The purpose of this interview is to bring more awareness about certain aspects of Operation Dreamland to the surface population. The questions for this interview were provided by a certain contact who is involved in Operation Dreamland, and answers were provided in italics by Cobra.
The text of the interview is here:
From time to time, you talk about the Order of the Star and how this order has tried to bring an end to the darkness on this planet. The following questions intend to remind us of this Order and help revive the connection with the Order again.

You said Saint Germain, Cagliostro, and Casanova were initiated into Ordo Bucintoro in Venice. Ordo Bucintoro members were guided by the Order of The Star. You said members of this Order planned their lifetimes until the year 2000. Following few questions are related to this information.
您说圣日耳曼、卡里奥斯特罗和卡萨诺瓦在威尼斯加入了奥多.布奇托罗秘密社团(Ordo Bucintoro,又译作:黄金龙船会)。奥多.布奇托罗秘密社受到星际秩序的指引。你说过星际秩序的成员规划他们的转世生活,直至2000年。以下的问题都与此有关。
1. Is everything going according to the plan? Are these members still around or have they left this reality? Do they know who they are?
It is definitely not going according to the plan. Things were proceeding relatively well until 1996, and then the Great Forgetting happened. Most members are still incarnated, but almost without exception they have no idea who they are.
2. In history, Cagliostro has not been portrayed as a positive alchemist. He was related to the Affair of the Diamond necklace which played a role in the French Revolution and execution of Marie Antoinette and many others. Aleister Crowley, whose teachings are known to have played a significant role within occult practices of the elites, has declared that he was Cagliostro in a previous life. Also, many describe Cagliostro and his wife as scammers. Knowing what we know, how did Cagliostro play a positive role for the Order of the Star?
Cagliostro was initiated into Egyptian mysteries by Saint Germain and by a certain occult group in Naples that for almost 1500 years still had uninterrupted access to mysteries of Isis. He was a great occultist and healer. He was accused of involvement into the Affair of the Diamond necklace because of his association with cardinal Rohan, but was later acquitted because they found no evidence against him. He made a fatal mistake by spreading Isis mysteries in the Papal States right under the noses of the Jesuits, and they soon captured him and imprisoned him for life. The Jesuits also spread a lot of disinformation about him, tarnishing his name.
卡里奥斯特罗在圣哲曼和那不勒斯的一个神秘团体的指导下,开始接触埃及神秘学,而那不勒斯近 1500 年来一直可以不间断地接触伊西斯的神秘学。他是一位伟大的神秘学家和治疗师。他因与红衣主教罗汉的关系而被指控参与钻石项链事件,但后来被无罪释放,因为他们没有发现任何对他不利的证据。他犯了一个致命的错误,在教皇国当着耶稣会士的面传播伊西斯的神秘学,他们很快就抓获了他并终身监禁。耶稣会士还散布了很多关于他的虚假信息,玷污了他的名声。
3. In the same context, how did Casanova help the cause? Apparently, he didn’t really believe Saint Germain and questioned him.
3. 在相同的背景下,卡萨诺瓦是如何帮助圣哲曼的?显然,他并不真正相信圣哲曼,而且质疑他。
Casanova was somewhat unbalanced. He was initiated into the mysteries but did not comprehend them fully. This is the reason he did not trust Saint Germain, as he saw him through his own prejudices.
4. We know that Saint Germain played a significant role in Europe in the 18th century. Some say that he had in his possession the philosopher’s stone and this is how he managed to stay young. But it seems he has left this reality. Some say that he lost his stone. Is he still with us? Has he lost his stone?
4. 我们知道圣哲曼在18世纪的欧洲扮演着重要的角色。有人说他拥有贤者之石,这就是他保持青春的方法。但似乎他已经离开了这个实相。有人说他丢失了贤者之石。他还在我们身边吗?他丢失了贤者之石吗?
Saint Germain has ascended in 1784 and thus completely transformed his physical body. He has not lost the stone, it is hidden in a safe place.
5. Some say that Saint Germain showed up in the room in the Independence Hall in July 1776 and encouraged the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Is this true? Is this because Saint Germain knew the US would be playing a significant role in ending the darkness? Do you have any information on this?
5. 有人说圣哲曼于1776年7月出现在美国独立厅的房间里,并鼓励签署《独立宣言》。这是真的吗?这是因为圣哲曼知道美国会在结束黑暗中发挥重要作用吗?你知道关于此的什么信息吗?
Yes that is true. He had big plans for the United States, he saw the leading role of that country in the creation of the New Atlantis. He saw a time when all darkness will disappear and the Golden age will begin.
6. In your previous posts, you described us how Brotherhood of the Star influenced history. You basically said the order influenced the area of Florence in the 15th century, Venice in the 16th century, England in the 17th century, Paris in the 18th century. Is it safe to say that the order’s presence was significant in California area in the second half of the 20th century? If so, this presence is no longer felt there. On the contrary, California became a home place for the Church of Satan. What happened there? Was creating a city of light in LA Saint Germain’s plan? Was it his last plan for us to defeat darkness? Does he have more plans?
6. 在你之前的帖子中,你向我们描述了星光兄弟会如何影响了历史。基本上来说,该兄弟会影响了15世纪的佛罗伦萨地区、16世纪的威尼斯、17世纪的英国和 18世纪的巴黎。是否可以肯定地说,该兄弟会在20世纪下半叶对加利福尼亚地区的影响力很大?如果是这样,那么这种影响力在那里已经不复存在了。与之相反的是,加利福尼亚成为了撒旦教会的故乡。那里发生了什么?在洛杉矶建立一个光之城是圣哲曼的计划吗?这是他让我们战胜黑暗的最后计划吗?他还有其他计划吗?
Brotherhood of the Star activated many members of the Order of the Star which incarnated in the second half of the 20th century in California. There were plans to create an Island of Light near Los Angeles, and to trigger the mass Ascension process from there. Those plans were destroyed during the dark invasion in 1996. Also, Light Forces have lost the occult war in California in 2019. Now the situation is very slowly improving, and Saint Germain is energetically activating positive occult and esoteric groups there since the beginning of November.
7. It seems Saint Germain also influenced many in their works of art. Why is that? How listening to Mozart, looking at a statue, or a painting can help us? Can art help us establish a connection with the Order of the Star?
7. 圣哲曼似乎也影响了许多人的艺术作品。这是为什么?听莫扎特的音乐、看雕像或艺术创作如何帮助我们?艺术能帮助我们与星际秩序建立连结吗?
He was influencing art to become a portal to higher consciousness. Listening to Magic Flute, or looking at a Canova sculpture, or meditating at a painting by Vigee Le Brun can help us reach the consciousness of the Soul.
8. It seems most secret orders have been infiltrated by the Cabal. In fact, it can even be said that the old teachings of the Goddess were used to mind program people and develop black technologies to be used against humanity. If we think outside of the box, can the plan be about showing us how these teachings can be used in dark ways? Is this about us understanding that technology is supposed to develop with consciousness together in parallel so that we understand technology must be used by the being whose consciousness is ready for it? Or can this be the last plan?
8. 似乎大多数秘密组织都被阴谋集团渗透了。事实上甚至可以说,女神的古老教义被用来对人们进行思想编程,并开发用于对抗人类的黑色技术。如果我们跳出思维定势,这个计划是否可以向我们展示这些教义是如何用于黑暗的方式的?这是否是为了让我们理解技术应该同意识一起发展,以便我们理解技术必须由意识层面已经准备好的人进行使用?这可能是最后一个计划吗?
It is true most secret orders were infiltrated. But now it is time for the true teachings to be restored again. But they can be revealed to humanity only to the degree humanity is developed enough to understand and and absorb them, and technology needs to be developed in balance with spiritual understanding.
9. Can you explain how the Goddess is connected to the Brotherhood of the Star?
9. 你可以解释一下,女神与星光兄弟会的连结吗?
Goddess energy has been suppressed drastically in the last 2000 years, and certain activations between Saint Germain and Princess de Lamballe in the 1770s have begun to restore the Goddess presence within the Brotherhood of the Star. That process is still ongoing.