Cobra 10月14日亚力珊卓拉新访谈
October 14, 2012 COBRA Transcript

GR Ok, I just wanted to sort of open the floor to you. What kind of information or intel is most prescient at the moment and pressing?
GR: 好的。我们就先来讨论一下吧。COBRA您现在有什么急迫或要紧的信息或情报要分享的吗?
COBRA Ok um, I have made a couple of posts that are quite important. The first one is about the Day of Decision in about a week. It is the beginning of the second window of opportunity so this is a good chance for us to push forward with the light and make the final breakthrough. So this is just a call to people to join forces and to make the decision for liberation. Because as you probably know, decision is the key factor of free will and if the critical mass of human beings use their free will and make that decision, this can create a quantum leap and be this last element needed to make that quantum leap.
COBRA:好的。 我最近有在网站上发表了几个相当重要的文章。第一个是关于在一个礼拜里面的抉择之日。这是第二个机会之窗的开启之日,所以是光明阵营向前迈进并且拿下最后一城的大好日子,也是唤醒人们加入光并且选择解放的时刻。你大概也知道抉择是自由意志的关键。只要用自由意志选择解放的人数达到临界点的话,就可以达成人类意识的量子跃进,而且我们现在就只差这临门一脚了。
COBRA So this is the first post, the second post is about the master plan, I have just explained a little bit about the background about the liberation of this planet and The master plan, um I would describe this as the forces of light that are beyond this planet will help, from the background by contacting the fluid group of people who would be the most suitable at that particular moment to create the event. So I think this is the most important information at this point to prepare us for the coming changes.
COBRA: 第二篇文章是有关『总计划』。我之前讲过一些地球解放行动和『总计划』的来龙去脉。这么说好了,地球之外的光的势力会在幕后联系特定的流动团体,进而在最适当的时机启动事件。对大家来说,当下最重要的事情就是准备好迎接后续的变革吧。
GR For those who are not familiar with your blog, can you go over some of the most basic concepts behind this post “the master plan?” and what people can do specifically to assist with the decision that we have to make.
COBRA Ok so, I would say, very shortly, there are positive forces that are beyond this planet, very positive forces who have been working on the liberation of this planet for thousands and thousands of years and they were preparing for this time. And now we have come to the point where they are beginning to communicate with the surface population through me and through some other messengers one way or the other and time has come now for the surface population of this planet to actively cooperate with the plan and uh, what they said to me or communicate to me is that one of the critical factors here is human free will. Human decision. So if the critical mass of human beings make the decision for liberation, liberation will happen and the event that we are having next week will help with that critical mass. The other factor which is very important here is, they communicated to me that one of the main reasons for the delay or one of the main reasons this hasn’t happened before is because human beings have not learned to cooperate with each other. Instead of that there are accusations, fights, conflicts and most of this is artificial. It is created by so-called “Archons” and their minions, reptilians on the Astral plane. Uh, I would say that those beings on the astral plane are shall we say nonphysical planes. They have quite a good overview of human weakspots, of every human being. And what they do is they pressure upon those weak spots and they create conflict. And this is what was happening very intensively in the last few months, just especially just because we are so close to the final breakthrough. This is why the other side has become a little bit crazy and a little bit paranoid and will try to do whatever they can to stop the progress of light. But yet again here, the key decision is the free will of every human being. Will I be subjected to those attacks, it is a decision for every human being, will I be tool for those attacks or not? So I would ask every human being who is listening to this to say “no” to that influence. Learn to support each other and to cooperate with each other and do not accuse anybody without having real proof. So that is my message at this point.
GR So would you say these so-called reptilians or astral beings are they just essentially thoughts that get in the way of positive progress? How does someone who is not familiar with these terms understand this?
GR: 所以这些爬虫人或所谓的星光生物本质上只是想阻扰我们进步的消极思想啰?请问一下有没有比较浅显易懂的说法呢?
COBRA Um, they are real beings but are not living on the physical plane. I think most people would agree with me that the physical plane is not the only plane of existence that we have. And without understanding that there is more to this world than just the physical plane, we cannot liberate this planet because the key influence that is blocking the progress of light is not on the physical plane. The physical cabal could not control humanity without massive assistance from the Astral plane. The wars could not be made, they could not be created without that massive support of forces from the Astral plane – it would not be possible. So, by becoming aware of this you become stronger Because you know what’s going on, and one of the key factors here is just to be aware of what is going on. And then the light will be stronger and at a certain point we’ll be strong enough for the final breakthrough, for the event.
GR Now you hear about in various sources or channels so-called “Earth Allies,” and these are I guess people who exist in various military agencies, intelligence groups et cetera. What do they have to do that is different than regular citizens that has to do with the plan and the day of decision?
COBRA Ok I will explain. The term “earth allies” actually goes to the Resistance Movement. This is a description of the Resistance Movement a different description of the same thing. Most of the Resistance Movement exists below the surface of the earth, underground in their underground bases and installations. There are very few Resistance movement operatives who are on the surface of this planet and yes some of them are inside the military. And those who are inside the military have contacted other people inside the military who are the ones who are actually carrying out the plan of liberation And this is not limited to just the US military, it is also in other parts of the world, it is a global operation. This is something people need to understand it is not just located inside the United States. The whole Planet needs to be liberated, at once.
GR When these individuals in the various agencies are made aware that they are an “earth ally” what kind of experience would they have that would begin that journey, do you know that? Is that something you’re aware of?
GR:当这些神秘人知道自己是地球盟友之后,他们会有什么特别的历练吗? 这方面有没有什么是您知道的?
COBRA Some of those people were contacted physically in the last few decades and were given physical proof about the existence of the Resistance movement and some of them chose to cooperate.
GR Oh, so since that time they have chosen to help in some way? Are they contacted individually and given certain tasks? how does that work?
GR: 所以也就是那个时候他们决定想办法帮忙啰? 请问组织是不是个别与他们接洽然后指派任务呢? 这个通联网络又是怎么运作的呢?
COBRA Yes, most of them are contacted individually and given very specific intel just pertaining to their own specific mission and they are given just enough information so that they understand what is going on and a certain trust is created. Because this network of light is based on trust, a certain amount of trust needs to be created for this to be successful.
GR You know this is interesting because it corroborates something that has happened to me in the last 6 months, but I have not yet disclosed on my site. I was contacted by a vietnam veteran who had a storied military lineage and he contacted me because of a whistleblower I hosted on my site named “Dutch.” he actually reported to me that he was abducted during the course of his service and had a period of 10 hours of missing time and when he awoke he found that the individual he was with he could communicate somewhat telepathically. He said that he was given a mission by these beings which he described as energetic beings – they didn’t have physical form. And what he had to do initially was to help confiscate and dispose of weaponry which was being reverse engineered by he said “other, negative extra terrestrials” to be used against the human race.
COBRA Yes, things like that were happening but not by the Resistance Movement. The resistance movement never abducted anybody. Most of the contact was made by a short conversation and a presentation of evidence. And of course all of those conversations remain confidential. The ones who were contacted did not talk about it to anybody.
GR So it’s a real physical contact then.
COBRA Yes, yes.
GR Gotcha. Ok, well I wanted to also ask you about some comments recently made by [Pentagon Insider] Drake I’m not sure if you’ve listened to the show or heard of this…
GR: 哈哈。 我还想问您有关最近德雷克【五角大厦线人】做的评论,不晓得您听说过没有…
COBRA I did not listen to the show but I read some things elsewhere and on various blogs.
GR Well I’m gonna play the clip real quick so that those who haven’t heard it can have some context and then I’ll let you respond.
Drake: Umm, COBRA, 2012 Portal. Umm, Ladies and Gentlemen, COBRA has put out some blatantly false, totally misleading HORSE HOCKEY on several occasions and no COBRA, I ain’t backin up! Quit Playin. I know who you work for and who signs your paycheck, and your location and a few other things, uh, if you didn’t work for the Cabal, you wouldn’t have anything to say, ok? Professional Shill? Absolutely.
德雷克: 阿哈…老兄。各位观众朋友,他老兄近来骗很大阿,有好几次讲的东西都是混淆视听的垃圾话! 我操,我不吃你这套。我不干了! 我知道你的幕后金主是谁,你的藏匿地点,还有其它五四三的东西。要不是你帮阴谋集团办事,你连个屁都放不出来对吧? 说他是在发钓鱼文吗? 肯定是啦!
COBRA Ok, um, when he came forward in march of this year he actually had contact with one of those people who were contacted by the Resistance [movement]. But after some events happened in early May of this year, that contact was disconnected. and he had some conditional contacts through May and June, but then he lost it. And actually he lost his main source of intel and I would simply say that he is not informed any longer so he makes his choices on some mixture of information and disinformation. So what he is saying about me now is disinformation, I am actually quite surprised that he uses sources like Former White Hat and similar sources.
COBRA:这个嘛。 其实他在今年三月确实有跟一位我们的联系人搭上线。不过今年五月初发生了一些事情导致他们之间断了联系。然后我们在五六月之间也曾有条件地跟他接触,只是他没有把握好机会。我会说他现在不再是我们这个情报圈的人了,所以他会选择性的发表他的言论。他现在对我的评论就不是真的。我很讶异他会采用『前任白帽子』之类的消息来源。
GR Gotcha. In the Master Plan post you mention from a very credible source that Neil Keenan is not the trustee for the Collateral Accounts uh, I’m not sure if you can reveal that information at this time but can you speak about what’s happening in the Financial world and the new financial system?
COBRA The first thing that was happening in the beginning of this year I have received reports from the Resistance movement that the White Dragon society is not as white as it should be and there was some infighting over the collateral accounts and things like that. Then I start hearing reports during the summer of this year that not everything is ok with this whole Keenan situation and from other sources as well but I didn’t want to post anything before I was 100% sure so I check this thing directly through a contact who is very close to the real trustee of the Collateral Accounts and yes he said to me Keenan is not the real deal. So I am just relaying the message I received. I cannot say for myself because I don’t know Keenan, and I don’t know the trustee directly but one of my contacts who is actually in very close contact with the real trustee confirmed this to me, with evidence. And to say it shortly there is a lot of infighting and a lot of greed taking place in various positive groups who are supposed to bring those collateral accounts to humanity and I am in contact with other groups not exposed to the public who are working with much more positive motivation to bring those accounts to the public. But I will not announce anything because that would not serve the purpose. The purpose is actually the action itself so that things start happening. And those collateral accounts will be brought to humanity exactly at the point that the Cabal loses its power.
GR Like all posts on the golden rule you must use your own discernment when considering what COBRA or anyone else says is “true.” I am providing the content for you to make your own decision about what that information means to you. I find it Fitting then that my discussion with COBRA focuses on “Decisions”
I also thought the contrast between Drake and COBRA’s comments interesting – made more so by the fact that Drake never offered details of what COBRA’s disinformation was regarding. While COBRA keeps much of his information guarded, I find myself agreeing with what he says. I happen to agree that we have a free-will problem here on earth and don’t see what is “disinformation” about urging all human beings to make the decision to free themself.
His words resonate with me and I bet also apply to many of you out there. In truth, declaring your sovereignty in the face of our tyrants is the only truly effective course of action we are left to make…And isn’t it our duty afterall?
That said, I do not know enough about the situation with the collateral accounts or any of the legal action being taken to make comments about that below. I welcome your comments and questions for consideration for future interviews.
In closing, hear what COBRA had to say about his upcoming conferences and thank you for listening.
GR:就跟我们在Golden Rule 网站上发表的文章一样,大家都要审慎评估COBRA或其他人所讲的东西。我负责提供文章让大家自行判断并且思索它们对你的意义。我觉得今天跟COBRA深入讨论抉择实在是再适合不过了。
相信大家心里对今天的访问都很有感觉。 说穿了,在一群暴君面前宣示自己的主权我们是手边唯一合法而且有效的行动了。 这也不正好人民身为地球村主人应尽的责任吗?
最后请COBRA对接下来聚会做最后的叮咛 感谢大家今天的收听。
COBRA Actually I would invite everybody who would like to go to join this conference because it is not just a presentation of intel, it is an energetic event. It is a transformational for everybody who is willing to participate. And those conferences are a actually a very good thing, I know other people are doing conferences similar to this. Each of those events helps in reaching the critical mass for the planet so everybody is invited.
Also I would like to say to people that now it’s time for everybody to learn to be tolerant and learn to cooperate. Because what I recieved from the pleiadians is that not only does the Cabal need to be removed but they will appear only to the extent that people learn to cooperate with each other and learn not to judge each other. They are a peaceful nation and they do not want to be involved in a human situation directly until humanity advances at least to a certain extent.