COBRA | 2013年11月16日与伊丽莎白的新访谈


Interview Transcription: Elizabeth Whitney and Cobra

Recorded by Skype in Point Reyes Station, November 16, 2013

Elizabeth:  I’d like to start our conversation with a big overview of the Fukushima situation, largely because so many people here on the west coast have expressed a lot of anxiety about it. There was something in our paper today from one of the columnists about not eating seafood. If you could give us a little different perspective on that situation, how it happened and what’s going on now and what the prognosis is, that would be a very helpful way to introduce where you are coming from.

Elizabeth: 我想以福岛情况的概览来开始我们的谈话,因为(美国)西岸很多人表达出深深的焦虑。今天的报纸上有个专栏作家说不要吃海鲜。你能不能在这个情况上给我们一个不同的视角,事情怎么发生的,现在怎样,之后如何。这是一个很有说明的方式来介绍你来自哪里。

COBRA: This Fukushima situation is a creation of the Jesuits. [Cobra means a small faction of the Cabal within the Jesuits representing about 10% of the Jesuit community.] The reason they triggered this false flag event was they wanted to exert pressure on Japan to get more funds for their operations. It is interesting to know that this event happened on March 11, 2011, which was one day before Uranus entered a new 84 -year cycle. So the moment of this was chosen according to astrological constellations. The second purpose of this event was to put more fear into the general human population because the vibrational frequency of fear is the frequency that allows the controllers to maintain control over the human population. I would say that most stories about radiation are exaggeration. I have seen reports of actual measurements of radiation exposure in California and they are not above normal. Everything is as it was before the Fukushima event. So this is a short overview of the situation.

COBRA: 现在福岛的情况是耶稣会的产物(COBRA意旨阴谋集团中的一小分支在耶稣会内,他们占了耶稣会社群的10%的比例)。他们引发这次虚假事件是想向日方施压,为他们的行动敲诈更多的资金。有趣的是,这次事件发生于2011年3月11日,也就是天王星进入新的84年周期的前一天。所以选择这个时机是根据占星星象决定的。这个事件的第二个目的是把更多恐惧释放到人类大众之中。因为恐惧的振动频率能让控制者们维持人类大众的控制。我会说有关辐射的大部分故事都有夸大成份。我看过了真实的加利福尼亚辐射测量报告,没有超出正常值,一切跟福岛事件之前一样。这就是对局势的简单概述。

E: When you say this event was created as a retaliation or blackmail, it is hard to absorb that this kind of thing is going on and we don’t see any news about it or investigation or signs of it going on.  Is there a way that we can become more conscious of the actual facts of how these things play out?

E: 当你说这件事是一次报复或者敲诈时,我们很难理解这种事情。我们看不到任何相关新闻或者调查或者迹象。有没有什么办法让我们更能意识到真正的事实,以及事情是如何发生的?

C: Most of those pressures are happening behind the scenes and of course they will not be reported in the mainstream media. There are some reports in the alternative media about it, but not much.

C: 在幕后有非常大的压力,当然这些事也不会在主流媒体上报导。在另类媒体上有一些报告,但不会太多。

E. Also, you’ve saidthat after what we are going to talk about as the Event, there will be help, extraterrestrial help, in cleaning up the radiation that exists there. I wonder if you want to talk that a little bit about that and even describe what it would be like to have this kind of participation.

E. 你也说到当我们将要讨论的”事件”发生之后,将会有外星人的帮助清理那里的辐射。你能不能简单谈一下,并且描述一下他们如何参与救助。

C: After the Event, and especially after the first contact, the positive extraterrestrial races will use their technology not only to remove excessive radiation from Fukushima, but to actually restore ecological balance throughout the planet. One of the top priorities will be to remove radiation and various poisonous substances from many nuclear power plants in other locations around the planet, not only Fukushima but also Chernobyl and other locations. They will then continue with restoring the ecosystem of the planet and it will be quite a fast operation in human standards. After the First Contact, in a few months, the situation on the planet will be much, much better.

They have advanced technology. Of course, they have complete control over matter so they can actually disintegrate all harmful substances in a matter of seconds. It is not a problem for them. It is just a matter of humanity having the right consciousness and understanding to accept and receive that technology. That is why the Event needs to happen first, the removal the Cabal needs to happen first, so the Light Forces can then use the mass media to educate the human population, so when these things do happen the human population will have an understanding and also an active participation in that purification process.

C: “事件”之后尤其是第一次接触之后,正面的外星种族将用他们的科技。不止移除福岛的过量辐射,也会恢复整个星球的生态平衡。其中最为优先的是清理来自星球上其他核电站的辐射和污染物。不只是福岛还有车诺比尔和其他地方,然后他们会重建星球的生态系统。以人类的标准这是一个很快的行动。第一次接触几个月之后星球上的状况会更加、更加好。他们有先进科技。当然他们对物质有完全的控制,所以他们实际上可以在几秒内分解所有有害物质,这对他们来说不是问题。问题在于人类要有正确的意识和理解,来接受和获得那种技术。这就是为何事件需要首先发生,需要首先把阴谋集团移除,以便光的势力可以用大众传媒教育公众。当这些确实发生后,人类将会有一个理解,也会积极参加这个净化过程。

E: So, the Event, which we can begin to talk about now, really is the clearing of the resistance that is within us, through these implants and through this programming, to even imagine this scale of operation and to be emotionally ready to consider that this is an evolution of our own consciousness rather than an outside, kind of overwhelming, influence. Is that a good way to talk about it?

E: 我们现在谈论的这个”事件”,是对我们内在阻力的清理,通过(移除)植入物和程序设计。想象一下这个行动的规模。在情感上作好准备,想到这是我们自身意识的进化,而不是仅仅是外在的那些影响。这么形容合适吗?

C: Yes. One of the main factors in the Event will be the education of the masses, because the reality on this planet is so much beyond what is currently being portrayed by the mass media, so human beings will need to have some time to integrate this vast shift of perspective. This will happen especially because it will be done in a positive environment and in a positive environment human beings have a very fast learning curve.  It will not be that difficult for most people to accept the reality of those changes. It will be far more difficult for people to comprehend nature of the controlling forces that were controlling humanity and their actions in the past. This will be the most dramatic part of the learning process and it will be very emotional.

C: 是的。事件的一个主要因素是教育大众。因为这个星球的现实与大众传媒所描述的相去甚远。因此人类需要一些时间来整合这么巨大的视角转变。这将会发生,尤其这将在一个正面的环境里完成。在一个正面的环境下人类有着快速的学习曲线。对大部分人来说接受这些转变的现实不是那么困难。更困难的地方在于让人们理解过去一直控制人类的(黑暗)势力的控制力及他们的行为的本质。这将会是学习过程中最戏剧性的部分,容易让人激动。

E: OK, I can certainly imagine that. I am wondering what preparation we can make preceding the event. We’re anticipating it, we’re learning about it…How can we begin to help integrate this information and share it in ways that don’t alert everybody’s skepticism and so on? You are perfectly aware of the climate of receptivity that exists to some of this information here. What is a good way to look at building a foundation in which it can happen?

E: 我当然能想象到。我想知道”事件”之前我们能做点什么准备。我们在参与也在学习。我们怎样整合这个信息,分享出去而不引起人们的怀疑?你应该非常清楚人们对当中一些信息的接受能力。有什么好办法打个基础好让我们传播信息。

C: O.K.  It would be the best to start with the financial system, because almost everybody on this planet is aware that something is wrong with the current financial system. There is a group of I would call central bankers that control the financial situation on the planet. And I think most of the people will be willing to accept that as a fact. We can start from there.  From that point we can educate people on the nature of that control and that it extends beyond the financial system, because the same group that controls the finances controls the mass media and controls the whole information of humanity. We can go from there. So we can then begin to educate people that there are also good forces on the planet that are working to counteract the plan of those controllers, actually to liberate humanity, and the Event is actually the culmination of their plans.  And of course it is quite natural to understand that their plans were secret in the past because it is a war between light and dark. And now we are getting closer to the actual liberation itself, that we are getting closer that to the final victory, more and more of this is becoming public. And there will be evidence when the time is right.

C: 最好从金融系统开始。因为这个星球上几乎每个人都知道当前的金融系统有些问题。有一帮我称为中央银行家的人控制星球的金融状况。我想大部分人很乐意把这个作为接受为一个事实。我们可以从这个话题出发,教育人们(金融)控制的本质,并扩展到金融系统以外。因为控制金融的同一班人也控制着大众媒体和人类的全部信息。我们可以从那里出发。于是我们可以跟人们说星球上也有正义的势力在障碍那些控制者们的计划,解放人类。”事件”正是正义势力计划的高潮。当然很自然地,要理解他们的计划在过去是秘密的,因为这是一场光明与黑暗的战争。现在我们正接近解放,接近最后的胜利,越来越多的信息正在公开。时机适当时会有证据。

E. Even now, are we beginning to see some previews of this in some of the things that are happening politically? Are there some signs that you can point to that are already in our news?

E. 即便是现在,我们是不是开始在政治上看到一些预演试映?在我们的新闻里你能不能指出一些迹象?

C: Most senior government officials on the planet are aware that something is going on. Most of those people are aware of the so-called Eastern Alliance. It is not just the BRICS countries. It is actually an alliance that has its aim of reshaping the future of the planet, restructuring the financial system and getting rid of the Cabal, of the controlling forces. You can see the political actions in many countries on this planet “estio mons” — speak volumes. You can see people are beginning to respond to this new reality. Countries are adapting to this new reality by aligning against the Cabal, aligning against the controlling banking system, creating alternatives all over the planet. For example, Brazil announced the formation of the new independent Internet…encrypted emails for every Brazilian citizen. This is something that is happening right now. Many things like this are happening all over the world right now. This is because the awareness of the citizens is arising and also people are aware that something will happen and they are preparing for it.

C: 星球上多数政府的高层人员知道有事在发生。那些人大部分都知道东盟。它不只是金砖国家。它实际是一个旨在重塑星球未来的联盟,重构金融系统和移除阴谋集团及控制力量。你可以看到很多国家的政治行动,你看到人们开始响应这个新现实。国家正在通过反对阴谋集团,反对银行系统控制,创造各种方式来适应这个新现实。比如,巴西宣布新的独立互联网,给每个巴西公民的电邮进行加密。这就是现在发生的事情。现在全世界都发生类似的事。这是因为公民的觉醒,也由于人们知道有什么将要发生,他们为此做着准备。

E: And how do you see this being played out in the American political system? Do you see some signs that Obama and some of the other light workers in power are feeling more confident that they can proceed, that some of the constraints that have plagued them are being lifted?

E: 这个潮流如何影响美国政坛。你有没有看到奥巴马和其他一些有权力的光之工作者觉得更有信心,一些困扰着他们的枷锁已经解除了?

C: The most dangerous faction of the Cabal is located in the United States. The tension between the light forces, which are present inside the government structure everywhere, and the dark forces, which are also present in the United States government structure everywhere–there is a very strong internal tension right now which can be felt. But nothing is coming to the surface because those scenes are happening behind the scenes. Elsewhere in the world you can see many changes. But the United States will be the last country on the planet where those changes will happen, and when they happen in the United States it will be the moment of the breakthrough. Because it is the turning point. The United States is the key trigger point for the Event to happen. When you see changes in the political system of the United States, then you know it is time.

C: 阴谋集团最危险的派系位于美国。光的势力的张力显现在政府架构内部各个方面。黑暗势力也出现在美国政府架构的各个地方。可以感受到现在内部非常紧张。但表面上什么都没发生,因为那些都发生在幕后。在世界其他地方你看到很多转变。但美国将会是最后一个发生改变的

E. Is there is a reason why the United States had taken this role of the turning point? Is it because the Cabal has been more entrenched here?

E. 美国扮演这个转折点的角色有什么原因?因为阴谋集团在那里更根深蒂固?

C: Yes, I will explain. It is a historical process. Many souls who are incarnating in this time have chosen to incarnate in the United States. Many of the brightest souls have incarnated in the United States in the span of the last 150 years. In response to their light, the Cabal had to put their strongest control there to prevent a breakthrough. This has been the focal point of this planetary struggle between the light and dark for the last 100 years at least. When the breakthrough happens, it will happen through United States.

C: 我解释一下。这是一个历史过程。很多在此时选择转世的灵魂都选择去美国。许多最为光亮的灵魂在过去150年里投生于美国。为应对他们的光芒,阴谋集团不得不把最强的控制加到那里,防止突破发生。这是至少过去100年来光明与黑暗冲突的焦点。但突破发生,那将发生于美国全境。

E. When you talk about the war of the light and the dark, was this an inevitable way that this change had to come? Were there circumstances somewhere along the way that shifted us into this high drama version of how we would make an evolutionary change? Will we have a perspective on this at some point — why it had to go through this traumatic cycle?

E. 你谈到光明与黑暗的战争,这些改变的到来是不是必然的?有没有哪种情况能把我们转移到这个演化变异的高级戏剧里?我们会不会在某个时刻有一个视角——理解为何要经历这样创伤周期?

C: For most of humanity, it is happening much easier than it was expected. It is because of all the action of light workers that this transition is not as rough as it could be. We have avoided a third world war, which was a possibility, but not any more. We have avoided drastic planetary cataclysms also. None of this is going to happen. Yes, there is some discomfort, there is some struggle, but if there would be more awareness, there would be less of this. The amount of struggle is in direct proportion to the lack of consciousness and awareness.

C: 对大部分人类来说,事情比期望中要容易一些。因为所有光之工作者在这个过渡期的工作没有原来那么艰难。我们已经避免了一场第三次世界大战,曾经有可能发生,但现在不会了。我们也避免了激烈的行星大灾难。这些都不会发生。是的,现在有一些不适,有一些挣扎,但如果有更多人觉醒,苦难就会更少。这些挣扎的多少与意识和觉醒的缺乏是直接相关的。

E: Then the control of the media, something I observed in my lifetime–the deterioration of responsible media–what I have noticed is that this conditioning through this disinformation is very, very strong in the sense that it has given people no bearings to try to sort out who is telling the truth. I feel that the way you have presented some information, by coupling this with the meditation practices and other ways to get people more connected to their own ability to choose between alterative ideas of what’s going on… Is that how you also see us, struggling to find ourselves emancipated from having outside authority always telling us what is going on and getting more direct connection to truth? So that we can hear truth and go, “That’s true. I don’t know why but I know it.” Is that kind of a goal of our own consciousness?

E: 媒体的控制,这是我一生都在观察的。负责任的媒体堕落,我注意到通过虚假信息的调节作用是非常非常强大的,也就是说它不给人们指出方向分辨出谁在说真话。我觉得你通过把冥想练习和其他方式结合起来,展示一些信息的方法,让人们更加能连接到自己内在的能力,在各个另类媒体的观点里进行选择。你是不是也这样来看待我们奋力地追寻自我,摆脱外部权威对我们的束缚,进而更直接得获得真相。以便我们能听到真相,并且说:”这是真的,虽然我不知道为什么,但我知道是真的。”这是我们自身觉知的一个目标?

C: The key is to go inside for guidance. Inner guidance is key. I would say intuition coupled with highly skilled rational mind that is not blocking the intuition but is supporting and working together with intuition. That can get you much further than the mass media or any other external information source. As you already said, most of those sources have been compromised.

C: 关键是走进内在寻求指引。内在指引是关键。我会说直觉与高度训练的理性思维相结合。理性思维不会障碍直觉,而是支持并且与直觉合作。这能帮助你看得比大众媒体和其他外部信息来源更远。正如你所说,大部分那些来源都(向权力)妥协了。

E: Yes. Let’s go back to your role. It seems to me that you have come forth as a voice of clear information and, of course, a lot of things you have revealed in your interviews and so on are fascinating and mind-boggling. Could you begin by talking about what your perspective is on this planet and your place in it and how you have even evolved as it unfolded? I think people are going to be fascinated by you and then by others who may come forward with their stories.

E: 是的。让我们谈谈你的角色。似乎你以一个清楚的信息声音身份出现。当然你在不同访问你揭露了很多吸引人并且难以置信的事情。你能否从下面这些问题谈起:在这个星球上你的观点是什么,你身处什么位置上,随着事情展开你如何成为今天的你?我想人们非常想听听你和其他可能站出来的人的故事。

C: At this point I am the spokesperson for the Resistance Movement, and I did not become that by choice; actually it was a result of my life situation. Many years ago, I was attacked by the dark forces when I divulged certain information, certain intel, that was obviously…some people reacted quite strongly to that. I didn’t know that at the time. I was protected by the Resistance and they gave me some instructions and this led to a long cooperation. At this point I am representing them on the surface of the planet. I like to do it because those people are my brothers and sisters–they are my only family. Basically, I would say that my position on the surface of the planet is temporary. I am not going to stay here forever. I am just going to be here to fulfill my mission, to complete my mission, and then my path goes beyond the surface of this planet.

C: 此时我是抵抗运动的发言人,我不是出于选择这么做的。实际上这是我生活状况的一个结果。很多年前,我泄露了一些信息,黑暗势力对我进行攻击,某些人对我反应非常强烈。我当时并不知情。抵抗运动保护了我,他们给我一些指引,这就导致了一段长期的合作。现在我是他们在地表的代表。我很喜欢这份工作,因为那些人是我的兄弟姐妹,他们是我唯一的家人。基本上,我在星球表面的位置是临时的。我不会永远待在这里。我在这里是要履行我的任务,完成我的使命,然后我的道路会超出这个星球。

E: You call yourself Pleiadian. I don’t know what that actually means. I don’t know what that identity literally describes.

E: 你称呼自己做昴宿星人。我不知道这是什么意思。我不知道这个身份如何描述。

C: Every soul begins its life path its evolution path in the center of the galaxy–in this galaxy or some other galaxy. Then it goes from one star system to another to gain experience. My soul, my own presence, my major experience was in the Pleiadian star system, so most of my energy signature is Pleiadian by origin. The only difference from most people is that I am aware of this.

C: 每个灵魂从银河中央太阳那里开始它的进化之旅,或在这个或者其他银河系。它会从一个星系到另一个星系获得经验。我的灵魂,我自己的存在,主要的经验就是在昴宿星系,所以我大部分能量特征就是源于昴宿星人。我跟其他人不同的地方在于我知道这件事。

E: We all have made this kind of a journey, too, though star systems?

E: 我们全都进行了这种星系间的旅行?

C: Most human beings that are present on the planet have been created in this planetary system, but there are many who have come here to this planet from other star systems, most of them to raise the vibrational frequency on the planet. There also beings who came here from other star systems to assist the controlling forces, so there are a mixture of various races here on the planet.

C: 现在星球上的大部分人类是在这个行星系统被创造的,但有很多人从其他星系来到这里,他们大部分是为提高这个星球的振动频率而来。又有一些存有来自其他星系,他们帮助的是控制势力,所以这个星球上是多个种族的混合。

E: Was this also a necessity to generate the kind of energy that this transformation needs that it would draw from all of the galaxy to produce? I’m sensing that it is sort of like a thing that has to create a certain kind of dynamic to generate the transformation. So, rather than looking at the whole thing as a drama that is unfortunate because there was so much suffering, do we begin to look at this as a drama that has to do with the operation of energetic forces in creation?

E: 有没有必要形成一种这次转变所需的,从所有银河提取制造的能量?我感觉有点像制造一种动力来让转变发生。所以,不要把整件事看作一出戏剧,因为很不幸地我们有着那么多苦难。我们要不要开始把这出戏剧作看与这种动力的形成有关?

C: Yes, you can look at it from any perspective you wish. It is the human being that creates the perspective.

C: 是的,你可以从你期望的这个视角来看。因为人类创造了视角。

E. OK. It is also for me very interesting that it feels as if we are writing a new story about who we are. We are creating a new collective myth, you could say, a truth that actually does fit a lot of the ways that we have expressed ourselves in the arts. We have been fascinated with this idea of Star Wars. We’ve been fascinated with this idea of the great battle of the light and the dark, as if it was always built into us and that this would come out as an actuality.

E. 我觉得很有趣的是,我们正写作关于我们是谁的新的故事。我们创造一部新的集体神话,一个从各个方面都符合我们在艺术中自我表达的真理。我们深深陶醉于《星球大战》那种概念。我对光明与黑暗的大战非常着迷,就好像一直都是我们(历史)一部分的,作为一个现实出现的

C: This myth is a reflection of the reality of the situation. I understand that we are at the beginning stages of completely new myth, a completely new belief system, a completely new paradigm that will go beyond that. I think 100 years from now nobody will worry about dark forces or even think about it any longer. It will be an obscure notion from the past–a long time ago, things like that happened, but they will be so beyond that. A completely new evolution will open for humanity that nobody will be bothered anymore about the troubled past of humanity. It is a birth of a new renaissance that is happening now. We are at such an early stage of the creation of this new myth that we are not able to comprehend where we are going.

C: 这个神话故事是对现实状况的反映。我理解我们才刚开始整个新的神话,一个全新的信仰系统,全新的范式将超越那些。我想现在开始100年后,没有人会担心黑暗势力,甚至没有人再思考这些。这将会成为一个来自过去的模糊概念——很久以前,这种事情发生过,但之后将会远远超越那些。一个全新的进化历程将向人类开放,没有人会烦恼人类那些麻烦的过去。这是新文艺复兴的诞生,现在正在发生着。我们现在处于新的神话的早期阶段,没有办法理解我们会走向何方。

E: Exactly. I totally concur with that from the information that I have worked with. You’ve said in some of your interviews that this is the last place where this dark energy has anchored in this galaxy, so when it is gone, when it is cleared from here, it’s gone. So, that is also a pretty strong mythic identity, to be holding the last place where this darkness exists, and when it is gone it is released from this whole galaxy. I have heard from people who channel that we are regarded as very heroic here on this planet because of what we have put up with. Is that a good way to look at it? This huge thing is way bigger than our little planet and its fate, allowing the whole galaxy to be free of this…

E: 很对。我完全同意,也一直遵循这个信息工作。你在一些访问里说到地球是这个银河系黑暗势力最后植根的地方,当黑暗势力被清除,它就离开了。所以这有着非常大的神话特征,作为黑暗势力最后存在的场所,当黑暗离去,地球就从这个银河系释放了。我从一些通灵者那里听说我们身在地球,被看作是非常英勇的,因为我们忍受了种种的磨难。这么来看合适吗?整个事情远超于我们这个小小星球及它的命运,让整个银河系因为它而解放

C: Yes, yes! It’s true. It’s true. And it’s not just as small planet. We are not just here by chance. We knew that we were going to go here for this particular mission. It was not anticipated it would be last the planet to be liberated. The plan was a little bit different but the reality changed and now we are on the planet that is the last planet to be liberated. So it is a very special place and we are in a very special period of our destiny. And, yes, we are heroes because what we do to form an opposition in the face of all this control is a heroic act. For everybody that is standing against this oppression, he or she is a hero in this space and time.

C: 对,这是真的。地球不仅是一个小行星。我们不是偶然才会在这里。我们以前已经知道我们将会来这里为了特殊的任务。之前没有人预料到它是最后一个要解放的行星。本来的计划有一些不同,然而事情发生了改变,现在我们在这个最后要解放的行星上。所以这是地球是非常特殊的地方,我们位于命运中非常特别的时期。是的,我们是英雄,因为我们直面这个控制(系统),这是一个英勇的行为。对每一位反抗压迫的人,他和她在这个空间时间里是一个英雄。

E: Do you want describe some of the activations and clearing of these portals that you’ve been working with and how we can also participate in that? That whole scenario of the blocked portals that kept good energies from flowing forth, like the Goddess energy, and how we clear them? I think that’s of interest to a lot of people.

E: 你想不想说一下门户的启动和清理的问题。我们如何参与?关于门户阻塞,妨碍了女神能量等一些正面能量进来,我们如何清理?我想很多人有兴趣听听。

C: It’s a process. Each portal that we activate brings us closer to the final goal of completely clearing the etheric plane. The Archons had invaded the etheric plane 25,000 years ago and were closing off one vortex after the other. This process was completed about 1,600 years ago when the Roman Catholic cults completely suppressed the Goddess energy on the planet. On each of those vortex points when we had temples of the goddess before there was a catholic church. This was the completion of the dark creed.  Then you know what happened; we had the dark ages, the Middle Ages. Then about 500 years ago the first Renaissance brought the beginning of the process of planetary purification. We have now reached a point in the last few years when we are in the final stages of that purification. Each of the portals we activate brings us closer to the final goal of complete liberation of the etheric plane. As soon as the etheric plane is liberated, extremely fast the physical plane is going to follow.  And then we are free.

C: 这是一个过程。我们启动的每个门户都让我们更进一步地完成整个以太层的清理。执政官在25000年前入侵以太层,把漩涡一个个地关闭了。这个过程在大约1600年前完成,当时罗马天主教完全在这个星球上压住了女神能量。在每一个漩涡点都有天主教堂,以前那里是女神神庙。这是黑暗教义的实现。然后你知道发生了什么,我们经历了黑暗时期,中世纪。然后500年前第一次文艺复兴是行星净化工程的开始。我们在几年前终于达到了净化的最后一步。我们启动的每个门户让我更接近以太层的完全解放。以太层一解放,速度极快的物质层面就会跟进。到时我们就会自由。

E: Could you just talk about what these portals are? What is their dynamic? How would we know if we were living near one? What kind of energy is it that that we could discover or is it very esoteric to even try to understand that?

E: 你能不能说一下这些门户是什么?它们的动力是什么?怎样知道我们是不是住在某个门户附近?我们能发现哪种能量,是不是外人难以理解的?

C: A dimension portal is a double vortex of energy that actually transmits energy between different dimensions.  Then the energy can be used. It is a neutral energy. You can use if for good purposes or somebody could use it for not-so-good purposes. When the portal is activated property, it can become a very strong, supportive vortex for the light. It can actually change the energetic signature of that area. It can improve the living conditions of the people, their well-being. This is the reason why we are going from place to place activating those portals. If we have a mass meditation on a certain specific date, that can trigger the opening of that portal, it can have a planetary global effect of improving the planetary situation.

C: 一个维度门户是一个能量的双重漩涡,在不同维度之间传输能量。然后能量才能被使用。这是中性能量。你可以用在好的方面,有人会用在不好的方面。当门户适当地活化时,它就变成非常强大的光的支持漩涡。它能改变该区域的能量标记。它能提升人们的生活环境和福祉。

E: Do you want describe the activation that is coming up on the 23rd [of November], the context of that date and the place that you’ve chosen to do the work?

E: 你描述一下即将到来的11月23日启动,你选择工作的地点和内容。

C: It is actually the Shift of the Ages. It is the moment astrologically speaking that we are entering a new cycle. The old cycle did not end on December 21 last year as many people have realized. The actual turning point is now in November. It will not manifest outwardly as anything special but energetically speaking it will be the peak of transition.  From that point on the light forces will have much more power; they will have much more initiative on this planet and the dark forces will be on retreat from that day on. They will be in defensive from that day on. We have chosen Florence in Italy because we are grounding the energies of the new Renaissance, and Florence was the anchor point for the first Renaissance, where a process of planetary purification started about 500 years ago.  Now we are anchoring the same energy on a higher octave in the same place that will allow us to bring this new myth that we were speaking about, this new collective story that will not include the darkness.

C: 这是时代的转变。以占星学来说这是我们进行新周期的时刻。旧的周期不像很多人以为的那样在去年1221日结束。实际的转折点是今年11。在表面上没有什么特别的显化,但能量上这是转变的顶峰。从那一点开始,光的势力将有更多力量,他们会在星球上采取更多行动,而黑暗势力从那天开始将会撤退,他们会转为防守。我们选择意大利佛罗伦萨,因为我们要把新文艺复兴的能量根植下来,佛罗伦萨是第一次文艺复兴能量根植的地点,500年前行星净化进程在那里开始。现在我们把同一股能量,在更高的八度音阶上,在同一个地方固定下来。让我们带来刚才所说的新的神话篇章,这个新的不包含黑暗的共同的故事。

E: It is a pretty exciting opportunity to be conscious of all this! How do you see all of us helping? I know you put on your website the time of a synchronized meditation and so on. Is that the best way to feel connected to this and make your presence felt for as many people we can reach as possible?

E: 知道这些真是非常让人兴奋!你怎么看我们的帮助?我知道你在网站把同时冥想的时间放上去。这是感受到与之连接,并且让你被我们尽可能多的人认识的最好方式吗?

C: Yes. There are a few things that you can do. Number one is to join our weekly meditation group each Sunday, different time zones of course, but each Sunday it is happening around the world at the same moment.   The more people who will get into this, the more effect it will have. We not yet reached the critical mass, that’s why we don’t have the result we want. If we get more people, we will be more powerful. Then of course you can join our major planetary activation portals. For example, we had a peace portal activation on August 25. We had masses of people joining; we reached the critical mass. Just the video alone was seen by a quarter of a million people. You can see the results were very, very direct and very dramatic. We have prevented a military invasion in Syria as a result of the activation of the Peace Portal, so this was a huge accomplishment. If people participate in the following activations, the first on 23rd November and there will be more, then we can get more results. And the third thing that is very important at this time is the creation of event support groups. Event support groups are groups that meet physically once a week at least to hold the energy of preparation for the Event, to hold the energy of awareness of the Event, and when the Event happens those groups will serve as communication centers and will give advice to confused human population. There are many things that you can do.

C: 是的。有几件事你可以做。第一是每星期天加入我们每周冥想,当然时区会有不同,但每个星期天在同一时刻在全球会进行冥想。更多的人参与就更有效果。我们还没达到关键临界人类,这就是我们还没达到想要的结果的原因。如果有更多的人,我们就会更有力量。当然你可以加入我们主要的行星门户启动冥想。比如我们在8月25日有一个和平门户的启动。有许多人参与,我们达到了关键临界。仅仅是视频就有25万人观看。你可以看到其结果是非常直接和戏剧性的。和平门户启动的结果是阻止了对叙利亚的军事入侵。这是一个重大的胜利。如果人们加入到接下来的冥想,第一个是11月23日,还会有更多,那么我们就能收获更多。第三是建立事件支持小组。事件支持小组每星期至少见面一次,保持对”事件”觉知的能量,当”事件”发生那些小组将作为交流中心,给混乱的人们一些建议。有很多事情你可以做。

E. Describe the Event again for those hearing this for the first time…

E. 给那些第一次听说的人们再描述一下”事件”….

C: OK, I will describe this briefly. The first aspect of the Event is the reset of the financial system. The reset of the financial system will end the current imbalances that are one of the major sources of suffering on the planet. The new financial system will be transparent and fair to everybody. The second aspect of this reset is the arrest of the members of the controlling forces of the Cabal, of those people who were actually enslaving humanity for all those centuries. The third aspect of the Event is finally the truth will begin to be released through the mass media, truth about the planetary situation, truth about our history, truth about UFOs, about extraterrestrial contact, about free energy, about true physics, about everything–will be released finally to the mass population. There will also be the non-physical aspect of the Event, which will be a flash, the wave of energy from coming from the galactic central sun. Many people who are more spiritually aware will be able to feel that flash. That will begin a process of mass awakening that will go across humanity after the Event.

C: 我简单说一下。”事件”的第一个方面是金融系统的重置。金融系统的重置将终结当前的不平衡,这是星球上其中一个苦难的源头。新金融系统将会对每个人透明和公平。第二个方面是逮捕阴谋集团具控制力量的成员,就是几个世纪以来奴役着人类的那些人。第三个方面是真相的公开,通过大众媒体,公开星球状况的真相,历史的真相,UFO的真相,外星接触,自由能源,真正的物理学等等的真相,有关每一件事情,最终公开给人类大众。”事件”也有非物质方面,那将是一个闪焰,来自银河中央太阳的能量波。很多人精神上更有觉知的人能感受到这个闪焰。那将在”事件”后,在人类之间开始一个大规模觉醒的进程。

E: So, it is pretty safe to say that none of us will be the same after the Event.

E: 可以很安全地说,我们没有一个人在事件之后会是同一个模样的

C: None of us will be the same. It will be beyond our expectations.

C: 没有人不会有变化。事情会超出我们的预期

E. It is so remarkable to hear this kind of information. I’m wondering, do you feel supported across the board from other psychic-type people and other people involved in all this supporting this whole scenario? I’ve looked around a lot to see how people are talking about things and I just wonder whether it is something that you feel is being effectively supported or do you feel it is this group that you’ve identified as putting it out. I’m floundering a bit here, but I just wonder how all this is seeming to you?

E. 听到这样的讯息真是太不寻常了。你有没有感到来自灵媒人或者其他有关人士的帮助?我走过很多地方看到人们谈论这些,我想知道你是否觉得这有效地帮到你,或者你觉得你所说的(支持)小组才是帮得上忙的。我说得有点混乱,但我好奇你是怎么看的。

C: Well, you see, I create my own reality, and I just connect with people who are understanding this. Most people I am connected with have a similar perspective on this. I don’t have much contact with the general population who might not know about it. Of course, there are many people who are skeptical about this and those people who are skeptical will be more convinced, naturally, when things start to happen, when there will be physical evidence. Of course, most people will believe their own eyes. I would say to most people: wait and see what happens. I’m just giving information in advance so people are prepared; I’m not trying to convince anybody. I’m just presenting information because I have received it.

C: 你看,我创造我自己的现实。我只是把那些理解这个现实的人连接起来。与我有关的多数人都有相似的视角。我与一般人可能不知道这些事的人没太多联系。当然,有很多对此有所怀疑的人,那些怀疑论在事情开始发生时很自然地会更信服,到时会有实质证据。当然大部分人相信他们的眼睛,我对这些人说:等着瞧。我只是提前给出信息,让人们做准备;我没有想过说服所有人…我只是呈现出我收到的信息。

E: That’s true. That’s the essence of how it comes. The messengers come and here’s the message. It is another round of information that transforms us to learn a lot more about who we really are and how our roots go into other dimensions and what our potential future is. I’m finding it interesting to be among people who are aware of this and to not be able to look at the world that is being expressed around me, and people’s ideas about what they are going to do next summer and how they are going to do this and that. You sort of can’t go there any more when you know that this incredible change is imminent. It’s an interesting surreal life to lead. I imagine you are hearing that from other people, too.

E: 很对。这是真髓。信使到来,给你信息。让我们学习到更多关于我们是谁,我们的祖先如何去到其他维度,我们潜在的未来是什么,这都是另一回的信息。我发现很有趣的是在那些知道此事,但看不到表达在自己周围的世界的人,人们关于他们下一个夏天将做什么,他们要如何做这做那之类的想法。即便当你知道这个惊人的转变即将到来,你似乎也无法走得更远(做得更多)。感觉有趣而不太真实。我想你也会从其他人那里听到这些观点。

C: 是的。

C: Yes, yes.

E: Do you have any advice? For living in this kind of a time? Or just…

E: 你有什么建议?

C: Just be in the now. Be in this moment. Of course you can make plans. It’s always in life like this that you can make plans and of course things will happen in completely unexpected ways.


E: And that’s the advice that we’ve all heard that applies to our life challenges. So much of what we think of as problems are things we think up in our head and haven’t happened yet, so now we are on this other side where we are looking at something that is really positive that’s coming and yet hasn’t quite manifested. I don’t want to be one of these people that talks about the timing of this, because I do understand [the dilemma]. I feel as a woman it is interesting to talk about time as something to be fulfilled, because if we are pregnant we know we are going to have a baby but we don’t know when, but we know we are going to have a baby. So I feel that this Event is in this language of it is definitely going to happen and the timing isn’t really ours to know, but the certainty of it is there within us. It is a sense that when everything converges to be in perfect coordination, then the thing will happen and it will be absolutely the right moment.

E: 这个建议我们也听说过,用于我们生命中的挑战。我们看成是问题的那些东西是一些在我们头脑里还没发生的事,现在我们在另一边看着一些真正正面的事情在到来,但仍然没显化。我不想谈论事情发生的时间,因为我知道这不好说。我觉得作为一个女人,谈论某些正在实现的事情的时间很有趣,就像我们怀孕了,知道要生产一个婴儿。我们不知道是什么时候,但我们知道将要生孩子。所以语意上我觉得”事件”肯定要发生,但时间我们是不知道的。但事情肯定摆在那里。这是一种万事具备,完美协调,然后事情绝对会在适当的时候发生的感觉。

C: Exactly, exactly.

C: 是的。

E: We are conditioned to think of linear time being sort of like the train schedule where we keep looking at our watches and saying, when is it going to happen? But it is not in that framework.

E: 我们习惯像列车时刻表那样线性时间地思考,我们一直看着手表问什么时候才会发生?但事情不能这样想。

C: There is a certain moment when it will happen, but even if I would know it, I would not say it, simply because I would not give this information to the Cabal and of course, they are listening to this.  They don’t need to know.

C: 有一个必然的时刻它是会发生的,但即使我知道,也不会说出来。很简单,因为我不会把这个信息告诉阴谋集团,他们肯定在听着。他们不需要知道。

E: They don’t need to know! Well, does it mean that they know all of this that we are talking about, that their portals are being cleared, that there are these dates? It doesn’t give them any benefit to know these specifics at this stage, does it?

E: 他们不需要知道!你意思是不是他们知道我们谈的这些,他们知道门户正在清理,在某些日子有事发生?在这个阶段不让他们知道这些细节而得利?

C: You see, I have a very delicate situation. I can just release intel that gives more advantage to the light forces than gives to the dark forces. So there are things I cannot say. It is a very delicate balance. We are still not liberated yet. After that, it is no problem. I can say everything I know but not yet.

C: 你看,我的情况很微妙。我可以公开一些情报,给光的势力更多的有利条件,多于给黑暗势力的。所以有些事我不能说。这是一个很微妙的平衡。我们现在仍然没有解放。之后就不要紧了。到时我可以说出我知道的一切,但现在不是时候。

E: Do you want to describe a little bit more about the way the Resistance — you use this phrase compression breakthrough–that’s where your name Cobra comes from–and you’ve talked about how the compression is from the extraterrestrials on one side and the Resistance on the other. Do you want to describe that? So we can picture the Earth in ways we don’t usually do with the underground cities…

E: 你再多谈一下抵抗运动,你使用”压缩突破”这个词语,这也是你的名字COBRA的来源,你说过这个压缩一边来自外星人,另一边来自抵抗运动。你想描述一下吗?这样我们才能以我们不常使用的方式来描绘地球,用地下城市的观点(博主注:指地下城市中居住的抵抗运动的观点)…

C: This planet is in a sandwich. There are light forces above the surface of the planet in the sky–the positive ETs–who are sending light toward the surface of the planet from above.  Then there is a resistance movement underground. All of these forces are holding the light below the surface and sending the light toward the surface. So the surface of the planet is in this compression. All of the darkness that was compressed on the surface needs to come out, because the light is constantly pressuring it to come out, so that it is processed and healed and removed. When the light from below meets the light from above at the surface, that’s the moment of compression breakthrough and that’s the moment of the Event. When this is happening it will be huge, energetically and physically, and everybody will be able to see it.

C: 这个星球是一个三明治。在地表以上的天空里有光的势力,就是正面的ET,他们把光从上面发送到地表。然后抵抗运动在地下,所有势力在地表以下维持住并把光发送到地表。所以星球的地表就处于这样的压缩里。所有在地表被压缩的黑暗需要逃出来,因为光持续施压迫它出来,这样才能处理,治疗和移除。当来自地下的光与来自上面的光在地表相遇,那就是压缩突破的时刻,也就是”事件”发生的时刻。当事情一发生,能量上和物理上都会相当大,每个人将能看见。

E: After the Event, what role do these forces play? The underground culture and resistance…will they become more visible to us? Are these boundaries going to be dissolved and will we have some awareness that this exists?

E: “事件”之后,这些势力的角色是什么?地下文明和抵抗运动,他们会被我们所见吗?这些边界会不会消融,我们会知晓他们的存在吗?

C:  Gradually, yes. They will not expose themselves directly. First they will just get in there through the mass media, but after sometime when humanity begins its awakening process, there will be direct contact.

C: 是地,逐渐知道。他们不会直接曝露自己。首先他们会通过大众媒体出现,一段时间后当人类开始自己的觉醒进程,他们就会直接接触我们。

E: Then the future of humanity, I gather, from everything I’m learning, is to have a completely different sense of what is real physically and to travel without airplanes and visit other star systems — all that…

E: 我从所有获得的信息来看,人类未来对什么东西才是真正物质性的,不用飞机旅行,以及到访其他星系等等将有一个完全不同的感官。

C: 是的。

C: Yes. Yes.

E: …everything we fantasize in our media. I think it is so interesting that something in us that was captured in the Star Wars movie always wanted this ability to go exploring and go beyond–I guess it is pretty true to call this the prison we have been locked up in–find out what is really going on outside.

E: …所有在我们媒体里幻想的事物。很有趣地,在《星球大战》电影了描述的我们内在的某些东西,我们一直想得到那种能力去外面探险并去超越。我认为我们被囚禁在监狱里这个说法很真确。我们要查明外面究竟发生了什么。

C: We were in the prison for the last 25,000 years and now that the gates will open, we will be able to see what is outside.

C: 我们25000年前就关在监狱里,现在大门就要打开。我们会看到外面有什么。

E: I don’t know how to ask these some of these questions because they are so unusual…but could this have all gone another way completely 25,000 years ago?

E: 我不知道怎么问这些问题,因为这些问题很不寻常…但25000前会不会出现另一条道路?

C: It could. It could. Things could be different. There are many moments in human history, many key points, when this could go one way or the other.

C: 是的。事情可能不一样。在人类历史上有很多时刻,很多关键点,可能走上这条或者其他的道路。

E: It was just in these various present moments that a little tipping happened and it slid one direction?

E: 在这些各种各样的”当下”,发生一点倾斜就会滑向一个方向?

C: Exactly.

C: 是的。

E: Do we have anything to learn from this, looking back? Do we learn how to be a different kind of human now?

E: 我们能不能从中学到什么,要回望过去?我们现在学到如何做一个不同的人了吗?

C: Yes. You see in those critical moments, those tipping moments, there were always individuals who were key individuals and those key individuals made choices, sometimes good choices and sometimes not so good choices. In 1995 there was a big possibility of a breakthrough but the key individuals made the wrong choices and that is why we are here almost 20 years later and still the Event didn’t happened. It could have happened in 1995. It could also have happened last year, in April or May 2012, if certain key individuals had made the right choices but they did not make the right choices. There are always certain moments, certain windows of opportunity, and in those crucial moment it is very important how the key people behave. What decisions do they make? What choices do they make? What actions do they take? That is very important.

C: 你看,在那些关键的时刻,那些倾覆的时刻,总是有一些关键人物做出选择,有时作出好的选择,有时选择得不那么好。在1995年有很大一个突破的可能性,但关键人员做了错误选择,这就是为什么我们现在在这里,几乎20年之后”事件”还没发生。”事件”可能在1995年发生了。也可能在去年,2012年4月或5月发生。如果那些关键人物做了正确选择的话,他们却没有。一直都有契机,一些机会窗口,在些重要的时刻里,关键人物如何行动非常重要。他们作出什么决定?他们作出什么选择?他们作出什么行动?这是极为重要的。

E: Would these be people that had political power?

E: 这些人是那些有政治权力的人吗?

C: Not necessarily. You see, the real planetary situation is not decided by the presidents; it is decided by people from behind the scenes.

C: 不一定。你看,真正的行星状况不是由总统们决定的,而是由幕后的人决定。

E: The Cabal and its script for controlling to planet…to me, it is preposterous that they ever thought they could succeed, just because to manage something on the scale that they wanted…Where would they have found the power to support that, because it was such a self-involved agenda, no spiritual energy behind it, no good in it? How could the Cabal have really believed in their power or were they just psychotically made wrong?

E: 阴谋集团和他们控制星球的剧本,对我来说,他们认为他们能成功是很荒谬的,因为他们想在那个规模上控制一切..在那里他们本应找到权力支持,因为这是一个自我中心的议程,没有灵性能量在背后,没有任何好的方面?阴谋集团怎么会相信他们的权力,或者说他们精神错乱了?

C: You see, their plan was created–the last phase of their plan was created–more than 200 years ago. At that time they had the support of many negative ET races throughout the galaxy, and that’s where their confidence came from. But now when those races are gone, they are still operating but they know they are on their last plans. They cannot count on any support from beyond this planet any more, and they know it. The top people in the Cabal know that and they are in panic because of this. Because they know the game is over.

C: 你看,他们的计划已经写好了——他们计划最后阶段在200多年前就写好了。当时他们有很多银河系负面外星种族的支持,这是他们的信心来源。但当那些种族离开后,他们仍旧在经营,但他们知道这是他们最后的计划了。他们无法再指望任何星球外的支持,他们心知肚明。阴谋集团的顶层人物知道这个情况,他们很惊慌。因为他们知道游戏要结束了。

E: You’ve described that there are a variety of ways that they are responding, that they know they can surrender, they can ask for forgiveness and so on and so on. Are we seeing the separation of the hard core from those who aren’t so deeply, darkly inspired?

E: 你说过他们有各种方式来投降,他们知道他们能投降,他们可以请求原谅等等。我们能不能看到死硬核心份子里面有些不那么黑暗的人会弃暗投明?

C: Yes, there are many various responses, and yes, some of them have surrendered already and many of them will surrender in the future. And also the various factions have different tactics of how to cope with this situation. The Jesuits try to manipulate the situation in their own way; the Rockefeller-Illuminati faction is getting a little bit crazy with all this warmongering in Syria that happened this year, and the Rothschilds are just silent because they don’t want to be exposed too much in the limelight right now.

C: 是的,(来自阴谋集团)有各种响应,他们某些人已经投降了,很多人会在将来投降。也有不同的派系有着不同的策略来应付这个情况。耶稣会用他们的方式来操纵这个情势。洛克菲勒-光明会派系有点疯狂,今年在叙利亚煽动战争。罗斯柴尔德家族保持沉默,因为他们不希望现在曝光并受到大众的关注。

E: They must be aware that the financial reset is going to completely take all their power away.

E: 他们一定知道金融重置会完全把他们的权力夺去

C:  Yes, they are aware of that

C: 是的,他们知道。

C: I would say they are afraid of it. They don’t believe it completely because it hasn’t happened in their own experience. They have generations of experience that they are the top of the food chain regarding money–almost at the top of the food chain–but they are afraid that something will change because they gather more and more evidence that things are going to change.

C: 我会说他们在害怕。他们不完全相信,因为这从未在他们的经验中发生过。他们有历代位于货币食物链顶层的经验——几乎在食物链的顶端——但他们害怕有些东西会改变,因为他们获得越来越多的证据表明事情在发生改变。

E: Do you think they believe it?

E: 你认为他们会相信吗?

E: When you talk about the public arrests of these figures, is it going to include of some of these top dogs?

E: 当你说到公开逮捕这些人,是否包括这些顶层的人物?

C: All of them.

C: 他们全部人。

E: Is that going to happen swiftly, all at once? We will be witnessing this over days?

E: 会不会发生得很快,马上,所有人?我们会花几天时间见证?

C: It will be a global operation throughout the planet that will take maybe between one or three days.

C: 这将是行星上地一个全球行动,可能花1-3天。

E: Wow.

E: 噢。

C: …for the key people.

C: …逮捕那些关键人物。

E: Wow. That’s going to make some interesting television!

E: 那么在电视上将有好看的了。

C: Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

C: 是的,是的。

E: For the people who are used to the action movies, they are going to see some action. Are they going to be taken to certain kinds of prisons? Where will they go?

E: 对于习惯了动作片的观众,他们会看到一些行动。他们会不会被押到某些监狱?他们会去哪里?

C: They will be taken to prisons and they will have a right to have a fair trial because true things need to come out in a balanced way, so there will be no witch-hunts. Human beings will decide their destiny. Humanity will decide their destiny.

C: 他们会被送到监狱,他们有权获得一个公平的审讯,因为真相需要以一个平衡的方式公开。不会有像火烧女巫的那种情况。人类将决定他们的命运。

E: So, this is also why this preparation has taken so long, so many years, so that it would run flawlessly when the time came?

E: 所以这也是准备工作花这么长,这么多年的原因,以便时机到来事情可以完美无瑕地进行。

C: We don’t have a second chance. When the Event is triggered, it has to be done perfectly. It has to be done in near-perfect precision to insure the least amount of violence and loss of human life, so that the basic electricity, food-distribution

chains–all this needs to remain intact. It’s not an easy operation.

C: 我们没有第二次机会。当”事件”被触发,一切就要完美地完成。不得不以近乎完美的精度来完成,确保最低限度的暴力和人命伤亡,以便让基础电力,食物供应链,所有需求保持完整。这不是一个简单的行动。

E: Here in America, will we be seeing it happen to the Americans that are involved or is it going to go around the world?

E: 这里是美国,我们会不会看到事情发生在与美国人身上,或者全世界都会发生?

C: Everywhere.

C: 每一个地方都会。

E: Wow. That is just going to be staggering, it seems to me. Are some of these figures are going to be people that we have heard of? High-profile people?

E: 哇!对我来说似乎有点惊愕。是否有一些人物是我们已经听说过的?引人注目的人物?

C: Some of those people are in politics, but the topmost people are mostly in Black Nobility families and the Jesuits and are not are not public figures so much. There will be some very well-known names and some completely unknown names.

C: 一些人是政界的,但最顶层的人主要是黑色贵族和耶稣会,他们不是那么出名的人公众人物。有一些众所周知的人物,也有一些人完全没听说过的人。

E: A lot of names have gotten thrown around over the years about who is part of this and who are the bad ones, but my sense has been that a lot of the most public figures, more politically high profile, they don’t strike me as having the kind of power that the Cabal leaders have had. That they are really more figureheads…

E: 很多名字这些年来传得很广,关于谁是阴谋集团,谁是坏人。但我的感觉是很多最出名的人,最有政治立场的人,他们有着阴谋集团领导者拥有的权力,这并不让我震惊。他们更多只是有名无实的领袖….

C: Exactly

C: 很对。

E: They haven’t had the freedom of resisting them or they know the consequences of resisting them…

E: 他们没有自由来反抗他们,或者他们知道反抗的后果…

C: Exactly.

C: 正确。

E: …but once they are released from that we will see their true character.

E: …但一旦他们从控制中获得释放,我们将看到他们真实的本性。

C: Yes. Many truths will come out. People will begin to speak finally freely about what they were involved in, and there are many people who were in the Cabal not because they wanted to but because they were forced to, and they will finally be free to talk about their experience and be healed.

C: 是的。很多真相将会浮现。人们终将自由地谈论他们牵涉进什么事情。有很多在阴谋集团里面的人,不只因为他们想这样,而是被强迫,他们将最终将能自由地谈论他们的经历,并得到治愈。

E: It is phenomenal to imagine this happening so fast, but on the other hand it’s encouraging that something as huge as this can happen to completely turn around the misdirection that we’ve been involved in. I know that everyone who cares about the environment and the health of our food and our oceans–everything that has to do with supporting us–we’ve all been so shocked to see everything going in the wrong direction. The way that we’ll get help changing this, from the ET sources…are we going to be participating and learning from these beings or are we going to be just watching something happen like someone waved a magic wand?

E: 想象到所有这些发生得如此快,真是神奇。但另一方面让人鼓舞的是,如此伟大的事情能够发生,完全扭转我们一直以来所关联的错误方向。我知道大家都很关心环境,我们食物的健康,我们的海洋——一切支持着我们的事物——我们震惊地看到每件事都走在错误方向上。我们得到帮助改变这些的方法来自外星…我们会不会参与并从这些存有那里学习,或者我们只是看着就像有人挥动魔术棒一样。

C: No, it will be active participation. There are many technologies that were developed on the surface of the planet that were suppressed, and these will be the first that are released. And then scientists and engineers will learn from those ETs how to go beyond those Earth-based technologies. It will be a partnership; it will be cooperation. Humanity needs to learn to do this by themselves, of course with instruction and a loving guidance from the positive ETs, but humanity will have a very active role in its own future. Humanity will make the basic decisions, not the ETs.

C: 不,这将是积极的参与。有很多科技已经在星球表面开发出来,这些技术以前被禁止了。这些科技将会首批被释放出来。然后科学家和工程师将从那些外星人那里学到如何超越那些地球原来的科技。这将会是伙伴关系,也是一种合作。人类需要学会自己动手,当然会有正面外星种族的指引和爱的指导。但人类在自己的未来中将有着一个非常积极的角色。人类,而不是外星人,将作出基本的决策。

E: That’s an encouraging thing for young people, that they would step right into this as what they will do with their lives to be part of this.

E: 对年轻人来说这是令人鼓舞的,他们正好参与进去,因为他们这辈子所要做的就是成为转变的一部分。

C: They were born for this. This is their destiny.

C: 他们为此而降生,这是他们的命运。

E: And the whole education system will be flipped over and made relevant, right? It won’t be all about training people to be in the corporate structures. Do you think that the long-term vision of humanity is to slide completely out of a currency monetary system and just recognize how they can share and not have it all organized by some version of money? A lot of people hope that it is the end of all this.

E: 整个教育体系会翻转过来,变得符合实际,是吗?不再是训练人们成为公司架构的…你认不认为人类长期的愿景是彻底摆脱货币制度,认识到他们如何能分享,而不是什么都用金钱观念来组织。很多人希望这是它的终结。

C: Yes. It’s very easy because with the available new technology it will be very easy to produce anything people need for their lives.  This is the basic reason why the money will become free, because people will not need it any more. They will have a replicator at home and they will be able to create out of etheric substance everything they will need, their food, everything they need for their physical existence. The perspective of people will go beyond the physical plane because when this is taken care of people will begin to ask, What’s more, What’s the real meaning of life? How can I evolve? What can I do?

C: 是的。这很容易,因为有了新科技,很容易就能制造人们的生活所需。这是货币变得自由的基本原因,因为人们不再需要它了。他们在家里会有一部复制机,他们可以用以太物质制造他们需要的,食物,一切物质生活所需的。人们的视野就超出物质层面,因为物质生活被照顾好后,人们开始问还有什么?生命的意义是什么?我怎样才能进化?我能做什么?

E: This applies to the healing arts, too, that we will be shifted to a different whole way of understanding what it means to heal disease or injuries.

E: 这也适用于医疗技术,我们转换到一条完全不同的道路上,去理解治疗疾病和创伤的意义。

C: It will be a matter of reaching again the inner balance of the human being, because when a human being is in a state of balance, there is no illness possible.

C: 重点在于达到人类内在的平衡,因为当一个人处于平衡状态,就没可能生病。

E: So the first phase is a whole reset and rebalancing of the essential human, who is self-healing and self-evolving and self-expressing.

E: 所以第一阶段是人类基本的自我治疗,自我进化和自我表达的重新设置和再平衡。

C: Of course the technology will support that healing process, but the focal point will be inner balance.

C: 当然科技将支持治疗过程,但重点是内在的平衡。

E: Wow. That’s probably a good way to wind this up this time. It’s been very fascinating to have this kind of conversation with you and I appreciate your making yourself available. If there’s anything else you want to add, that would be fine.

E: 这大概是一个很好收尾。很高兴跟你进行对话,感谢你能抽空到来。你还有什么想补充吗。

C: I would just say, do not give up hope. We are in a very exciting time, although it is quite challenging for many people. We have been born for this time, to make this final victory.

C: 我想说不要放弃希望,我们在一个令人兴奋的时期里。尽管对很多人来说这相当具挑战。我们为了这个时刻而诞生,要达到最后的胜利。

E: That’s true. I feel that way, too. Thank you very much.

E: 是的,我也这么觉得。谢谢你。

C: You are welcome.

C: 不客气。

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