bodies. So when somebody gets, in, infected by those, this changes his behaviour quite a lot, quite much, quite a lot.


Alexandra: And, would you venture to say that, the majority of the population is infested with these?


COBRA:I would say that, I would say that.. more than 99 percent of human population is infested by so-called Invisibles, they are actually beings who infest the etheric brain, and seriously compromise the thinking process. And the, the way people perceive reality.



Alexandra: 。

COBRA: This is something that, I will write about when the time is right, and give more information about, and there are forces of Light, currently, dealing with that situation quite intensively and there is great progress being made with this, since the activation of the Aion portal. So I would say, although everybody has been infected, the severity of that infection has been greatly decreased, since the activation of the Aion portal.

COBRA: 当时机恰当的时候,我会写一些文章来释放更多的相关信息。有一些光明势力当前正集中处理这种状况,并且自AION门户启动以来,已经有很大的进展。因此我会说,即使每个人都被寄生感染了,这种寄生的严重性自AION门户启动以来也已经被大大地降低, 

Alexandra:God, that’s, that’s amazing. So.. does that.. also indicate, the difference between the masses, versus the 144,000?

Alexandra: 哇,那确实令人惊讶。那是意味着大众和144,000人之间的不同吗?

COBRA: Even many of those 145-, 144,000 have been infected. And this is the reason, the main reason why, the Lightworkers have not been able to unite on the planet. You see the cabal has their, Bilderberg meetings, and they are able to get along with each other, well enough to make strategic plans. But we on the other side, the Light forces, the people on the surface of the planet, has not been able to, gather together physically and to create a strong unified group to promote a positive agenda. And the reason why is it so, it is because of those, Invisibles that have actually infested the thinking process, of, of also the Light warriors, Lightworkers, people in the Liberation movement, as much as the Reptilians, this is another layer. So the thinking process has been compromised. And people are not able to, devise a clear strategy and to understand what is at stake. To make the right decisions.


Alexandra: Well, I mean, we still, we’ve come a long way though, right?

Alexandra: 明白,那我们已经走了很长的路,有不少进展了吧?

COBRA: That’s true. But I am speaking about the final breakthrough now,

COBRA: 是的,但现在我所说的是最后的突破。

Alexandra: Right.

Alexandra: 了解。

COBRA:I am speaking about the event, I would like to make it past the event.


Alexandra: Yeah (laughs). You and me both.

Alexandra: 是得,哈哈。我和你都是这样认为的。

COBRA:This is, this is why I am exposing those things because I would like to remove all of the obstacles towards the event.

COBRA: 这是为什么我想揭露这些事情,因为我想移除所有朝向“事件”发生的障碍。

Alexandra: No, I agree. Sometimes, you know, you just listen to this and say, good God, how much more do we have to do, (laughs) you know it just never stops. (coughs)


COBRA:Right.., it’s quite complex here on this planet.


Alexandra:So, now you’ve also mentioned about preventing the military invasion into Syria, in your last blog which was outstanding, by the way, can you also clarify were there any other wars that we prevented, such as, maybe, any kind of, scuttling, with Iran, for example, it seems that, we are having a lot of, discussions about, peace negotiations with them, which, to be sounds kind of, unheard of.. And the fact that, we’re now hearing.. from them, directly, how they’re perceiving the United States in streamlined media, I wanted you to talk a, little bit about why is that happening?


COBRA:Actually, it’s very interesting, that in a few hours after we have opened the Aion portal, the agreement about, with Iran was made. So, actually from the higher planes, those people were guided to make an agreement, as a result of the energies that came. And, it was not possible to create such an agreement for years, and years and years before that, it was just a combination of the energies of the Aion portal that made that possible. So I would say, yes, we made a difference in many situations on the planet.., but this is just the first part of the story, so this is the old, the old strategy.. the old strategy was just to.. putting out the fires that, the cabal lit. So they, made a plan, they promoted it, and then the Light forces responded, and prevented it. From now on it will be different. We will.. trigger action. First. This is the new plan, this is the new strategy. And.. for that strategy to be efficient, we have to clear, the nonphysical planes first to a certain degree. So now, there are certain groups also on the physical plane, and I hope, I sincerely hope they will follow.., the instructions they receive from inside, and begin to cooperate a little bit more. And if that happens, we can create, very powerful statements on the planetary scale.

COBRA: 实际上有趣的是,在AION门户开启后的几小时,关于和伊朗的协定就达成了。因此,实际上从更高层面来看,这些人已经被指引,并从而达成一项协议,这是能量到来的结果。之前很多年都没有达成一项协议。正是AION门户能量的结合才使得其成为可能。因此我会说,我们影响了这个星球的许多状况。这还只是故事的第一部分,仅仅是用老的策略来扑灭阴谋集团所点燃的火源。因此,阴谋集团制造计划,并执行推动它,然后光明势力开始响应并阻止它们。从现在开始会有所不同,我们会主动触发行动。这是一个全新计划,全新战略。为了能使得战略有效,我们不得不在一定程度上清理能量层面。现在现实层面上有一些团体,我真诚希望他们跟随自己内在的指引,开始多一些合作。如果能达成,我们会在这个星球上发布最强有力的声明。

Alexandra: Oh, Cobra that’s so cool. So, I mean, why do you feel that, maybe it’s just because I wasn’t aware of it before, but.. why is it that we are now hearing directly from Iran, their perspectives on the United States, why are we being able to read that sort of stuff?

Alexandra: 噢,非常好。那么可能仅仅是我以前没有意识到,我想了解的是,为什么你感觉到我们可以直接倾听伊朗的声音,倾听他们关于美国的想法,为什么我们可以看到这些消息?

COBRA:It is because, I would say.. the Light forces, in Iran, have, much greater say right now, what’s going on in, there in that country.


Alexandra: And, why are we targeting Pakistan so severely with drones, or are we doing that with other countries, we just don’t hear about them.

Alexandra: 为什么我们要用无人机这么严厉地来去针对巴基斯坦,或是其它国家,而我们 却不知道。

COBRA: It is not we that are doing that, it is the certain, segment of negative military in a certain country, called United States.

COBRA: 这不是我们这么做,这是某个国家中某个部分的负面军队做的,这个国家就是美国。

Alexandra: Yeah, yeah. Great.

Alexandra: 是的,说得好。

COBRA: So, yeah. So this is happening basically because, the cabal wants to promote their agenda, they would like to create more conflict in that part of the world, and basically it’s from a certain, misconstrued idea that war brings profit. War brings profit for a very tiny, little segment of the cabal. For everybody else, it brings, loss of life, and also from economical standpoint, it brings recession, it… blocks the growth of economy. For most businesses.

COBRA: 没错。这样的事情发生,基本上是因为阴谋集团想要推进他们的议程,他们想要在那里制造更多的冲突,而且基本上来源一个固定思维的,错误扭曲的理念,就是战争可以带来利益。战争给阴谋集团所带来的利润非常小。对其它所有人来说,战争带来了死亡,并且从经济学观点来看,它带来了衰退,阻碍了经济增长。对大多数商业领域都会是这样的。

Alexandra: And it, does it have anything to do with the, poppies?

Alexandra: 那么,这和罂粟有什么关系吗?

COBRA: It’s part of their business, yes. Of course that money gets funneled through CIA and then it, in the past it, financed part of the black projects, the underground bases but now it’s just, barely enough to keep the cabal alive. Because they need.. about 2 or 3 billion each day, to keep the show running. To bribe the congressmen, to bribe the press, the.. to maintain control over the system, they need that much money every day.

COBRA: 是的,这是他们生意中的一部分。当然,这些钱都进入了CIA的口袋。在过去,这些钱都资助在黑色项目,资助在地下基地。但现在,这些钱仅仅够阴谋集团生存下来。因为他们每天需要20-30亿美元来使得整个表演继续进行下去。为了贿赂国会议员,为了贿赂新闻媒体,为了维持整个系统的控制,他们每天都需要花那么多的钱。

Alexandra: Are you, able, is the resistance able to determine, how low their coffers have gone, I mean, how much of a percentage of decrease are they experiencing now, in their financial hub?

Alexandra: 抵抗运动能不能够知道他们的金库还剩下多少。我的意思是,他们的金库有多大比例的减少。

COBRA: Actually, they don’t have much reserves, the most money they get is, fresh income, every day, through organised crime, through other sources, through taxes, of course, so it’s like an ongoing proverbial (?) machine until it stops, by the event. Actually, I would say between, 90 and 50 percent of energy that, of average human being, creates, goes to the cabal, through taxes, through various, … profits to various businesses, and through, also through illegal businesses that the cabal operates.

COBRA: 实际上,他们没有多少储备。他们手上的大部分钱都是来自于每天的新收入。这些钱都是透过有组织的犯罪,透过其它来源,或透过税收来获得,看起来像一台众所周知,不断运转的机器,直到最后在事件发生的时候停止下来。实际上,我会说一般人的20%-50%的金钱都去了阴谋集团,金钱是透过税收,透过各种商业利益,透过阴谋集团操纵的非法商业行为而流失的。

Alexandra: Okay, so, … another thing I wanted to ask you about too was, you made a really interesting statement, in one of your, previous blogs, and it said, “my experience of the energy flash was so profound, and now I know for my own experience what the energy flash of the event will feel like.” I was wondering, can you describe that, for the audience?

Alexandra: 另一个我要问的问题是,你在先前的部落格中写过一个有趣的部分,说到:“我对能量闪焰的体验非常深刻,现在我知道事件的能量闪焰会是什么感觉”,我想知道的是,你能否给听众描述一下呢?

COBRA: Yes, I can. It’s an actually, .. one of the most, I would say.. okay, I will put it this way. It is not a physical light. It is a, a feeling of like, a vision of brilliant white light which goes together with the feeling of excitement and joy, which gets deeper and deeper and stronger and stronger, and it’s hard to describe this in human language, because it was beyond human language, and I know when this happens at the event, it will be even stronger. Not everybody will be able to feel that, or see that, or experience that, but definitely, people will be able to experience the physical effects of the event itself, because it be, also a physical operation.

COBRA: 是的,可以。我可以这么形容,这个闪焰不是物理性质的光,而像是一种明亮的白光,伴随着兴奋和喜悦的感觉, 变得越来越深,越来越强。这很难用人类的语言去描述,因为它超出了人类的语言。我知道,当这种光在事件发生时候的出现会更加强烈的多。不是每个人都能感受得到的,或是看得到的,或是体验得到的。但可以肯定的是,人们将能体验到事件本身的现实影响。因为它也是一次现实行动。

Alexandra: Wow..

Alexandra: 哇喔…

COBRA: But for those who are, having these spiritual connections can be a very profound, I would say the most profound, spiritual experience in their lives.

COBRA: 但对那些有这样灵性连结的人来说,影响是非常深刻的。我会说,这是他们生命中最深刻的灵性体验。

Alexandra: Oh, I hope you guys are all.. dreaming like I am! (Laughs) Okay, so, Cobra.. tell me flat out, why do you feel that the United States government shut down for 16 minutes. What was the real bottom-line reason?

Alexandra: 哦,我希望大家能和我一样做这样的梦!好的,COBRA, 能否尽量告诉我,你为什么能感觉到美国政府会关闭16天,最根本的原因会是什么?

COBRA: Actually, it is the, I was speaking before about different interest groups that play with Obamacare. It is actually part of the cabal, I would say the Rockefeller, faction of the cabal, the Illuminati, they’re a little bit crazy. They want to bring everybody down. They want to destroy the United States, and this was part of their attempt to destroy the United States, because they believe, actually they have a certain belief system in the.. apocalyptic scenario for the planet.. and, it’s part of the old prophecies they believe in, and they want to create that. They believe their purpose is to create that, doom-and-gloom scenario for the planet, and they are actively pursuing that goal. It’s part of the, Jesuit programming they received, through their lives.


Alexandra: Okay.

Alexandra: 好的。

COBRA: So I would say that is the background reason for the halt.

COBRA: 因此我会说这是政府关闭的背景原因。

Alexandra: Thank you. Thank you for that. Now, how about, Karen Hudes, is that how you say her last name, or is it Hudes, she’s the whistleblower of the World Blank, you’ve heard about her.

Alexandra: 非常感谢你的解释。Karen Hudes目前怎样?你是不是这样称呼她的姓氏?她是世界银行的告密者,你应该听说过她。  

COBRA: Yes, of course.

COBRA: 是的,当然。

Alexandra: Okay. She came out, and stated that Benjamin Fulford was paid by the Jesuits, do you believe that?


COBRA:I did not know that she stated that, but I know that she is actually exposing the Jesuits. I would say it’s true that, Fulford visited actually was, visiting, Sophia University which is a Jesuit collaboration but he is not, an agent of the Jesuits.

COBRA: 我不知道她说过,但我知道她实际上在揭露耶稣会士。我会说福尔福德确实访问过与耶稣会士合作的索非亚大学,但他不是耶稣会士的特工。

Alexandra:Yeah, he’s had some very good intel, that’s for sure. Now..

Alexandra: 他确实是有过非常好的情报信息。

COBRA: So it’s just a classical example how, Jesuits play one, versus, against the other, if that really happened. I didn’t, hear or read that statement from her, that claims that, that Fulford is a Jesuit agent, I didn’t see that, so.. But he is not.

COBRA: 因此这是典型例子,耶稣会士拉一派,然后打一派的伎俩,如果她说得没错的话。但我没有听说或看过她发表的声明,宣称福尔福德是耶稣会士的特工。他不是耶稣会士的特工。

Alexandra: Yeah, they love, they love to do that..

Alexandra: 是的,他们很喜欢这样做。

COBRA: Yeah.

COBRA: 是的。

Alexandra: So now, there have been, a slew of archaeological discoveries, as of late.. One of the biggest ones was, they uncovered evidence about, the birthplace of Buddha, dating back to the 6th century BC. Do you, feel that these are things, that we can.. trust.. and say, wow, that’s true, or are we looking at that, saying, well they rewrote history anyway, what can we believe?

Alexandra: 最近,有大量的考古发现,其中最大的一个发现是,他们找到佛陀的出生地,可以追溯到公元前6世纪。你认为这些事情我们可以相信吗?我们会说,哇哦,那是真的吗?或是我们看到这个消息后会说,无论怎样,他们正在改写历史。你相信他们说的吗?

COBRA: Okay, they rewrote history, but not all of it. So, there are genuine archaeological, discoveries.. but they’re not always interpreted in the right way.


Alexandra: True. Now, you’ve also heard, I’m sure, that there’ve been reports of martial law, and seizing guns, and breaking down doors, and even, installing, curfews, within certain cities, throughout the United States, that is. Can you explain a little bit about, why this is happening at this time, is this something that just gonna kind of peter out, were they doing this specifically around the time of the government shutdown, or do you think it’s gonna escalate, just curious what your thoughts are on that.

Alexandra: 好的。你可能已经听过一些报告,包括军事戒严令,收缴枪支,私闯民宅,甚至在美国一些城市实施宵禁。你能稍微解释下为什么这些事情会在这个时候发生?这些事情会逐渐消失吗?他们是不是在政府关闭的时候才特别这么做,或者说这些事情会升级。非常好奇你是怎么看待这些事情的?

COBRA: Okay, I would say, some of those reports are disinfo, some of them are exaggeration, but yes there were isolated cases of all those things happening, and this is just the cabal testing the, reaction of the population to this. And they will not be able to go, much further beyond that point.

COBRA: 好的。我会说,这里面有些报告是虚假信息,一些报告会夸大其词,但是确实有一些这样的孤立事件发生,这是阴谋集团在测试民众对这些事情的反应。他们不能再超出而得寸进尺。

Alexandra: Okay, so do you feel that, the actual drills that have been discussed, you know these nation-wide martial law drills, do you, you feel that those will be shut down?

Alexandra: 你认不认为,这些实际的演练操作,或者说全国范围的戒严演练,会不会被终止?

COBRA: I don’t- I don’t believe that will be able, they will be able to manifest this. So, as I said there may be isolated cases of those things happening but not on a larger scale.

COBRA: 我不相信他们会真得去这样做。正如我所说的,有很多独立的事件发生,但不会是大规模的。

Alexandra: Now, you also mentioned that, the Light forces had cleared, all of the underground, bases, right?

Alexandra: 你曾经提到,光明势力已经清除了所有地下基地,对吗?

COBRA: Yes. A long time ago.

COBRA: 是的,很久以前。

Alexandra: Okay. So I was wondering, what are they doing with those now? Who is using them, what are they being used for?

Alexandra: 好的,我想知道光明势力现在如何处置这些基地的?谁在使用它们?它们会被用来做什么方面的事情?

COBRA: Most of them have been demolished, and erased, from underground, so they have been filled with, whatever, with cement or rock or anything and removed because they’re not needed anymore, the Light forces have their own technology they can hollow out any underground space to create their own bases which are much better technologically, much clearer energetically and have much greater, much higher purpose.

COBRA: 它们中的大多数都已经被摧毁或清除,并且它们里面都已经被水泥或石头给填满,或是被移除掉,因为它们不再需要。光明势力有他们自己的技术,可以挖空任何地下空间来创建自己的地下基地,会使用更好的技术,使用自由能源技术,并且满足更高的目标。

Alexandra: Awesome.

Alexandra: 非常棒!

COBRA: So,.. actually, you might, find one or two bases down there which are preserved as a museum.


Alexandra: Wow.. really! Now THAT would be interesting to see (laughs).

Alexandra: 哇,真得吗!那会是非常有趣去参观。

COBRA: Yes. So you will be able to see, parts of, maybe Area 51 or something like that, as a curious individual.

COBRA: 是的。因此,你可能可以看到比如51区之类的一些地方,未来会是一个让人好奇的地方。

Alexandra: Now.. what is your thought, about this.. this was from a, a listener.. they were mentioning how, there’s so much emphasis on the Reptilians.., being one of the dark, beings that’s walking the planet, walking amongst humanity, but, there has been a website that has been put up, about the ancient Vril lizards, the V-R-I-L, are you familiar with them?

Alexandra:这里有一个问题,看看你的想法,是来自一位听众。他们提到, 对蜥蜴人有很多关注,这些蜥蜴人好像是黑暗势力的一部分,正行走在这个星球上,行走在人群中间,但已经有一个网站出来了,是提到古代的Vril 蜥蜴,你熟悉他们吗?

COBRA: Yes, there are many, yes, yes. I am (?)

COBRA: 是的,他们人数很多。

Alexandra: Okay. So.. are, are they not the ones.. how do we distinguish between the Vril versus the Reptilians, were, how do they fit into the whole scheme of things, because they seem like, really nasty.

Alexandra: 好的。他们好像不是蜥蜴人,我们该如何在蜥蜴人和Vril蜥蜴之间进行区分?他们各自又如何扮演自己角色的呢?因为他们看起来真得很丑。

COBRA: Actually you have a whole, gap. Actually you have a whole, I would say Reptilian draconian concepts (?), they are various subtypes of both races, both of those sub-races have developed in a certain specific line of evolution, which led to their, I would say deformation. So, I would not give too much attention to various subtypes because this is not important, what is important is that some of those beings, have accepted the Light, and have trans-transformed, and those who have not are taken to the central Sun and restructured, so, the physical aspect of this has been almost completely taken care of, and the nonphysical aspect of it is being cleared right now.


Alexandra: Well, very cool. Yay! Okay so, Cobra I know we’re getting close to the top of the hour, but I wanted to ask you just a few other questions, do you.. feel that there was a super-portal opened up on 11/11?

Alexandra: 非常棒!好的,COBRA,我知道我们交流快接近一个小时了,但是我还是想再问你几个问题。你认为在11月11日已经有了一个超级门户打开了吗?

COBRA: Mm.. I would say there was a minor fault portal opened up on the 11th 11..

COBRA: 嗯,我会说有一个非常小的门户已经在11月11日打开了。

Alexandra: Okay, because there is, there is discussion that, a special dispensation was, placed, and given, and has opened up somewhere around Jupiter?

Alexandra:有一些特殊的讨论,一次特殊的恩赐被降临,被给予,并已经在 土星附近打开。

COBRA: Well.. you see things are like that are happening every few days, in the solar system, because the galactic configuration is quite active in, creating new energy pathways to heal the planet. Directing those energies, through certain planets, especially Jupiter, towards Earth.

COBRA: 这样的事情在太阳系每隔几天都会发生,因为银河系的构造是非常积极的创造新能量通道来疗愈星球的。能量会透过特定的行星,特别是木星,来导向到地球。

Alexandra: That’s great! That’s great to hear these kinds of things, now how about, do you also agree the Earth, we actually raised up an entire octave since Oct- September, of this year?

Alexandra: 非常棒,非常棒能听到这些事情。然后,关于地球的提升,也就是从今年9,10月份开始,我们地球已经提升了一个完整的八度音阶。

COBRA: Yeah, it depends how you will define an octave, but I would say that there was, there have been a change, but not such a drastic change from my, perspective.

COBRA: 是的,这要看你如何定义一个八度音阶,但我会说,以我的角度来看,那已经有了一个变化,但不是那么剧烈的变化。

Alexandra: And do you also agree that there’s millions of ships, actually in our.. in our air, in our skies, now.. that are..

Alexandra: 你同不同意,实际上在我们天空有几百万艘飞船。

COBRA: Yes, there are millions upon millions of ships, in the orbit around this planet, and all those ships belong to the Light forces.


Alexandra: And they don’t necessarily need to be.. in the shape of a cloud. They’re there-

Alexandra: 他们不必伪装成云的形状。


COBRA: 是的,他们不必那样。

Alexandra: They’re just there, right?

Alexandra: 他们就在那里,对吧?

COBRA: Most of them are invisible.

COBRA: 他们中的大多数都看不见。

Alexandra: Cool. (Excited) How exciting! (breathes in and exhales) So, okay, one last thing and that is, what is your opinion of NESARA law?


COBRA: Actually, this is part of the whole, reset, the whole, restructuring of the financial system, and this will, in its original form was put in long time ago by the Light forces, on the surface of the planet, there have been some minor modifications, and it will be implemented together with some other ones, after the event, as a part of the restructuring of the financial system. Of course there has been a lot of disinformation about NESARA afterwards, that wanted to confuse the original idea, but the original idea was very positive and it will be implemented, together with some other projects, at and, shortly after the event.

COBRA: 实际上,这是整个金融系统重置及重构的一部分。它的最初形式是很久以前由光明势力提出来的,并且已经有了一些小改动,它会在事件发生之后与其它法案一起来实施,以作为金融系统重构的一部分。当然后来,有很多关于NESARA法案的虚假信息,都是为了混淆其最初意愿,但最初想法其实是非常积极的,会与其它项目一起在“事件”之后被实施。

Alexandra: That’s exactly why I brought it up, because its gotten so much bad publicity at times. So I wanted to make sure that we went on record to talk a, a little bit about it. Now, you do feel that we cannot, experience someone trying to fake, the event?

Alexandra: 那恰是我为什么要提出这个问题,因为它有时会产生比较坏的公众影响。因为,我想确保我们可以透过讨论来公开表明观点。现在,你会认为我们会经历到某些人试图故意制造假的“事件”吗?

COBRA: It’s not possible to fake the event. There is actually, Jesuits are trying to fake the reset of the financial system but they are not going to be successful, because, they have already been exposed, and, .. I would say, the top-most people in the Eastern Alliance are aware of this, and will not let it happen.

COBRA: 制造“假事件”是不太可能的。实际上,耶稣会士正试图制造金融系统重置的假事件,但他们不会成功的,因为他们已经被暴露了,我会说东盟的最高层人员已经知道此事,他们不会让此发生。

Alexandra: Okay, well Cobra, as always, I thank you, thank you, thank you, for, providing this information to all of us, that are listening. And.. everybody please, take part in what he said, about the activations, we are really in an awesome place, we can really turn this around, just have to, think it, feel it, believe it, focus on it, and do it. Take action.

Alexandra: 好的,COBRA, 和往常一样,我非常感谢你,感谢你为我们听众提供了这些信息。请各位能积极参与COBRA说提到的门户冥想启动,我们确实在一个极好的位置,我们真地可以扭转形式,我们需要去思考,去感受,去相信,去专注,去动手,并开始行动。

COBRA: Yes. I agree.

COBRA: 是的,我赞同。

Alexandra:(Laughs) And, for everybody that’s been asking, the implant removal process has been phenomenally successful. So, if you have any other questions, continue to drop me emails, and we so appreciate your patience with this, but, we are very excited about it. So Cobra, I love you, thank you so much for your time today, and, we’ll see you next month, right?

Alexandra: 对各位听众说一下,植入物的移除过程已经极为成功。如果你有任何其它问题,可以继续给我写邮件,我们非常欣赏你的耐心,对此我们非常激动。COBRA,我们爱你,非常感谢你今天抽出这些时间回答我们的问题,下个月见。

COBRA: Yes, thank you everybody for listening, and, in a month, there will be another update.

COBRA: 是的,感谢各位收听,一个月后会有新的更新。

Alexandra: Yama. A good one, we hope, right? We’ll, we’ll-

Alexandra: 是的,我们希望是好消息,对吧?

COBRA: Yes. Yes.

COBRA: 是的。

Alexandra: We’ll be on- we’ll be on the other side. (Laughs)



COBRA: 是的。

Alexandra: Okay, take care everybody, thank you for listening, if you need to, visit the daily blog, its Galactic Connection, and you can go to the daily blog, to check out all the, daily, updates. Okay, take care, thanks.


COBRA: Okay, thank you. Bye-bye.

COBRA: 好的,感谢大家,再见!

Alexandra: Bye.

Alexandra: 再见。